
COVID death rate is now similar to death rate from Influenza: CDC - Oct 2024

COVID-19 Deaths in USA Now Officially In Line with Influenza: Under 50,000 and 1.4% of Total Deaths


  • "The number of deaths associated with COVID-19 continue to be perceived as considerably higher, given the attention to ongoing vaccination programs by federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, TrialSite’s latest review of mortality rates and COVID-19 find that the number has now dipped well under 50,000, approaching about 40,000 for the year or as of current CDC statistics 1.4% of all deaths. The COVID-19 death rates are now in line with influenza which ranges from 12,000 to 51,000 per annum."


Note The above does not consider: Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies