
Pregnant Women might find Global Warming Dangerous (lower vitamin D) – Nov 2017

Global Warming Might Be Especially Dangerous for Pregnant Women Atlantic

Scientists are concerned that heat waves could be linked to more premature births and stillbirths.
Vitamin D is not mentioned

  • “A handful of researchers . . . accumulating evidence suggesting that higher temperatures could be linked to a higher risk of premature births, stillbirths, or other negative pregnancy outcomes.”
  • “ . . shown a link between air pollution and negative pregnancy outcomes,. . “
  • “Stillbirth risk was 10.4 percent higher with a 10-degree Fahrenheit apparent-temperature increase”


Hot ==> reduced Vitamin D
On hot days people people avoid the noonday sun (which has the UV needed to make vitamin D

Air pollution ==> reduced Vitamin D

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday November 21, 2017 18:19:37 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 3)