
VA found less testing for vitamin D resulted in increased health costs – Jan 2012

Bailey, Beth A.1; Manning, Todd2; Peiris, Alan N.3 alan.peiris at va.gov ==> alan.peiris at ttuhsc.edu
1: Department of Family Medicine, East Tennessee State University, P.O. Box 70621, Johnson City, TN 37614.
2: Mountain Home VAMC, Johnson City, TN 37684.
3: Mountain Home VAMC, Medicine Service-111, Mountain Home, TN 37684.
Military Medicine, Volume 177, Number 1, January 2012 , pp. 70-76(7)

Color display of data in a Nursing honors thesis: by YUISA M. COLÓN

VA found less testing for vitamin D resulted in increased health costs – Jan 2012
 Download the TBI thesis PDF from VitaminDWiki yuisac at hotmail.com

 Download Bailey PDF from VitaminDWiki
Veterans have a profound degree of vitamin D deficiency that may contribute to adverse health outcomes.
Some veterans, especially African Americans at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, may not be receiving appropriate attention.

We hypothesized variations in vitamin D status and monitoring across six different VAMCs and that these differences are associated with health care costs.

A retrospective analysis of the medical data in the Veterans Integrated Service Network 9 (Southeastern United States) was performed, yielding a sample of 15,340 veterans.

Monitoring of vitamin D, vitamin D levels, and medical costs and services in all categories varied greatly by site.
Memphis tested vitamin D levels less often despite the increased minority presence and high levels of deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency and lack of monitoring predicted increased inpatient health care costs at all sites, but did not fully account for site-cost variations in controlled analyses.

Vitamin D deficiency remains a significant problem among veterans in the Southeastern United States and is closely linked to increased health care costs.
We recommend protocols that recognize site differences and facilitate testing and monitoring of vitamin D levels, especially in high-risk groups of veterans.

See also VitaminDWiki

Veterans and Germans VDW 8910

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