
Vitamin D Recommendations around the world - IU and ng

Recommendations around the world during the past 50 years have varied a lot. Almost all have gone up, but a few have gone down

This page is divided into three sections

  1. How much to take = IU = International Units
  2. How much vitamin D in blood serum: nanograms/ml
  3. Toxicity - a rare thing

Institute of Medicine 2010, Endocrine Society 2011, European 2012

see wikipage http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=3057

More on IU at VitaminDWiki

see for example wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2322

2009 and later minimum recommended levels

derived from Grassroots 2013
Click on image for more details

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1293

Consensus: 0 ng is bad and 30 ng is good/ok

CLICK HERE for Vitamin D opinions

3) Upper Limit and Toxicity at VitaminDWiki

See also in VitaminDWiki

Only a tiny number of people get even the "minimum wage" of vitamin D (orange line)

Less than 5% of all females, 0% of females ages 14-31%%%Less than 10% of males
None of the seniors (over age 71)

from Dietary Guidelines for Americans vitamin D - June 2010
short URL for this page = http://tinyurl.com/vitDrec

Vitamin D Recommendations around the world - IU and ng        
97284 visitors, last modified 30 Jul, 2023,
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397 BMJ recommendations Jan 2010.png admin 07 Jan, 2011 43.12 Kb 3798