
Menstrual cycle disorders 5X more likely in teens if less than 30 ng of Vitamin D – Nov 2018

The Relationship between Vitamin D Status and the Menstrual Cycle in Young Women: A Preliminary Study.

Nutrients. 2018 Nov 11;10(11). pii: E1729. doi: 10.3390/nu10111729.

<30 ng30-80 ng
Long cycles40 % 12 % ?
Oligomenorrhoea 27 %6 %
Amenorrhoea 13 % 6 %

Women category starts with the following

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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate serum vitamin D levels and to compare these with the menstrual cycle in young women with different body weights.

METHODS: Eighty-four students were recruited into the study of which 77 remained at the study's completion. Women were assigned to one of two subgroups, according to their 25-hydroxy vitamin D test level [25(OH)D] in which 60 women had low 25(OH)D levels (LD < 30 ng/mL) and 17 had normal levels (ND > 30 ng/mL ≤ 80 ng/mL).

RESULTS: In the LD group, 40% of participants reported having long cycles, 27% were classified as having oligomenorrhoea, and 13% as having amenorrhoea. In the ND group, only 12% reported menstrual cycle disorders, 6% had oligomenorrhoea, and 6% had amenorrhoea. Women who did not meet the recommended level of 30 ng/mL of 25(OH)D had almost five times the odds of having menstrual cycle disorders as women who were above the recommended vitamin D level.

CONCLUSION: A relationship was demonstrated between the frequency of menstrual disorders and low levels of vitamin D. Supplementation is necessary in women with low levels of vitamin D in order to compensate for this deficiency and to assess its effect in regulating menstrual disorders.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday February 24, 2020 13:12:11 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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11017 Menstural vs D.jpg admin 08 Dec, 2018 73.03 Kb 1064
11016 Menstural Disorders.jpg admin 08 Dec, 2018 58.71 Kb 887
11015 Menstrual Cycle.pdf admin 08 Dec, 2018 205.85 Kb 791