Employer Health Insurance Is Increasingly Unaffordable, Study Finds New York Times
- "While some people, usually higher-paid professionals or union members, enjoy generous coverage from their job, people making $25,000 or less — about 36 million Americans — are the most likely to be priced out of coverage, he said."
- HighDeductible Health Plan with Savings Option = HDHP/SO
Cost of deductables has increased along with the cost of drugs
HAVEN is trying to reduce medical costs
- Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Team Up to Try to Disrupt Health Care NYT Jan 2018
- https://havenhealthcare.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haven_(healthcare)
- Nov 2019 Plans working with existing insurnace companies would include:
- Free preventive care,
- No coinsurance or deductible,
- $15 copays for visits to in-network primary care doctors
- A flat fee (fixed copays) for medical services, procedures and prescription drugs
- Annual out-of-pocket maximums
Medicaid is now paying many medcal bills
- Medicaid pays for 70 percent of US pregnancies for women under age 25 – April 2019
- Medicaid pays medical bills of 40 percent of children and 46 percent of pregnancies - Aug 2018
- Medicaid Provides Health Coverage for 28 Percent of Black Adults and 57 Percent of Black Children July 2017
- > 20% of the entire US population on Medicaid