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Many in US can no longer afford the total cost of health care - Kaiser 2019

Employer Health Insurance Is Increasingly Unaffordable, Study Finds New York Times

Kaiser 2019 report

  • "While some people, usually higher-paid professionals or union members, enjoy generous coverage from their job, people making $25,000 or less — about 36 million Americans — are the most likely to be priced out of coverage, he said."
  • High­Deductible Health Plan with Savings Option = HDHP/SO

Cost of deductables has increased along with the cost of drugs








HAVEN is trying to reduce medical costs

Medicaid is now paying many medcal bills

Cost of US health exceeds the cost of food

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday January 13, 2020 22:16:29 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 10)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12679 Kaiser financial incentive for lower cost plan.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 60.86 Kb 494
12675 NYT Medical Costs.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 31.94 Kb 472
12674 Kaiser part time.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 49.44 Kb 482
12673 Kaiser screening incentive.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 43.45 Kb 470
12672 Kaiser smaller firms.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 71.87 Kb 465
12671 Kaiser 2000 deductable.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 60.34 Kb 490
12670 Kaiser A average.jpg admin 25 Sep, 2019 56.82 Kb 526