
Neurosurgical ICU patients critically low on Vitamin D – Feb 2018

Association of admission serum levels of vitamin D, calcium, Phosphate, magnesium and parathormone with clinical outcomes in neurosurgical ICU patients

Scientific Reports | (2018) 8:2965 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21177-4
Seyed Hossein Ardehali1, Salman Dehghan2, Ahmad Reza Baghestani3, Aynaz Velayati2 & Zahra Vahdat Shariatpanahi2


PDF tables show that levels of Calcium, phosphate, Magnesium, etc. were not critical parameters
Note: Very high-dose Vitamin D while in the ICU provides huge benefits within a few days

Pages in BOTH of the categories: Trauma/Surgery and Loading Dose

Trauma and surgery category starts with the following

Trauma and Surgery category has 355 articles

Large dose Vitamin D before surgery was found to help by 35 studies
Vitamin D is needed before many surgeries – many studies and RCTs
4.8 X more likely to die within 28 days of ICU if low Vitamin D - Jan 2024
Sepsis is both prevented and treated by Vitamin D - many studies
Thyroidectomy and Vitamin D - many studies
Orthopaedic surgeries need Vitamin D – many studies
Cancer - After diagnosis   chemotherapy
TBI OR "Traumatic Brain Injury - 21 in title as of Sept 2022
Superbug (Clostridium difficile) Infections strongly associated with low vitamin D - many studies
Glutamine and Omega-3 have also been proven to help several traumas/surgeries
   Note: Vitamin D also prevents the need for various surgeries and Omega-3 prevents many concussions/TBI
Trauma and Surgery is associated with 22 other VitaminDWiki categories
  Such as loading dose 33, Mortality 23, Infant-Child 21 Intervention 19 Cardiovascular 13, Injection 13 in Sept 2022

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

To evaluate the association of admission serum levels of 25(OH)D, parathormone and the related electrolytes with severity of illness and clinical outcomes in neurosurgical critically ill patients, serum levels of 25(OH)D, parathormone, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, along with APACHE II score were measured for 210 patients upon admission. Mean serum 25(OH)D was 21.1 ± 7.4 ng/mL. 25(OH)D deficiency (less than 20 ng/dL) and elevated serum parathormone level were found in 47.6% and 38% of patients respectively. Hypocalcaemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesaemia and hypermagnesaemia were found in 29.5%, %63.8, 41.9% and 27.6% of patients respectively. The APACHE II score was significantly correlated with serum levels of 25(OH)D, parathormone, calcium, and phosphate. Multivariate regression analysis adjusted by other risk factors showed that among all clinical outcomes, admission hypovitaminosis D was associated with longer duration of ICU stay and a high admission of parathormone was associated with in ICU mortality. We concluded that disorders of admission serum levels of 25(OH)D, parathormone, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate are related to the presence of multiple causal factors such as severity of disease and are not independently associated with clinical outcomes. Most often they are normalize spontaneously with resolution of the disease process.

Table 1. Characteristics of patients based on 25-hydroxyvitamin D categorized groups.
*One-way ANOVA (mean ± SD), **Man-Whitney (median, IQ), ***Chi square.
1 LOS Length of stay,(days in hospital)
2 SOFA Sequentional organ failure assessment,
3 NV Mechanical ventilation.
Values with diferent superscript letters are signifcantly diferent.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday September 11, 2018 20:40:15 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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