
Chronic Kidney Disease decreases Vitamin D in 4 ways – Nov 2017

Role of Vitamin D in Uremic Vascular Calcification

BioMed Research International https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2803579
Yi-Chou Hou ,1 Wen-Chih Liu ,2,3 Cai-Mei Zheng ,2,4,5 Jing-Quan Zheng,2,6 Tzung-Hai Yen ,7 and Kuo-Cheng Lu 1,2,8


Kidney problems are one of several health problems which result in less Vitamin D

Kidney category starts with

Overview Kidney and vitamin D contains the following summary

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The risk of cardiovascular death is 10 times higher in patients with CKD (chronic kidney disease) than in those without CKD. Vascular calcification, common in patients with CKD, is a predictor of cardiovascular mortality. Vitamin D deficiency, another complication of CKD, is associated with vascular calcification in patients with CKD. GFR decline, proteinuria, tubulointerstitial injury, and the therapeutic dose of active form vitamin D aggravate vitamin D deficiency and reduce its pleiotropic effect on the cardiovascular system. Vitamin D supplement for CKD patients provides a protective role in vascular calcification on the endothelium by

  • (1) renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inactivation,
  • (2) alleviating insulin resistance,
  • (3) reduction of cholesterol and inhibition of foam cell and cholesterol efflux in macrophages, and
  • (4) modulating vascular regeneration.

For the arterial calcification, vitamin D supplement provides adjunctive role in regressing proteinuria, reverse renal osteodystrophy, and restoring calcification inhibitors. Recently, adventitial progenitor cell has been linked to be involved in the vascular calcification. Vitamin D may provide a role in modulating adventitial progenitor cells. In summary, vitamin D supplement may provide an ancillary role for ameliorating uremic vascular calcification.

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