Swansons Vitamins Health Blog
So how do you feel when you get back from vacation? Let's say you just got back from Hawaii. You had some sun. You lay on the beach. You feel really good. How do you feel when you're lying on the beach? You feel amazing. How did you feel that night, going out for dinner? You feel really, really well.
You know, what we're finding is sunshine is the happy vitamin. Sunshine equals more vitamin D. So let's talk a little bit about vitamin D. Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin. If you look back when it was coined back in the 1940s, it's actually a hormone. It's almost identical in structure to testosterone. So vitamin D and testosterone have a lot of similar effects on the body.
You know testosterone's touted for increasing strength, increasing bone density, increasing vitality, increasing energy. Vitamin D is almost exactly the same molecule. It's just slightly changed. If you look at our body, there's a receptor for vitamin D on almost every cell on your body. So that means when you have vitamin D in your body, it's going to affect the processes of any part of your body.
Some of the positive things vitamin D can do for you is vitamin D can increase bone density in both males and females. It decrease arthritis rates and it decreases fractures. It also is known as the kind of happy vitamin. There's a syndrome called SAD, seasonal affective disorder, which is just related to that fluctuation of vitamin D goes down in the winter months, kind of creeps back up in the summer. So you feel more energetic in the summer. Very easy. Get more vitamin D during the winter months.
Interestingly enough, they did a study on seniors down in Florida during the summer months, and their vitamin D levels were sub-optimal. So it's just saying the sun is usually not adequate to get your levels to a high enough level. If you look at the levels in a lab, it's usually a normal. It's 30 to 100, okay? So some people come up to me and they'll say, "Oh, my level's 31. I'm great. My vitamin D level's normal." I'll say, "Well, it's normal, but it's not optimal." You want to be optimal, so you want to get that level from 30 up to about an 80. So vitamin D optimization's what we're talking about. We're not talking about normal vitamin D, we're talking about optimization.
So vitamin D's very, very important for a lot of different reasons. Another interesting study shows that people who take vitamin D had up to a 20% increase in their strength, just by taking a vitamin D supplementation, to get that level up towards an optimum level.
So either go lay out in the sun. But unfortunately a lot of us live in states where it's a little bit colder. We're not outside as often. And if not, take some vitamin D to get those levels a little bit higher.
It appears that Vitamin D is the most powerful hormone in the body
- Influences the most genes
- Influences the most parts of the body
- Prevents or treats the most diseases
Have been looking for documentation, but no data yet.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Do You need a Suncation or just vitamin D - Nov 2012
- Suncation adds 12 ng of vitamin D to Sweden women – Sept 2013
- Sunny vacations are one of the ways to raise vitamin D levels – June 2013
- Noontime sun and D category listing with associated searches
- Increased D levels responsible for Dead Sea therapy – May 2011
- Sunny side of the hill is the healthiest – 400BC
- Overview Vitamin D books and videos
- The new happy pill, vitamin D – Prevention July 2013
- Depression category listing with associated searches
270 items The TOP (most read) articles in Depression and Vitamin D are listed here:
- More vitamin D needed, unsure level needed and for how long (depression in this case) – Review Aug 2021
- Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Depression in Nepalese 3.5 X more likely if low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Vitamin D treatment of diabetes (50,000 IU every 2 weeks) augmented by probiotic – RCT June 2018
- Omega-3 and Vitamin D each treat many mental health problems - April 2018
- Happy Nurses Project gave Omega-3 for 3 months – reduced depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc for a year – RCT July 2018
- Women had better sexual desire, orgasm and satisfaction after Vitamin D supplementation – Feb 2018
- Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
- Vitamin D for depression and PCOS: killing two birds with one stone ( should be 60 birds) – July 2015
- ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
- Tricyclic antidepressants reduce the active but not the normally measured form of vitamin D in seniors – April 2014
- Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014
- Inflammation causes Depression, perhaps this is why vitamin D helps with depression – Sept 2013
- Reduced depression with single 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D – RCT June 2013
- Fewest Google searches for Mental Health when there is lots of vitamin D from the sun – May 2013
- Every school shooter had used antidepression drugs, but how many were low on vitamin D
- Mental health problems cut in half when have adequate level of vitamin D – Jan 2013
- Hypothesis: Some Mental Illness could be treated or prevented with vitamin D
- Much less depression if higher than 43 ng of vitamin D – Oct 2012
- Major depression associated with low vitamin D and low bone density – July 2012
- Pregnant blacks 50 pcnt more likely to be depressed if 3 ng less vitamin D – July 2012
- Depression not reduced with 5700 IU vitamin D average in 6 months – July 2012
Short url = http://is.gd/happyvitaminThe happy Vitamin – Vitamin D – a 2 minute video March 201410067 visitors, last modified 23 Mar, 2014, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)