Joint Effects of Obesity and Vitamin D Insufficiency on Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes -!Results from the NHANES 2001–2006
Diabetes Care June 29, 2012
Shaum M. Kabadi, MPH?, Brian K. Lee, PHD and Longjian Liu, MD, PHD, MSC Longjian Liu, ll85 at
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Drexel University School of Public Health, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
OBJECTIVE The possible interaction of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and obesity in regard to type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance has not been well studied. To explore the effect modification of obesity on the association between 25(OH)D and insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, data were examined from a nationally representative sample.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The analytic sample for the type 2 diabetes analysis (n = 12,900) was limited to participants from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001–2006 over 20 years of age. Participants >20 years of age assigned to the morning session and free of diabetes were limited to the insulin resistance analysis (n = 5,806). Multiplicative interaction was assessed through a cross-product interaction term in a multiple logistic regression model. The presence of additive interaction between insufficient 25(OH)D and obesity (indicated by BMI or waist circumference) was evaluated by calculation of the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI) and attributable proportion due to interaction (AP).
RESULTS There was no multiplicative interaction of insufficient 25(OH)D and obesity on type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.
Furthermore, none of the RERI or AP values were statistically significant in the diabetes analysis.
However, there was strong additive interaction between abdominal obesity and insufficient 25(OH)D (RERI 6.45 [95% CI 1.03–11.52]) in regard to insulin resistance.
In addition, 47% of the increased odds of insulin resistance can be explained by interaction between insufficient 25(OH)D and high BMI (AP 0.47 [95% CI 0.08–0.87]).
CONCLUSIONS Within a cross-sectional, nationally representative sample, abdominal obesity and insufficient 25(OH)D interact to synergistically influence the risk of insulin resistance.
Received February 2, 2012, Accepted April 29, 2012, © 2012 by the American Diabetes Association.
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Note: Not all obesity, just abdominal obesity
See also VitaminDWiki
- All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D
557 items - All items in category Obesity and Vitamin D
444 items - Overview Diabetes and vitamin D
- Overview Obesity and Vitamin D
- Obesity lowers vitamin D which increases probability of diabetes in children – Nov 2011
- Low vitamin D associated with obesity-related diseases for ethnic minorities – Sept 2011
- Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D Diabetes is one of the Metabolic Syndrome diseases
- Obesity lowers vitamin D which increases probability of diabetes in children – Nov 2011
Items in both categories Obesity and Diabetes:
- Vitamin D, minerals (Mg, Ca, K, Phosphate, Na, Fe, Zn, Cl, Se) and health – 15 studies 2024
- Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems
- Metabolic Syndromes fought by Vitamin D in 6 ways – Oct 2023
- UV reduces cardiovascular and metabolic problems– Vitamin D plus Nitric oxide – Sept 2023
- Vitamin D both reduces CVD directly and reduces metabolic problems that cause CVD – May 2023
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: 75 percent of overweight adults and type II diabetics – Aug 2022
- Magnesium in Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Type 2 Diabetes - Jan 2021
- The Role of Magnesium in the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Disorders – April 2022
- Vitamin D might a risk factor of insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, etc. (50 ng) – Oct 2021
- COVID-19 hospitalizations: 63% associated with diabetes, obesity, hypertension or heart failure – Feb 2021
- 26 health factors increase the risk of COVID-19 – all are proxies for low vitamin D
- 90 percent remission of recently diagnosed diabetes with a low-calorie diet
- Resveratrol improves health (Vitamin D receptor, etc.) - many studies
- Waist size reduced 3 cm by Vitamin D in those with Metabolic Syndrome – Jan 2017
- Type II Diabetes is not prevented by a small amount of vitamin D (proven again) – May 2017
- Vitamin D activates the hypothalamus (in rodents) to reduce weight and diabetes– May 2016
- Autistic child 3X more likely if mother was obese and diabetic (both associated with low vitamin D) - Feb 2015
- Diabetes is more likely if low vitamin D than if obese - Feb 2016
- Off Topic: Diabetes 11X increase for just 150 calories of sugar - June 2015
- Obese diabetics with dark skins not benefit from 6,000 IU of vitamin D daily (no surprise) – RCT March 2015
- Vitamin D3 is stored in fat has not been processed by liver – March 2015
- Diabetic hypertension reduced with Vitamin D and Calcium – RCT March 2015
- Hypothesis- Metabolic disease is due to Tissue Renin-Angiotensin Systems – Feb 2014
- Higher vitamin D at birth associated with less diabetes and obesity 35 years later – Jan 2014
- Hypothesis: Obesity causes vitamin D deficiency and type 2 diabetes - 2012
- Insulin sensitivity in obese adolescents greatly improved with 4000 IU of vitamin D - RCT April 2013
- Metabolic Syndrome 10% less likely for every 4 ng increase in Vitamin D – Jan 2013
- No association between diabetes level and vitamin D insufficiency in obese youth – Jan 2013
- African-Americans at high risk of obesity and diabetes - 2011
- Diabetes 6X more likely for those abdominal obese who have insufficient vitamin D – June 2012
- Low vitamin D associated with obesity-related diseases for ethnic minorities – Sept 2011
- Obesity lowers vitamin D which increases probability of diabetes in children – Nov 2011
- Obesity and diabetes reduced when move to better neighborhood – or better UV – Oct 2011
- Vitamin D Levels at Birth May Predict Obesity Risk at age 3 - Oct 2010
- Overview Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D
- More obese had less vitamin D, and after low calorie diet, vitamin D went up – June 2010
- Vitamin D and Obesity from vitamin D council newsletter of Nov 2006
See also web
- Obesity pegged as diabetes cause in almost half of U.S. cases Feb 2021
- Note it appears else where that the connection might be obesity==> reduced vitamin D ==> diabetes
Diabetes 6X more likely for those abdominal obese who have insufficient vitamin D – June 20126419 visitors, last modified 25 Feb, 2021, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - All items in category Obesity and Vitamin D