
Sleep longer if have more vitamin D – many studies

Serum Nutritional Biomarkers and Their Associations with Sleep among US Adults in Recent National Surveys

PLOS ONE Published: August 19, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103490
May A. Beydoun baydounm at mail.nih.gov, Alyssa A. Gamaldo, Jose A. Canas, Hind A. Beydoun, Mauli T. Shah, Jessica M. McNeely, Alan B. Zonderman

Background: The associations between nutritional biomarkers and measures of sleep quantity and quality remain unclear.

Methods: Cross-sectional data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) 2005–2006 were used. We selected 2,459 adults aged 20–85, with complete data on key variables. Five sleep measures were constructed as primary outcomes: (A) Sleep duration; (B) Sleep disorder; (C) Three factors obtained from factor analysis of 15 items and labeled as “Poor sleep-related daytime dysfunction” (Factor 1), “Sleepiness” (Factor 2) and “Sleep disturbance” (Factor 3). Main exposures were serum concentrations of key nutrients, namely retinol, retinyl esters, carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein+zeaxanthin, lycopene), folate, vitamin B-12, total homocysteine (tHcy), vitamin C, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and vitamin E. Main analyses consisted of multiple linear, logistic and multinomial logit models.

Results: Among key findings, independent inverse associations were found between serum vitamin B-12 and sleep duration, 25(OH)D and sleepiness (as well as insomnia), and between folate and sleep disturbance. Serum total carotenoids concentration was linked to higher odds of short sleep duration (i.e. 5–6 h per night) compared to normal sleep duration (7–8 h per night).

Conclusions: A few of the selected serum nutritional biomarkers were associated with sleep quantity and quality. Longitudinal studies are needed to ascertain temporality and assess putative causal relationships.

Vitamin D was the only statistically significant predictor in the blood of longer sleep

Lower risk of short sleep if have more vitamin D in blood

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2X more likely to have low vitamin D if poor sleep- Jan 2015

Vitamin D and Actigraphic Sleep Outcomes in Older Community-Dwelling Men: The MrOS Sleep Study.
Sleep. 2015 Jan 12. pii: sp-00824-13. [Epub ahead of print]
Massa J, Stone KL, Wei EK, Harrison SL, Barrett-Connor E, Lane NE, Paudel M, Redline S, Ancoli-Israel S, Orwoll E, Schernhammer E.

Maintaining adequate serum levels of vitamin D may be important for sleep duration and quality; however, these associations are not well understood. We examined whether levels of serum 25(OH)D are associated with objective measures of sleep in older men.

Cross-sectional study within a large cohort of community-dwelling older men, the MrOS study.

Among 3,048 men age 68 years or older, we measured total serum vitamin D. Objective estimates of nightly total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and wake time after sleep onset (WASO) were obtained using wrist actigraphy worn for an average of 5 consecutive 24-h periods.

16.4% of this study population had low levels of vitamin D (< 20.3 ng/mL 25(OH)D). Lower serum vitamin D levels were associated with a higher odds of short (< 5 h) sleep duration, (odds ratio [OR] for the highest (≥ 40.06 ng/mL) versus lowest (< 20.3 ng/mL) quartile of 25(OH)D, 2.15; 95 % confidence interval (CI), 1.21-3.79; Ptrend = 0.004) as well as increased odds of actigraphy-measured sleep efficiency of less than 70% (OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 0.97-2.18; Ptrend = 0.004), after controlling for age, clinic, season, comorbidities, body mass index, and physical and cognitive function. Lower vitamin D levels were also associated with increased WASO in age-adjusted, but not multivariable adjusted models.

Among older men, low levels of total serum 25(OH)D are associated with poorer sleep including short sleep duration and lower sleep efficiency. These findings, if confirmed by others, suggest a potential role for vitamin D in maintaining healthy sleep.

© 2014 Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC.

PMID: 25581929
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Study apparently based Vitamin D on food questionaire, not measurement
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Because low vitamin D is associated with multiple disease states, many of which are associated with altered sleep physiology,3,4,13 the question of causality or reverse causality will continue to arise in any investigation of vitamin D and sleep.
Biologically plausible mechanisms by which low vitamin D concentrations may impact sleep quality via

  • increased pain,
  • myopathy,
  • immune dysregulation, and
  • cardiovascular disease

were recently reviewed and clearly warrant further investigations.14 However for most of these conditions, one can also postulate that the disease state or condition itself may lead to less activity by a patient. Latitude, physical activity, and sun exposure, rather than dietary intake, appear to major determinants of vitamin D sufficiency11; thus

  • being obese,
  • having diabetes,
  • Parkinson disease, d
  • ementia, or
  • depression

may cause lower vitamin D concentrations in those affected rather than low vitamin D contributing to the condition. Longitudinal epidemiological and interventional studies that include multiple laboratory assessments of vitamin D status and objective measures of disease presence and severity over time can help address this conundrum of whether low vitamin D contributes to disease emergence or severity or disease states contribute to low vitamin D. However, such studies may also have to account for genetic variations, as emerging evidence suggests genes also interact with vitamin D concentrations and may impact disease.11,15,16 Currently, the few published studies focusing on sleep and vitamin D tend to focus on disease associations with disease presence or severity, but results of uncontrolled pilot interventions are emerging 7,17 and suggest vitamin D supplementation may improve sleep quality; clearly larger, controlled trials are needed. By demonstrating that lower vitamin D levels are associated with reduced sleep duration and quality in a well-characterized community-dwelling population, the current study by Massa and colleagues helps shine bright ray of enlightenment on current knowledge of the relationship between sleep and vitamin D and will help inform design considerations for both interventional studies and additional epidemiological studies.

Poor sleep 4X more likely to have low vitamin D - 2014

Association between self-reported sleep duration and serum vitamin D level in elderly Korean adults.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Dec;62(12):2327-32. doi: 10.1111/jgs.13148.
Kim JH1, Chang JH, Kim DY, Kang JW.
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology, School of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea.

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between self-reported sleep duration and serum vitamin D level in elderly Korean adults.

DESIGN: Cross-sectional data analysis.

SETTING: Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010.

PARTICIPANTS: Noninstitutionalized adults aged 60 to 80 (N = 1,614).

The confounding variables were serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level, age, sex, body mass index, smoking history, alcohol consumption, and self-reported daily sun exposure and sleep duration. Self-reported daily sleep duration was divided into four groups: Q1 (≤4 hours), Q2 (5-6 hours), Q3 (7-8 hours), and Q4 (≥9 hours).

Mean serum vitamin D levels of subjects in the Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 groups were 44.18, 48.08, 48.83, and 51.78 nmol/L, respectively. On multivariate linear regression analysis, subjects in the Q2 (B = 3.80, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.42-7.19), Q3 (B = 4.89, 95% CI = 1.54-8.24), and Q4 (B = 5.18, 95% CI = 0.78-9.58) groups had significantly higher serum vitamin D levels than subjects in the Q1 group.

Serum vitamin D level is positively associated with self-reported daily sleep duration in elderly Korean individuals. These results suggest that inadequate sleep duration may be associated with lower vitamin D levels in elderly adults.

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5882 Vitamin D Associations and Sleep Physiology.pdf admin 02 Sep, 2015 204.59 Kb 1062
5881 Vitamin D and Actigraphic Sleep Outcomes.pdf admin 02 Sep, 2015 974.02 Kb 1013
4316 Serum Nutritional Biomarkers and Their Associations with Sleep.pdf admin 24 Aug, 2014 423.36 Kb 982
4315 Sleep biomarkers.jpg admin 24 Aug, 2014 53.47 Kb 2121