0842 Objective Sleep In The First 2 YEARS Of Life: Cross-sectional And Longitudinal Association With Vitamin D
Sleep, Volume 41, Issue suppl_1, 27 April 2018, Pages A312, https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsy061.841
PDF costs USD $44.00, unsure if PDF is more than just the abstract below
Y Deng G Wang Y Jiang Q Lin L Zhu F Jiang
Study monitored sleep length with activity watches
Study measured Vitamin D level at birth (cord) and at 2 years (blood)
Study fails to give their definition of Vitamin D deficiency ( <10ng, <20 ng?, <30 ng?)
21 minutes shorter if deficient at birth
27 minutes shorter if Vitamin D deficient at age 2
See also VitaminDWiki
Sleep category starts with
A few items in SLEEP category
- Sleep greatly improved by 50,000 IU of vitamin D once every two weeks – RCT Sept 2018
- Sleep disorders nicely treated by Vitamin D (50,000 IU twice a month) – RCT May 2017
- Sleep, Dr. Gominak and Vitamin D - several studies
- Restless Legs Syndrome - Vitamin D, Iron, etc. - many studies
- On the job sleepiness 2.2X more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2020
- Poor sleep 1.5 X more likely if less than 20 ng of Vitamin D – Feb 2019
- The Better Sleep Vitamin (Vitamin D) – nice 3 dollar book Feb 2015
- The worse the sleep apnea, the lower the vitamin D levels – meta-analysis 2017, 2020
- Vitamin D for better sleep video - Dec 2021
- 5X increase in sleep problems in a decade in US Veterans 2016
- Sleep Apnea and Vitamin D - many studies
- Melatonin and Vitamin D - many studies does much more than improve sleep
Items in both categories Infant/Child and Sleep are listed here:
- Many sleep problems are associated with low Vitamin D (children in this case) - Jan 2022
- 2.5 X more health compaints in children and youths if low vitamin D – Jan 2021
- Sleepiness in children 1.7X more likely if low vitamin D – Nov 2020
- Children with low Vitamin D slept 1 hour less, had 1 hour later bedtimes – July 2020
- Sleep duration in 2 year olds proportional to Vitamin D levels – Dec 2019
- Children short sleep 12 percent more likely for each 1 ng lower vitamin D at birth – Oct 2018
- Sleep half hour longer if OK level of Vitamin D (2-year olds) – April 2018
Sleep roblems are truly the giant of pediatric public health challenges and also a source of major concern to parents and professionals. precise and effective treatment for infant sleep problems is of great benefits. This is based on fully appreciation of the biopsychosocial contributing factors. Infant sleesp problems could be resulted from biological factors, of which the role of vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in some clinical observation, but require further investigation.
Data was from 262 infants of the Children Health Promote Project in Shanghai (CHPPS). The Infant sleep was measured with acti-watch at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Vitamin D status was assessed using electrochemiluminescence immunoassay in cord blood and vein blood at 2-year-old.
The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in cord blood is 50.4% and 28% in 2-year-old toddlers. The mean night sleep duration at 6 months in the cord blood vitamin D deficiency group is 21.31 minutes (P=0.046) shorter than vitamin D non-deficiency group, while the total sleep duration at 24 months in the vitamin D deficiency is 27.38 minutes (P=0.041) shorter than the non-deficiency group at infant’s 2-year-old.
Positive association between vitamin D status in cord blood and night sleep duration, total sleep duration at 6-month-old has been found (β=0.201, p=0.017; β=0.176, p=0.044) but not found at the following time points in the first 2 years. Besides, cross-sectional relationship between both night sleep duration, total sleep duration and vitamin D status was confirmed at 2 years old (β=0.242, p=0.035; β=0.238, p=0.042).
Infant objective-measured sleep exhibit a cliff change during the first year of life and turn to be mild stable at the following years. Vitamin D status has a temporal effect on promoting infant’s sleep at the age of 2. The longitudinal effect of vitamin D status in cord blood seems to be short-lasting.
Support (If Any)
Chinese National Natural Science Foundation(81422040); MOE New Century Excellent Talents(NCET-13–0362); Ministry of Science and Technology(2016YFC1305203); Shanghai Science and Technology Commission(17XD1402800, 14441904004); Shanghai Jiao Tong University(YG2016ZD04).
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