The Molecular Mechanisms by Which Vitamin D Prevents Insulin Resistance and Associated Disorders
Review Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Sep 11;21(18):E6644. doi: 10.3390/ijms21186644.
Izabela Szymczak-Pajor 1, Józef Drzewoski 2, Agnieszka Śliwińska 1
Many Complex Molecular Mechanism charts
Diabetes category starts with the following
see also Overview Diabetes and vitamin D Overview Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D
Autoimmune category listing has- How Vitamin D both prevents and treats insulin resistance (Diabetes) – April 2019
- Diabetics helped by vitamin D in 5 ways – meta-analysis June 2018
- Insulin resistance 35 percent less likely when vitamin D levels raised by 30 ng – Oct 2015
- Diabetic inflammation reduced by Vitamin D (30,000 IU weekly) – RCT July 2020
- Vitamin D fails to prevent Type 2 Diabetes (unaware of 8 proven ways) June 2019
Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains the following
- Diabetes is 5X more frequent far from the equator
- Children getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D are 8X less likely to get Type 1 diabetes
- Obese people get less sun / Vitamin D - and also vitamin D gets lost in fat
- Sedentary people get less sun / Vitamin D
- Worldwide Diabetes increase has been concurrent with vitamin D decrease and air conditioning
- Elderly get 4X less vitamin D from the same amount of sun
Elderly also spend less time outdoors and have more clothes on - All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D
557 items: both Type 1 and Type 2 Vitamin D appears to both prevent and treat diabetes
- Appears that >2,000 IU will Prevent
- Appears that >4,000 IU will Treat , but not cure
- 90% less T2 Diabetes in the group having lots of Vitamin D
- Appears that Magnesium helps both Prevention and Treatment
- Many diabetics would be better treated if Gut-Friendly Vitamin D were used
Number of articles in both categories of Diabetes and:
- Dark Skin
25 ; Intervention 57 ; Meta-analysis 40 ; Obesity 37 ; Pregnancy 45 ; T1 (child) 39 ; Omega-3 11 ; Vitamin D Receptor 24 ; Genetics 13 ; Magnesium 32 Click here to see details Some Diabetes studies
- Take Vitamin D to prevent prediabetes from progressing into diabetes – American Diabetic Association – 2024
- Diabetes and Vitamin D meta-analyses - many studies 39+ as of Nov 2024
- 99.7% of people who got Diabetes had been regularly consuming food emulsifiers - May 2024
- Type 2 Diabetes treated by Vitamin D (often 50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis July 2023
- Diabetic inflammation synergistically decreased by Vitamin D and exercise – RCT June 2022
- Incidence of Type-2 Diabetes increased 3X in 30 years (by the way, Vitamin D helps) – July 2022
- Vitamin d treats Type II Diabetes in many ways (14 article review) - Sept 2021
- T2 Diabetes 30 percent more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis of 47 studies – July 2021
50 ng of Vitamin D fights Diabetes
- Saudi study defines normal Vitamin D level to be 50 to 70 ng (diabetes, etc.) - June 2020
- Diabetes 5X less likely if more than 50 ng of Vitamin D – April 2018
T1 Diabetes
- T1 Diabetes 3X lower risk if high vitamin D (over 40 ng) – Meta-analysis Nov 2020
- Type 1 Diabetes is prevented and treated by Vitamin D – review of 16 studies – Sept 2019
- Type 1 Diabetes prevention with Vitamin D and Omega-3 – Symposium April 2019
- 4X reduction in prediabetes progressing to T2D if more than 50 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2023
- Prediabetes reduced by weekly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2021
- Prediabetes 1.5 X more likely to go away if take Vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2020
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Magnesium - many studies
Diabetic Epidemic- Step back to 1994. Suppose an epidemic struck the United States, causing blindness, kidney failure, and leg amputations in steadily increasing numbers.
Suppose that in less than a decade's time, the epidemic had victimized one out of every eight people
That epidemic is real, and its name is diabetes, now the nation's sixth leading cause of death.
Chart from the web (2018?)
From the web
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Table of Contents
Numerous studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is very common in modern societies and is perceived as an important risk factor in the development of insulin resistance and related diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). While it is generally accepted that vitamin D is a regulator of bone homeostasis, its ability to counteract insulin resistance is subject to debate. The goal of this communication is to review the molecular mechanism by which vitamin D reduces insulin resistance and related complications. The university library, PUBMED, and Google Scholar were searched to find relevant studies to be summarized in this review article. Insulin resistance is accompanied by chronic hyperglycaemia and inflammation. Recent studies have shown that vitamin D exhibits indirect antioxidative properties and participates in the maintenance of normal resting ROS level. Appealingly, vitamin D reduces inflammation and regulates Ca2+ level in many cell types. Therefore, the beneficial actions of vitamin D include diminished insulin resistance which is observed as an improvement of glucose and lipid metabolism in insulin-sensitive tissues.
Apart from mineral and bone metabolism regulation, vitamin D is also involved in a great number of cellular processes responsible for the homeostasis of glucose and lipid metabolism via insulin signaling pathway. Accumulating evidence supports that vitamin D deficiency is associated with the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Disturbances in insulin signaling and inflammation are closely related, and vitamin D was found to reduce both of these disorders. Current evidence suggests that these benefits are the effect of vitamin D on Ca2+ and ROS homeostasis, as well as regulation of the expression of numerous genes. Considering multiple targets of vitamin D, we propose that pleiotropic action of vitamin D is a result of the crosstalk between insulin signaling and other signaling pathways governing metabolism, inflammation, immunomodulation, apoptosis, and adipogenesis. We have only just started to understand how vitamin D reduces insulin resistance and associated disorders. However, we would like to underline that although the awareness of vitamin D-associated health benefits is arising, the elevated consumption of vitamin D supplements may predispose to an increased incidence of vitamin D toxicity. Thus, without medical supervision, we advise caution for people who self-administrate higher than recommended doses of vitamin D.How Vitamin D prevents Insulin Resistance – Sept 202013757 visitors, last modified 17 Sep, 2020, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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