Fact People who are depressed are often low on vitamin D
Fact People who are depressed take antidepression drugs
Fact Every school shooter had used antidepression drugs
Fact People are particularly low on vitamin D in the winter
Fact Most of the shootings have happened in the winter
Hypothesis School shooters were low on vitamin D
- Suicide seasonality and antidepressants: a register-based study in SwedenPubMed Feb 2013
Seasonality of completed suicides with a peak in spring and early summer is a well-documented finding - Treatment of childhood and adolescent depression. PubMed Sept 2012
Antidepressants have a boxed warning for the increased risk of suicide - Why Are More than One in Ten Americans at Risk for Suicide? Mercola, Feb 2012
in 2010: 8.7 million Americans contemplated suicide, 2.5 million made plans , 1.1 million attempted it, 37,800 did it. - More than 1 in 10 Americans on Suicide-Linked Antidepressants Nov 2012
antidepressants are now the most common drug among people aged 18 to 44 (CDC)
Eli Lilly & Co., were able to hide the link between Prozac and suicide for 15 years - List of school shootings on antidepressants Dec 2012
65 incidents, giving the date and location, often showing which antidepressent the person was on
Very few of the incidents happened in June-Aug, unless in Australia – where June is the low vitamin D winter. - School Shootings: Evil or Drug-Induced Behavior? PDF at bottom of this page
- Psych meds linked to 90% of school shootings Dec 2012
- 2008 book “Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime.”
The Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings - Sept 2024
- "Note: a minority of people who take SSRIs greatly benefit from them (particularly those who have deficient methylation), while others (particularly those who have excessive methylation or deficient liver metabolism of SSRIs) tend to have the worst reactions (e.g., violent psychosis). While this is relatively easy to screen for, because there is a general unwillingness to acknowledge that SSRIs could be dangerous, almost no one in the medical field assess for this prior to starting the drugs or changing their dosages. "
- "Note: Big Pharma,working hand in hand with the FDA fought tooth and nail for decades to prevent a warning from ever being added to the SSRIs. I believe this is in part due to how much money is made off of these drugs (presently SSRIs make over 17 billion dollars per year)."
87% of mass shooters who survived had mental illnesses, many associated with low Vitamin D - Dec 2023
Mass shooters and mental illness: Reexamining the connection
MD Edge
- 18 assailants had schizophrenia, Overview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D
- 10 assailants had other psychiatric diagnoses:
- 3 had bipolar I disorder, Bipolar Disorder may be related to cellular, not blood Vitamin D
- 2 had delusional disorders (persecutory),
- 2 had personality disorders (1 paranoid, 1 borderline),
- "Many of our adolescent shooters prior to the massacre had been misdiagnosed with attention-deficit disorder (ADD), major depression disorder (MDD), or autism spectrum disorder."
See also VitaminDWiki
- Antidepressants reduce cellular Vitamin D, increasing fractures, CVD, etc. - Oct 2022
- Proton pump inhibitors decrease Vitamin D and Magnesium – Dec 2018
- Depression, vitamin D, Magnesium: no agreement Jan 2012
- Serotonin related to season, light and perhaps latitude and vitamin D
- Handout on Vitamin D (Hormone D) and sleep - Gominak 2012
- Antidepressants might increase infertility and pregnancy problems – Nov 2012
Most likely: antidepressants lower vitamin D levels - Hypothesis Vitamin D supplements will reduce suicide – 2011
- Suicide 2X more likely with low vitamin D (in military) – Jan 2013
- All items in category Winter blues and depression
271 items
See also web
- We all need 'nature’s Prozac’ The Telegraph, April, 2013 Depression
- The Violent Side Effects of Antidepressants that Many Ignore Mercola Oct 2013
five of the top 10 most violence-inducing drugs were found to be antidepressants:Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor, Pristiq
one in every 250 subjects taking Paxil or Prozac were involved in a violent episode
Note: Magnesium deficiency is also associated with low vitamin D and poor mental health
Every school shooter had used antidepression drugs, but how many were low on vitamin D12134 visitors, last modified 05 Sep, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)