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UTI associated with low Vitamin D as well as treated - many studies

VitaminDWiki pages containing URINARY TRACT INFECTION or UTI in title

Items found: 8

Prostate and Urinary systems much better with higher vitamin D – many studies
Suspect that Vitamin D loading doses would quickly treat UTI - no studies as of July 2019

Suspect 4X less likely to get a UTI if have a good level of vitamin D (July 2019)

Antibiotic Resistance in VitaminDWiki


UTI is associated with low Vitamin D, supplementation helps - Review Sept 2021

The effect of vitamin D deficiency and supplementation on urinary incontinence: scoping review
International Urogynecology Journal (2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-021-04963-z
Ronnie Baer, Lea Tene leatene1 at gmail.com, Adi Y. Weintraub & Leonid Kalichman

Introduction and hypothesis
Vitamin D receptors are found in skeletal and smooth muscle cells throughout the body, specifically in the bladder detrusor muscle. We reviewed the current literature on the association between vitamin D deficiency and urinary incontinence (UI), and whether vitamin D supplementation plays a role in the treatment of UI symptoms.

We performed a scoping review of all available studies. PubMed, Google Scholar, and PEDro databases were searched from inception until August 2020 with the keywords “urinary incontinence,” “pelvic floor disorders,” “lower urinary tract symptoms,” “overactive bladder,” and various terms for vitamin D. No language restrictions were imposed. The reference lists of all retrieved articles were also searched.

The search revealed 12 studies of different research methodologies after elimination. In 6 out of the 7 cross-sectional studies reviewed, a significant association between vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency and the onset and severity of UI was found. In 2 out of the 3 prospective studies included, no association between vitamin D intake and UI was found; however, both randomized controlled trials that were reviewed found that vitamin D supplementation is effective for the treatment of UI.

The existing literature supports an association between low levels of serum vitamin D and UI. Initial evidence regarding the effect of vitamin D supplementation on UI is accumulating, yet additional, comprehensive research is warranted to establish these findings.
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Urinary Tract Infection 4.8 X more likely in children with low Vitamin D - meta-analysis - Feb 2019

Urinary Tract Infection in children 4.8 X more likely if low Vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2019 in VitaminDWiki

Lower UTI helped by 20,000 IU twice a week - RCT Oct 2017

High dose vitamin D may improve lower urinary tract symptoms in postmenopausal women.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2017 Oct;173:28-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.03.013
Oberg J1, Verelst M2, Jorde R3, Cashman K4, Grimnes G5.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common in postmenopausal women, and have been reported inversely associated with vitamin D intake and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels. The aim of this study was to investigate if high dose vitamin D supplementation would affect LUTS in comparison to standard dose. In a randomized controlled study including 297 postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density, the participants were allocated to receive capsules of 20 000IU of vitamin D3 twice a week (high dose group) or similar looking placebo (standard dose group). In addition, all the participants received 1g of calcium and 800IU of vitamin D daily. A validated questionnaire regarding LUTS was filled in at baseline and after 12 months. At baseline, 76 women in the high dose group and 82 in the standard dose group reported any LUTS. Levels of serum 25(OH)D increased significantly more in the high dose group (from 64.7 to 164.1nmol/l compared to from 64.1 to 81.8nmol/l, p<0.01). No differences between the groups were seen regarding change in LUTS except for a statistically significant reduction in the reported severity of urine incontinence in the high dose group as compared to the standard dose group after one year (p<0.05). The results need confirmation in a study specifically designed for this purpose.
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UTIs becoming resistant to antibiotics - July 2019

Urinary Tract Infections Affect Millions. The Cures Are Faltering

  • "For generations, urinary tract infections, one of the world’s most common ailments, have been easily and quickly cured with a simple course of antibiotics"
  • ampicillin used to be the gold standard but is no longer used
  • 1/3 of UTIs in NYC now resistant to Bactrim
  • "Resistance to antibiotics has become one of the world’s most pressing health issues. Overuse of the drugs in humans and livestock has caused germs to develop defenses to survive, rendering a growing number of medicines ineffective in treating a wide range of illnesses — a phenomenon that is playing out worldwide with U.T.I.s."
    • Nothing about Vitamin D

Alternatives to antibiotics to treat UTI - Vitamin D, etc. 2016

Novel Strategies in the Prevention and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

  • :"Urinary tract infections belong to the most common infections worldwide; more than 50% of women will experience at least one UTI during her lifetime"
  • "The cumulative incidence during the first six years of life however is almost 7% in girls and close to 2% in boys"

"Several clinical studies have demonstrated the importance of sufficient vitamin D levels for
the protection of the urinary tract against infection. In children with UTI, serum vitamin D was
significantly lower compared to healthy controls who never had a UTI [101]; moreover, vitamin D
levels correlated with the severity of the infection. Similarly, in premenopausal women, low levels of
serum vitamin D were associated with a higher risk for recurrent UTI [102]. In an experimental study,
we could show that oral vitamin D supplementation was able to increase CAMP production in the
human bladder epithelium in response to E. coli [100]. Together, these studies clearly demonstrate that
vitamin D supplementation provides a potent alternative in the protection against UTI in vulnerable
patient groups"
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Antibiotic Resistance charts (not just UTI)


Note: Leprosy is also becoming (2019) resistant to antibiotics. Current medical practice is to use 3 types of antibiotics concurrently, and that sometimes is not enough. Fortunately, Vitamin D is working wonders

20,000 IU vitamin D weekly greatly reduced UTI - RCT June 2018

Prevention of urinary tract infections with vitamin D supplementation 20,000 IU per week for five years. Results from an RCT including 511 subjects
Infectious Diseases Volume 48, 2016 - Issue 11-12 https://doi.org/10.1080/23744235.2016.1201853
Rolf Jorde,Stina T. Sollid,Johan Svartberg,Ragnar M. Joakimsen,Guri Grimnes &Moira Y. S. Hutchinson
Note: average vitamin D level reached 110 nmol (44 ng/ml) in 1 year

Note: Many dropouts due to Type Ii Diabetes (Suspect 20,000 IU weekly vitamin D was not enough)
Prediabetes and Diabetes proved to be prevented and treated by about 3X more Vitamin D

Background: In observational studies vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of infections, whereas the effect of vitamin D supplementation in randomized controlled trials is non-conclusive.

Methods: Five hundred and eleven subjects with prediabetes were randomized to vitamin D3 (20,000 IU per week) versus placebo for five years. Every sixth month, a questionnaire on respiratory tract infections (RTI) (common cold, bronchitis, influenza) and urinary tract infection (UTI) was filled in.

Results: Mean baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level was 60 nmol/L. Two hundred and fifty-six subjects received vitamin D and 255 placebo. One hundred and sixteen subjects in the vitamin D and 111 in the placebo group completed the five-year study. Eighteen subjects in the vitamin D group and 34 subjects in the placebo group reported UTI during the study (p < 0.02), whereas no significant differences were seen for RTI. The effect on UTI was most pronounced in males. The effect of vitamin D on UTI was unrelated to baseline serum 25(OH)D level.

Conclusion: Supplementation with vitamin D might prevent UTI, but confirmatory studies are needed.
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Does D-Mannose Really Cure UTIs? - Sept 2023

Bloomberg  PDF

UTI in women shows up as sexual intercourse pain - Sept 2023

This symptom signals UTI in 83% of cases MD Edge
Dyspareunia is a major indicator of urinary tract infections, being present in 83% of cases.
The symptom is especially accurate at identifying UTIs in nonmenopausal women, researchers have found.
Eighty percent of women of reproductive age with dyspareunia had an undiagnosed UTI.

Daily Cranberry Juice reduced UTI risk by 25% - meta-analysis Sept 2024

Does cranberry juice reduce UTI risk? Examine.com review of study -Sept 2024]
Perhaps just drinking more of any fluid reduces UTI
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
21687 Cranberry UTI meta_CompressPdf.pdf admin 02 Sep, 2024 304.61 Kb 11
20081 D-Mannose_ Does It Work To Cure UTIs_ - Bloomberg_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Sep, 2023 588.54 Kb 147
16192 UTI RCT 2017 sci-hub.pdf admin 07 Sep, 2021 475.99 Kb 519
16191 UTI RCT.jpg admin 07 Sep, 2021 28.42 Kb 1243
16190 URI RCT Sci-hub.pdf admin 07 Sep, 2021 846.64 Kb 482
16189 UTI review Sept 2021.jpg admin 07 Sep, 2021 34.02 Kb 1146
16188 UTI review.pdf admin 07 Sep, 2021 246.96 Kb 568
12322 UTI novel strategies - Jan 2016.pdf admin 14 Jul, 2019 225.75 Kb 1141
12321 Antibiotic resistance.jpg admin 13 Jul, 2019 54.67 Kb 2940
12320 Resistance increasing.jpg admin 13 Jul, 2019 49.59 Kb 2998
12319 Resistance map.jpg admin 13 Jul, 2019 66.98 Kb 3081
8501 UTI Table.jpg admin 01 Oct, 2017 30.53 Kb 5463