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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D

651 Meta-analyses

See also Overview Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
Unfortunately, a meta-analysis will frequently fail to consider one or more of the following

  1. Dose size (Some gave the same importance to 40 IU as 10,000 IU)
  2. Dose frequency (Some ignore differences between daily, weekly, monthly, and annual dosing)
  3. Duration, (Some gave same importance to 4 weeks as 4 years)
       It takes 3 to 12 months for vitamin D levels to come to a new plateau
       and it often takes months for the body to then utilize it
  4. Pre-existing Vitamin D blood level
       adding vitamin D does not provide much benefit if person alrady has a good level
  5. Cofactors (Most meta-analyses ignore the importance of Magnesium, Omega-3, Vitamin K2, etc)
  6. Type of Vitamin D - D3 far better than D2
  7. Those with poor guts need a different type of vitamin D
  8. Those who are Obese need 2.5 X more vitamin D
  9. Many drugs, such as statins deplete vitamin D or the Magnesium needed by Vitamin D
  10. For some health problems pulsed vitamin D, not daily, is far better (gets over possible Vitamin D receptor limitation)

See also Proof that Vitamin D Works

See also All items in category Intervention Vitamin D 804 items

See also Clinical Trials of vitamin D can have “biological flaws” – Jan 2015
See also Nice description of Meta-Analysis in Scientific American Jan 2014
See also The Misuse of Meta-analysis in Nutrition Research JAMA Sept 2017
". . . they have mixed apples and oranges—and sometimes “apples, lice, and killer whales”—yielding meaningless conclusions"
"In a 2007 review of 111 industry-funded (nutrition) studies, funding source was significantly related to study conclusions"

VitaminDWiki Comment on Scientific American article

It does not mention the major problems of Vitamin D Meta-analyses.
1) Dose sizes are ignored: Studies assume benefit from 400 IU is the same as for 4,000 IU
2) Durations are ignored: Studies assume benefit of 1 month dosing is the same as 1 year dosing
3) Existing Vitamin D levels are often ignored.
  Studies ignore that a 20 ng addition to a 10 ng person has vastly more benefit than a 20 ng addition to a 40 ng person
A rare example of a good meta-analysis is: one on depression - April 2014

Really great medical studies do not blindly give a single supplement/drug to a group, but rather treat the patients as individuals and provide extra Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Omega-3, Vitamin C, etc as needed. These studies, which have the best results, are not Random Controlled Trials and are virtually never included in a meta-analysis.

Likewise, the trials which give vitamin D to an entire country, or to all of the patients (immoral not to do so) are never considered by any meta-analysis

Vitamin D has climbed the pyramid for decades, but has not yet reached the top

Vitamin D Pyramid

International prospective register of on-going systematic reviews: 569 reviews of Vitamin D as of March 2020


Intervention - Vitamin D includes the following:

Studies in VitaminDWiki

Year Randomized
Interventions Meta-
2022900+700+ 600+
2017- 4852

Note: Govt recommendations in 2015 often ignored data after 2011

VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D meta-analyses for different health problems

Number of Meta-analyses per health problem
ADHD7, Autism7, Autoimmune5, Back pain5, Bone -8, Breathing35, Cancer - Bladder5, Cancer - Breast24, Cancer - Colon25, Cancer - Liver4, Cancer - Lung7, Cancer - Lymphoma4, Cancer - Pancreatic4, Cancer - Prostate8, Cancer16, Cardiovascular38, Cognitive22, Depression16, Diabetes38, Falls and Fractures23, Fertility and sperm6, Genetics4, Gut9, Hypertension22, Infant-Child23, Inflammation11, Kidney12, Liver4, Metabolic Syndrome5, Mortality 28, Multiple Sclerosis13, Obesity8, Osteoarthritis4, Osteoporosis9, Pain - chronic5, Parkinson12, Pregnancy51, Psoriasis6, Rheumatoid Arthritis8, Seniors13, Skin8, Sleep4, Sports11, Stroke8, Thyroid and parathyroid5, Trauma and surgery19, Tuberculosis14, UV and Vitamin D4, Virus37, Vision6, Women7, Youth4

20 Most-visited pages in Meta-analysis category in VitaminDWiki

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admin Seniors
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
9344 Thyroid Cancer 1.4 X higher risk if low vitamin D– meta-analysis Feb 2018 81743
29 Aug, 2023 17:22
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
Cancer - Other
13263 Melanoma might be suppressed by Vitamin D - many studies 79174
03 Aug, 2023 17:57
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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
7021 Overview Epileptic children and Vitamin D 42893
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5913 Meta-analysis of Vitamin D 33931
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Evidence for D
4267 Overview Meta-analysis of Vitamin D 32803
03 Jun, 2023 12:16
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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
3265 Alzheimer's Disease more likely with low vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2012 26190
13 Dec, 2015 23:20
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10573 Diabetic Foot Ulcer 3.2 X or 3.6 X more likely if low vitamin D – several meta-analyses 24131
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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
4808 Sports benefits from up to 50 ng of Vitamin – meta-analysis - Nov 2012 19890
30 May, 2021 18:10
admin Sports and Vitamin D
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
5322 Cancer survival 4 percent more likely with just a little more vitamin D (4 ng) - meta-analysis July 2014 19514
24 Feb, 2019 14:51
admin Mortality and D
Cancer - Colon
Cancer - Breast
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
Cancer - Lymphoma
5252 Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014 17948
30 Apr, 2021 03:23
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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
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4936 Parkinson’s Disease and the “Sunshine” Vitamin (vitamin D) – July 2013 17835
08 Jan, 2018 10:13
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4213 Vitamin D and Respiratory Tract Infections – meta-analysis with charts June 2013 17748
23 Jan, 2018 18:40
admin Breathing
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
4700 Elderly lower limb muscle strength improved with Vitamin D supplementation - Meta-analysis Oct 2013 17192
09 Mar, 2018 15:36
admin Seniors
Sports and Vitamin D
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
3052 Cognitive Impairment 2.4X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2012 16760
21 Oct, 2016 09:53
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
Top news
7053 Chronic Widespread Pain associated with Vitamin D under 10 ng – meta-analysis Oct 2015 15909
12 Dec, 2015 00:28
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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
5135 Preeclampsia rate cut in half by high level of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2014 15310
20 Feb, 2019 15:28
admin Pregnancy
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
9532 Alopecia areata (spot baldness) associated with 8.5 ng lower levels of vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2018 14958
24 Dec, 2019 16:36
admin Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
5223 Vitamin D reduces risk of cause specific death, unless it is D2 – meta-analysis BMJ April 2014 14781
24 Aug, 2021 20:50
admin Mortality and D
Vitamin D3 instead of D2
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
2979 Low vitamin D increased probability of low birth weight by 60 percent – meta-analysis June 2012 13678
13 Dec, 2016 18:39
admin Pregnancy
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
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All of the articles in Meta-Analysis - sorted by date

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Meta-analysis of Vitamin D        
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