Percent of population with less than 20 ng of vitamin D

see wikipage:

Large % of people in many countries have less than 20 nanograms:

Australia 31, Canada 61, China 45, India 75, Korea 56, Malaysia 74, Middle East 90, Mongolia 98, New Zealand 56, North Africa 60, Northern Europe 92, United States 36
Source of data for the chart March 2012

The lack of vitamin D is even worse than the chart shows because:

  1. It does not show the vitamin D levels for those at high risk of vitamin D deficiency
    such as seniors, dark skinned, and obese
  2. It does not show the decrease during the winter for countries which are far from the equator
    Note: The Middle East has the lowest vitamin D during the summer - when they totally avoid the hot sun
  3. It does not show how many have less than 30 ng
    Which even US govt publication said was needed just a few months before
  4. It does not show current vitamin D deficiency, which is getting about 2X worse every 10 years

See also VitaminDWiki


   Notional Graph of Expert Opinions of vitamin D levels
see wikipage:

Consensus: 0 ng is bad and 30 ng is good/ok

from DSM

11650 visitors, last modified 26 Sep, 2013,
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