0.6 cm/year less growth if <10 ng of vitamin D (Japan) - Aug 2022
Impaired Height Growth Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency in Young Children from the Japan Environment and Children's Study
Nutrients. 2022 Aug 13;14(16):3325.doi: 10.3390/nu14163325.
Shohei Kuraoka 1 2 , Masako Oda 1 , Hiroshi Mitsubuchi 1 3 , Kimitoshi Nakamura 1 2 , Takahiko Katoh 1 4 , Japan Environment And Children's Study Jecs Group
Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and bone homeostasis. Although short-stature children were reported to have low vitamin D concentrations, there is no clear evidence of a link between vitamin D and height growth in young children not limited to those with short stature. We collected height and weight data at 2 and 4 years of age, serum vitamin D concentrations at 4 years, and questionnaire results on sun exposure from the Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS). We then analyzed the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and height growth. We also analyzed the correlation between serum vitamin D concentration and sun exposure. Overall, 3624 participants from JECS were analyzed. We identified cases of subclinical vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency. We further found that definitive vitamin D deficiency (<10 ng/mL) impaired height growth by 0.6 cm per year even in young children not limited to those with short stature. Furthermore, we clarified that children with vitamin D deficiency had reduced outdoor activity, especially during winter. In children with either short or normal stature, definitive vitamin D deficiency was associated with height growth decline, and reduction in outdoor activity, especially during winter, was a risk factor for vitamin D deficiency.
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Infants in Finland who got 2,000 IU vitamin D daily grew to normal height – March 2011
High-Dose Vitamin D Supplements Are Not Associated with Linear Growth in a Large Finnish Cohort
J Nutr. 2011 Mar 23.
Hyppönen E, Fararouei M, Sovio U, Hartikainen AL, Pouta A, Robertson C, Whittaker JC, Jarvelin MR.
Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Medical Research Council Centre for the Epidemiology of Child Health, University College London Institute of Child Health, WC1N 1EH, London, UK.
High vitamin D intake in childhood has been suggested to have an adverse influence on linear growth. In Finland, in the mid-1960s the official recommendation for infant vitamin D supplementation was 2000 iu/d (50 ?g/d). We investigated whether high-dose vitamin D supplementation in infancy was associated with subsequent growth in height.
We used data from a prospective population-based birth cohort study including all children due to be born in the 2 northernmost provinces in Finland in 1966 (12,058 live-births, coverage 96%). Information on each participant's height was collected at birth and ages 1, 14, and 31 y, as were possible confounding factors (data for analyses available from 10,060 singletons). Information on the frequency and dose of vitamin D supplementation was collected in 1967 when participants were 1 y of age. A weak association was found between frequency of vitamin D supplementation with greater height at age 1 y (P = 0.005), which was explained by birth characteristics and maternal and social factors (adjusted P = 0.34). Neither frequency nor dose of vitamin D supplementation was associated with height at 14 or 31 y (P > 0.13).
To conclude, contrary to proposed evidence suggesting that vitamin D has a negative influence on growth rate at a dosage of ~2000 iu/d, supplementation at this level in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort was not associated with reduced height at any age studied.
Other reports on this cohort
- The cohort had significant less diabetes
- 2,000 IU of vitamin D reduced schizophrenia chance by 77 percent (male infants) - 2004
See also VitaminDWiki
- Faster growth in infants getting 1200 IU of Vitamin D – RCT July 2022
- Infants getting 1400 IU vitamin D weekly grew better – May 2011
- All items in category Infant-Child and Vitamin D
860 items - Type I Diabetes stopped increasing in Finland after Vitamin D levels were raised – July 2014
Note: T1 Diabetes in Finland is still 5X higher than it was back when they gave an adequate amount of vitamin D to everyone.
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