Zika study of microcephaly following symptoms of infection in Columbia – NEJM June 2016

Zika Virus Disease in Colombia — Preliminary Report
New England Journal of Medicine June 15, 2016

  • “Laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection has been found in four infants born with microcephaly so far, all among women with asymptomatic Zika virus infection”
    Being asymptomatic in first trimester does not apparently eliminate microcephaly risk
  • “In our analysis of a subgroup of 1850 pregnant women, more than 90% who were reportedly infected during the third trimester have delivered with no cases of microcephaly.”
    Note – they do not seem to consider vision, hearing and muscle tone problems to be Zika birth defects

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Study Finds Zika Damages Babies at All Stages of Pregnancy March 2016

  • “They suggest a name for these effects: Zika virus congenital syndrome. Babies have been born with a range of brain and eye defects and some have also been abnormally small.”
  • “ There's more than microcephaly. There is a spectrum of disease.”
  • "They found 29 % of the fetuses had some sort of problem, from brain damage to damage to the placenta”

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