Yes, need more than 400 IU of vitamin D to strengthen bones

US Preventive Service Task force says 400 IU vitamin D plus Calcium not reduce bone fracture nor cancer

Based on evidence-based review of Dec 2011

Which was based on 2009 data report (so the data is fairly old)

The task force tentative results were widely miss-reported on the internet in June 2012, as you can see from some of the titles:

  • Government panel recommends against vitamin D for bone health, but some disagree
  • Vitamin D Doesn't Prevent Osteoporosis In Healthy Women
  • Government Panel Says Calcium, Vitamin D Won't Prevent Bone
  • Older Women Should Not Take Calcium Vitamin D: Task Force
  • ยป Panel Questions Benefits Of Vitamin D Supplements
  • Government panel recommends against vitamin D for bone health, but
  • Government panel advises against vitamin D, calcium supplements
  • Don't Count on Supplements to Strengthen Bones - The People's

VitaminDWiki knows of only a single study which found that bones would be stronger with 400 IU of vitamin D and Calcium
and that study of twins also used 400 mg of Magnesium

It might be possible to have strong bones with 400 IU of vitamin D with ALL of the bone cofactors (Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Boron, Silicon, and Strontium)
Many studies have shown that at least 700, and probably 1000 IU of vitamin D are needed.
The cofactors are strongly recommended - to both build the bones and keep the Calcium from depositing in the arteries, kidney stones, etc.

  • Ultra-Bone up is a low cost (15 cents per day)solid form
  • OsteoDensity is a low cost (21 cents per day) liquid form

20 years ago 400 IU might have been just enough to build bones, but now, when everyone has lower levels of vitamin D, 400 IU is not enough

See also VitaminDWiki

4622 visitors, last modified 27 Jun, 2012,
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