Vitamin D reduces both death rate and cardiovascular disease – Sept 2010

New roles for vitamin D

Stanley, J. (2010), New roles for vitamin D. Lipid Technology, 22: 206–208. doi: 10.1002/lite.201000053
Lincoln Edge Nutrition, The Cottage, Sleaford Road, Wellingore, Lincoln, LN5 0HR, UK; tel: +44-1522-810131, (

The importance of vitamin D in maintaining bone health is well established. However, it has recently been suggested that vitamin D might reduce total mortality and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. This article critically evaluates the evidence for this suggestion and

concludes that while there is some experimental support for the suggested effects on total mortality, cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer, the suggested effects on type 2 diabetes and prostate cancer lack serious experimental support.

Nevertheless, since many cells have the capacity to produce biologically active vitamin D and respond to it through vitamin D receptors then new roles of vitamin D are likely to emerge in the near future. In the meantime, studies specifically designed to investigate effects of vitamin D on these chronic diseases are needed rather than relying on the results of studies designed for other purposes.

4157 visitors, last modified 18 Sep, 2010,
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