Vitamin D podcast concerning vitamin D levels established by IoM – Feb 2012

#846 By Peoples Pharamacy

1 hour podcast with Dr. Holick and Dr. Manson, Free till about end of March 2012, then $3

Brief notes by Henry Lahore

You should download the podcast then use the free audio and video player VLC

which allows speedup and skipping over some boring parts

Question: Which diseases are you most confident about vitamin D being able to prevent

Grandmothers around the world have been using cod-liver oil for a long time

TB sanitariums hundred years ago knew to get the patients out in the sun

Dr. Holick: Vitamin D toxicity is one of the rarest medical conditions in the world

Level by the IoM (when Dr. Holick served) in 1997 was only 10 ng – which was 2X too low, still might be off by 2X ( so might be 60 ng next time around?)

Dr. Holick: 1950 Naval personnel who worked indoors more likely to die of cancer than those who worked outdoors

Dr. Holick: Vitamin D2 was grandfathered by the FDA, and was cheap to make

Dr. Manson IoM found there was enough data to support levels for bone health

Dr. Manson: The levels were established only for healthy people

Obeservation by Henry Lahore: Seems that IoM established that 600 IU was enough, THEN determined that 20 ng would result.

Dr. Manson’s vitamin D RCT: Vitamin D and Omega 3 trial = VITAL 20,000 2,000 IU added, anticipate 35-40 ng

Dr. Manson noted Difficult to get even 600 IU vitamin D via food
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Observation by Henry Lahore: Data cutoff for IOM was about mid 2008 – and there has been a lot learned since then – over 6,000 studies published as of Feb 2012
US level 20ng will probably be raised. Much better than the UK level which is 10 ng as of Feb 2012

See also VitaminDWiki


IoM and Endocine recommendations graph
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From their website

Tune in to our radio show on your local public radio station, or sign up for the podcast and listen at your leisure. Here's what it's about:

Vitamin D has long been recognized as critical for preventing rickets in the bones of young children. Research over the past decade or so has also established that it is essential for warding off osteoporosis in older adults.

There is a mystery as to why so many different cells in the body have vitamin D receptors. How does this vital nutrient affect arthritis, blood pressure, diabetes, cognitive function, psoriasis and muscle weakness? Learn how much vitamin D you need, and whether vitamin D2 or D3 is better. How can we avoid toxicity?

Guests: Michael F. Holick, MD, PhD, is Professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics and Director of the General Clinical Research Center as well as Director of the Bone Health Care Clinic at Boston University Medical Center. His books include The UV Advantage (with Mark Jenkins) and The Vitamin D Solution. His website is

JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH, is Chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH). She is Professor of Medicine and the Elizabeth Fay Brigham Professor of Women's Health at Harvard Medical School and Co-Director of the Connors Center for Women's Health and Gender Biology at BWH. Dr. Manson is one of the members of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium. She is the Principal Investigator of the VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL), which is testing the role of vitamin D in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. The website to learn more is

The podcast of this program will be available the Monday after the broadcast date. The show can be streamed online from this site and podcasts can be downloaded for free for six weeks after the date of broadcast. After that time has passed, digital downloads are available for $2.99. CDs may be purchased at any time after broadcast for $9.99.

3207 visitors, last modified 14 Feb, 2012,
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