Vitamin D might might reduce dementia – Mar 2011

The value of physiologic vitamin D as a biomarker of dementia.

Drugs Today (Barc). 2011 Mar;47(3):223-31.
Buell JS, Tucker KL.
Harvard Clinical Research Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Vitamin D has been investigated in association with cognitive function in healthy and multimorbid elderly patients. Whether higher physiologic concentrations of vitamin D may be neuroprotective is not yet known.

Epidemiological investigations have suggested a protective effect of physiologic vitamin D concentrations (circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D) on neurocognitive dysfunction and cerebrovascular disease.

Recent prospective studies have shown a beneficial association of vitamin D with a myriad of health conditions and suggest that vitamin D may be neuroprotective via vascular mechanisms.

Whether vitamin D concentrations are a useful indicator for the identification and clinical management of dementia remains to be determined.

On its own, physiological vitamin D status may be an important risk indicator for several comorbidities; however, further studies are required to determine if physiological vitamin D can be used as a biomarker in the clinical determination and disease management of dementia.

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PMID: 21494700

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