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A Probable Way Vitamin D Affects Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Nitric Oxide Signaling Pathway
Front Psychiatry. 2022 May 26;13:908895. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.908895
Bing Wang 1 2, HanYu Dong 2, HongHua Li 2, XiaoJing Yue 2, Lin Xie 1
Study Table of Contents
Vitamin D (VD) deficiency during pregnancy and early brain development is an important environmental risk factor for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Its specific mechanism of action is still unclear. However, one study on the correlation between metabolomics and VD levels in children with ASD has found that the whole-blood arginine (Arg) levels of children with ASD are significantly negatively correlated with serum VD levels, suggesting that the effect of VD on ASD may be related to the signaling pathway involving Arg. Arg is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO), and changes in its levels most directly affect NO levels and signal transduction pathways. NO, a biologically active free radical, is both a neurotransmitter and a neuromodulator in the central nervous system and is related to the pathogeneses of various neurological diseases. The NO signaling pathway is not only affected by VD levels but also closely related to ASD through a series of mechanisms, such as neurotransmitter imbalance, immune disorders, and oxidative stress. Therefore, the effect of VD on ASD may be achieved via regulation of the NO signaling pathway. The current review discusses the relationship among VD, NO, and ASD as suggested by a large body of evidence in the literature in an effort to provide clues for researchers on the pathogenesis of ASD and the mechanism of VD's impact on ASD.
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In addition, NO can inversely regulate 1,25(OH)2D levels. CYP27B1 is a 1a hydroxylase gene whose expression is bidirectionally regulated by NO levels. The transcription of CYP27B1 can be upregulated at low concentrations of NO but inhibited by high concentrations of NO, thereby further affecting the levels of 1,25(OH)2D (81). Therefore, VD levels are closely related to NO levels, and the two influence each other.
VD deficiency during pregnancy and early brain development is an important environmental risk factor for ASD, and highdose VD can improve the core symptoms of ASD. The serum VD levels in children with ASD are significantly negatively correlated with the levels of the raw material for NO synthesis, Arg. NO, one of the most important signaling molecules in the brain, is involved in the occurrence of various brain- related diseases and is an important pathological molecule in ASD, Its role in ASD is mediated by a series of mechanisms, such as neurotransmitter imbalance, immune disorders, and oxidative stress. VD can regulate the levels of molecules in the NO signaling pathway. This review hypothesizes a potential mechanism in which abnormal levels of NO during the critical period of brain development caused by various factors (including abnormalities in neurotransmitters, immune disorders, etc.) are important factors in the pathogenesis of ASD, and VD affects the pathogenesis and severity of ASD by regulating NO levels. If this hypothesis is verified, monitoring NO levels during pregnancy and early brain development may become an important strategy for ASD risk prediction, and NO levels may guide the timing and dosing of VD supplementation. Researches on this pathway could contribute to detect more objective criteria for the diagnosis of ASD. The combination of VD and NO- related issues might indicate possible subtype of ASD. Eventually this may lead to more effective prevention and treatment of ASD.
Nitric Oxide INCREASED Austism in mice - Israel May 2023
VitaminDWiki - CYP27B1 category contains
The CYP27B1 gene activates Vitamin D in the Kidney, Skin, Lungs, Brain, Eyes Breasts etc.
Poor CYP27B1 is assocated with COVID, Miscarriage, Lupus, Alz, Parkinson, MSA, Rickets
CYtochrome P450 family 27 subfamily B member 1 = 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase
63 items in CYP27B1 category 343 articles in the Genetics 530 articles in Vitamin D Receptor 178 articles in Vitamin D Binding Protein - CYP27B1 and other genes are less activated in seniors
- CYP27B causes many health problems – March 2020
- Every Parkinson’s brain had a poor CYP27B1 gene
What can be done if have a poor CYP27B1
- Larger doses of Vitamin D
- More Bio-available: Gut-friendly form, Topical form, taken with fatty meal, taken with evening meal
- Additional sources: UV
- Increase Vitamin D metabolism: additional Magnesium, Omega-3
- All cytochrome P450 enzymes require Mg++ as a cofactor
- Increase the amount of Vitamin D in the blood that gets to cells: increase activation of VDR
Vitamin D blood test misses CYP27B1 and other genes
12+ VitaminDWiki pages with NITRIC OXIDE in the title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 15
VitaminDWiki - Autism category contains
Autism category has164 items - see also Overview Autism and vitamin D, Autoimmune , Cognitive, ADHD
Interesting Autistic studies
Autism associated with low Vitamin D- Most Autism Risk factors are associated with low vitamin D - March 2014
- Rickets – 26 percent had autism: no rickets, no autism (both associated with low vitamin D) – June 2015
- Autistics have half of the response to Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2018
- Vitamin D fights autism - trying to figure out how and why – May 2022
Autism treated by Vitamin D
- Autism risk is reduced by Vitamin D – early pregnancy or chlldhood – Umbrella review – July 2024
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (monthly injection of 150,000 IU) – June 2017
- Autism decreased in 8 out of 10 children supplemented with vitamin D – April 2015
Autism reduced by vitamins before and during pregnancy
- Autism reduced 24% for each 4 ng more Vitamin D while pregnant ( ADHD 12%) – Feb 2024
- Low maternal Vitamin D results in larger portion of brain associated with autism – Jan 2020
- Autism risk reduced 2X by prenatal vitamins (Vitamin D or Folic) – Feb 2019
- Autism 3X more likely after closely spaced pregnancy vs 3 year apart– Jan 2011
- Low Vitamin D decreases fertility and increases subsequent autism, ADHD, etc – Feb 2018
- Women who had supplemented with any vitamins were 6 X less likely to have autistic offspring – Jan 2018
- Autism rate in siblings reduced 4X by vitamin D: 5,000 IU during pregnancy, 1,000 IU to infants – Feb 2016
Autism and Vitamin D Receptor (not enough Vit D gets to the cells)
This list is automatically updated- More than 30% of Autistics also have ADHD - Nov 2024
- Autism treated by an activator of the Vitamin D Receptor: supforaphane - March 2024
- Autism may be synergistically treated by Vitamin D and probiotics – July 2022
- Autism 2X to 3X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – June 2020
- A good Vitamin D Receptor (or perhaps more vitamin D) protects against lead during pregnancy
- Autism much more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – many studies
Autism - other risk factors
- Autistic symptoms reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT March 2019
- Autism risk increased if infant had antibiotics (2X), acetaminophen (3X), or no vitamin D drops (1.5X) – June 2018
- 20 X more Parkinson's and 100X more Autism with GMO soy in China
- Note >100X increase in Autism while having GMO soy in the US
6 Autism and Virus/Vaccines - Fewer neurons in males born from COVID-19 vaccinated mothers (rats) - Jan 2024
- Vaccinations resulted in increased office visits for children 16 months later - Nov 2020
- Does a vaccine increase the risk of Autism – March 2019
- Autism 2.75 X more likely in Hib vaccines containing Mercury – May 2018
- Vaccinated children had more chronic diseases - Sept 2018
- Autism and ADHD type disorders were 14X more likely in survey of extreme preterm vaccinated infants - April 2017
Dr. Cannell on Autism and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (80 – 120 ng) – Cannell update May 2018
- Autism Causes, Prevention and Treatment: Vitamin D Deficiency etc. – Book April 2015 Cannell
- Autism cured in a child with Vitamin D, Dr. Cannell comments and cofactor recommendations – March 2015
- Autism and Vitamin D - Dr. Cannell in Life Extension Mag - Jan 2014
- Autism treated by Vitamin D: Dr. Cannell - video June 2013
- includes his list of 27 reasons to associate Vitamin D with Autism in 2013
7 studies: Autism reduced by Omega-3 - Many autistic children are getting some Vitamin D, Omega-3, probiotics, etc. – Aug 2019
- Autistic symptoms reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT March 2019
- Omega-3 probably can decrease Autism and ADHD – March 2019
- Autism treated in one person by Omega-3 plus Vitamin D – Dec 2018
- Autism problems reduced by Vitamin D, Omega-3 – RCT Oct 2018
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- Autism risks include chemicals, deficiency of vitamin D, Omega-3 – mini-review April 2016
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