Vitamin D can fortify a variety of food and drinks – even beer – March 2012

Schlitz beer was fortified with about 200 IU of vitamin D2 in the mid 1930’s

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Advertisement from 1936

Vitamin D can be added to food very easily

  • Very low cost to add vitamin D3
    Typically adds less than 0.1% to the cost of the food, and has no taste
  • Can add vitamin D3 to clear beverages (using microencasulation)

However, most governments restrict what can be added to food which is SOLD

  • Possible opportunity to adding vitamin D to the feed of chickens, etc
  • Anyone can add vitamin D to the food which they consume at home
    Can add bulk vitamin D to your salt or sugar or jam or honey or pepper or basil or etc.
    Cost of vitamin D for a month for a family is only a few pennies.

Article on Schlitz Beer March 2012

  • Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), apparently decided to contest the Schlitz claims
    eventually the brewery dropped the attempt to capitalize on what was then a health-related craze.
  • WARF continues to collect royalties for adding vitamin D to milk (and other food?)
  • WARF is the largest holder of Vitamin D patents in the world
    (Who said that a vitamin could not be patented?)

See also VitaminDWiki

11787 visitors, last modified 15 Aug, 2015,
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