This $1,000,000 will fund Vitamin D R&D:
- causes and consequences of deficiencies,
- the effect deficiency has on pregnancy within the UAE.
- impact of Vitamin D deficiency on chronic kidney disease patients requiring dialysis.”
- creation of new protocols in the supplementation and fortification, guidelines
- provide insights into the retrospective and interventional aspects of Vitamin D.
- Research will be extended to cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders.
Principle Scientist for the research will be Dr. Haq
See also VitaminDWiki
- If heavily clothed, very little vitamin D – Dec 2012
- Newborns in sunny Jordan have very low Vitamin D (histogram) – Nov 2013
- Hypovitaminosis D in the Middle East and North Africa - May 2013
- Abu Dhabi 2012 - Haq
- Very poor knowledge of vitamin D deficiency, even after diagnosis in Kuwait - March 2012
- Avoid the hot sun and thus vitamin D in the Middle East – Oct 2011
- Increase your vitamin D from the sun by wearing a tan-through instead of standard shirt
This concept was patented to heavy clothing in the Middle East - but the patent did not get continued funding, so has expired - A special "window" can be made which passes only UVB - not visible, not heat
This would be an excellent way to get vitamin D without getting hot. - More hijab clothing may have resulted in 6X increase in Multiple Sclerosis in Tehran – May 2013
- One pill every two weeks gives you all the vitamin D most adults need
- Vitamin D fortification of foods, cosmetics, by mfg and at home (India) - Sept 2014 innovative ideas
- Hypothesis: Why so many females in the Middle East are now Vitamin D Deficient has the following items
Overview Middle East and vitamin D which has the following list of reasons for vitamin D deficiency
ME = especially in the Middle East
Less time in the SUN
- Air conditioning - to avoid the hot sun ME
- Increased use of multi-media indoors
- More indoor jobs - more office workers, fewer farmers ME
- Living in cities more ME
- Want whiter skin - especially women ME
- Fear skin cancer
- Cholesterol reduced
- More Obesity
- Soft drink cola
- Meat from factory farms
- Some drugs consume or block vitamin D
- increased use of polyunsaturated fats
- More windows which appear to destroy vitamin D
Other than sun
- Eat less liver - which used to have very large amounts of vitamin D ME
Unsure how the meat was killed - Less Magnesium in foods
- More Seniors
- Excessive clothing (burka) ME
Note: Women in ME have much less vitamin D than men - Have a condition which Consumes vitamin D
- Have a condition which Prevents Adsorption in the gut
- Have a condition which Prevents Conversion to active form
- Have a condition which requires more vitamin D
- Lactose Intolerance or Vegan
- Health reasons to avoid sun
- Work long hours or night shift
- Live far from equator NOT ME
- DDT in bodies reduce the vitamin D
- Myths about vitamin D
- Dark Skin ME
- Use vitamin D2 avoiding D3 from wool and gelatin typically made from animals ME
Note: D2 is known to have less benefit than D3, and it may actually DECREASE D3 levels
Note: As of 2012 many companies make Kosher/Vegan Vitamin D3
Note: Vegi-caps do exist - Lack vitamin D fortification of food and drinks ME
Details on above list are HERE
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