The Single Most Crucial Nutrient Your Body Craves (Vitamin D) - Mercola Nov 2015


  • "In fact, I believe it's the most cost-effective solution for supporting your health. But your doctor probably isn't aware of it, allowing your heart, eyes, bones and muscles to go without the tools they need to keep you in optimal health...*

Yet vitamin D (specifically the vitamin D3 form) impacts an incredible array of support for systems and functions in your body...
Heart health*
Cell formation and cell longevity*
Skin health*
Pancreatic health*
Aging process*
Sleep patterns*
Reproductive health*
Athletic performance*
Eye health*
Vascular system health*
Respiratory health*
Immune health*... Most people feel in better health during the summer sunshine months - - ever wonder why?
Healthy mood and feelings of well-being*
Weight management, including carbohydrate and fat metabolism*
Hair and hair follicles*
Strong and healthy bones, because vitamin D encourages calcium uptake*
Proper digestion and food absorption*

Includes advertisement for his Vitamin D Spray

If you are to take only a single nutrient it should be Vitamin D
    Henry Lahore - admin of VitaminDWiki

See also VitaminDWiki


3060 visitors, last modified 13 Nov, 2015,
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