Should the President Declare a National Emergency (low vitamin D) - LEF Sept 2007

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The cover story of the September 2007 Life Extension Magazine® was titled “Should the President Declare a National Emergency?” This issue was designed to alert the nation’s leaders to the fact that the health care crisis could be averted if the President gave a televised speech urging all Americans to consume more vitamin D. The President at the time ignored my plea.

Exactly one year ago, I wrote an article titled "Millions of Needless Deaths” that provided unassailable documentation that millions of Americans were suffering and dying because they were not ingesting enough vitamin D. Despite hand delivering this article to every Congressional office, the federal government did nothing. The government also disregarded my offer to donate 50,000 bottles containing 365 capsules each of 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 to the indigent in exchange for the President recommending that all Americans consume more vitamin D.

See also VitaminDWiki

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