Histories of Vitamin D

Google timeline for vitamin D

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from http://www.beyonddiscovery.org/content/view.txt.asp?a=414

includes the following table

  • 1600 - In the mid 1600s, rickets is first described.
  • 1900 - In the early 1900s, Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins demonstrates that whole foods (as opposed to purified proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) contain certain unknown constituents essential to health and growth.
  • 1906 - Christiaan Eijkman and Gerrit Grijns extract the antineuritic factor from rice hulls, later shown to be vitamin B1.
  • 1918 - Sir Edward Mellanby induces rickets in dogs and then cures the disease by feeding the animals cod-liver oil.
  • 1919 - K. Huldschinsky cures children of rickets using artificially produced ultraviolet light.
  • 1920 - In the early 1920s, Harry Goldblatt and Katherine Soames, H. Steenbock and A. Black, and Alfred Hess and Mildred Weinstock independently discover that irradiating certain foodstuffs with ultraviolet light renders those foods antirachitic.
  • 1922 - Elmer V. McCollum destroys vitamin A in cod liver oil and shows that the separate antirachitic substance remains. He calls the newly identified substance "vitamin D."
  • 1927 - Adolf Windaus, O. Rosenheim, and T. A. Webster deduce that ergosterol is the likely parent substance of vitamin D in food.
  • 1931 - F. A. Askew defines the chemical makeup of the form of vitamin D found in irradiated foods (now called ergocalciferol), derived from the precursor molecule ergosterol.
  • 1936 - Windaus deduces the chemical structure of vitamin D3 produced in the skin (now known as cholecalciferol) and identifies the structure of its parent molecule, 7-dehydrocholesterol.
  • 1968 - Hector F. DeLuca and colleagues isolate an active vitamin D metabolite and identify it as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. They later prove that the substance is produced in the liver.
  • 1968 - Between 1968-1970, the existence of a second active metabolite produced from 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is reported by Anthony W. Norman, Mark R. Haussler, and J. F. Myrtle; by E. Kodicek, D. E. M. Lawson, and P. W. Wilson; and by DeLuca and coworkers.
  • 1970 - In the 1970s, researchers discover the relationship of Vitamin D to the body's endocrine system and calcium regulation.
  • 1971 - Three research groups identify the chemical/molecular structure of the final active form of vitamin D as 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, which is soon reclassified as a hormone controlling calcium metabolism.
  • 1975 - Haussler confirms the discovery of a protein receptor that binds the active vitamin D metabolite to the nucleus of cells in the intestine.
  • 1980 - In the 1980s, a Japanese research team and, independently, Michael F. Holick and coworkers show that vitamin D hormone inhibits skin cell growth. Holick and colleagues demonstrate that topical applications of the vitamin D hormone are a remarkably effective treatment of psoriasis.
  • 1980 - In the mid-1980s, researchers find that vitamin D hormone seems to play a part in modulating the immune system.
  • 1994 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves a vitamin D-based topical treatment for psoriasis, called calcipotriol.

Another history for vitamin D from UC Riverside 1999

Click Here

Wagner 2010

taken from http://www.grassrootshealth.net/media/download/2010-04-9-Wagner-115pm.pdf April 2010

  • CLICK HERE for a video of the April 2010 presentation
  • Concern in 1950‘s that vitamin D given to pregnant women was teratogenic
  • Concern that even for some individuals doses of vitamin D above 400 IU/day could be toxic
  • In 1964, no quantitative means of assessing circulating concentrations of vitamin D
  • In fact, at that time, unproven that vitamin D was further metabolized within the body
  • By 1967, vitamin D was viewed by the medical community as a significant causative factor in Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis Syndrome (SAS)
  • What we were to find out. . That SAS was not caused by too much vitamin D per se – But what, in fact, is a genetic disorder called Williams Syndrome
  • For adults, the requirement was set at 200 IU vitamin D/day which was viewed as a iberal amount – National Academy of Sciences. Recommended dietary allowances. 1989 Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
  • Also wiki page here of Vancouver May 2010

History of Vitamin D - many studies 14+

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