FireFox browser problems

Have given up on FireFox browser Feb 2012. Chrome browser works well

Problem 1: FireFox Browser fails to print out more than the first page

Solution: use a different browser (Chrome, IE, Opera, Safari all print properly)

Problem 2: FireFox Browser occasionally opens a page with the left column upper portion of the page missing

Solution for now: close FireFox and save the open tabs, re-start FireFox

Problem 3: Clicking on a file downloads but does not display the file

Solution: In FireFox Select Tools / options / Applications, then set 'actions' for

Adobe Acrobat Document, GIF, JPEG, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format
file will still be downloaded, but at least the file will be displayed

Update April 2015 - Firefox can translate pages (via google translate)

37537 visitors, last modified 29 Apr, 2015,
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