Diagnose-me - what vitamin D can treat and prevent

As of March 25, 2011

Rating for each problem

1 = May do some good
2 = Likely to help
3 = Highly recommended


1 - IBS
1 - Sensitive Teeth
1 - Metabolic Diet Type
3 - Osteoporosis - Osteopenia
2 - Exhaustion Caused By Emotional Upsets
3 - Vitamin D Requirement: Rickets heals promptly with 4,000 IU of oral vitamin D per day, Osteomalacia is treated by eating 2,500 IU
3 - Calcium - Vitamin D is essential for absorption of calcium
1 - Vitamin A Requirement
2 - Psoriasis
2 - Prostate Cancer
2 - Breast Cancer
1 - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
1 - Pregnancy-Related Issues


2 - Cancer, General

They have an analysis service ($25, $55, $77) which they compare to a doctor as follows


They also have the following chart


5197 visitors, last modified 03 Aug, 2011,
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