Canadian grant funding lost for prescribing 50,000 IU of vitamin D – July 2017

Does not indicate how often the 50,000 IU was to be taken
If once every two weeks, the daily average would have been 3,700 IU
Many governments, like Canada, do not permit > 4,000 IU of vitamin D in a single day
Yet thousands of doctors regularly prescribe 50,000 IU weekly as a loading dose
Perhaps the problem was that the prescription was made by a nurse, not a doctor
Perhaps the problems was that Canadian doctors, like many others around the world, feared loss of income if people were taking vitamin D

Details on the web

Alberta Health cancels funding for Pure North nurse-practitioner clinic

See also VitaminDWiki

50,000 IU in 87 titles, such as:

7552 visitors, last modified 23 Jul, 2017,
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