Calcium deficiency is a risk factor for overweight female teenagers April 2010


FASEB (Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology) Journal Vol 24 April 2010 917.19
Maria Esther Rio1,2, Ana Lia Felipoff1, Liliana Zago1 and Norma Piazza3
1 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2 CONICET, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 Epidemiologia, Vicente López, Argentina
Adolescence is a highly vulnerable period of life. Multiple changes occur which often translate into bad eating habits among them, shortcomings in the intake of calcium (Ca), problem which has received special attention since recent investigations have shown an association between high Ca intakes and prevention of adiposity. Here we study the influence of Ca status (CaS) on overweight and obesity in 130 adolescent females 10 to 18 years old. Diagnosis of Normality (N), Overweight (OW) and Obesity (O) was performed by IMC (WHO 2007) (N: zIMC < +1DS and >-2DS; OW: zIMC > + 1DS; O: zIMC > +2DS) and maturity by Tanner (T).
Ca status was assessed in basal urine samples by the Ca/creatinine ratio (Ca/C) using AA spetrophotometer and a commercial kit, respectively. CS was defined as: <0.07, deficiency (D); 0.07–0.15, adequate (A); > 0.15: high (H).
The obese adolescents accounted for 41 % of (D) group declining to 35 % for (A) and 14 % for (E).
The behavior was reverse in those with adequate BMI: 30 % of the Group (D) increasing to 46 % in (A) and 57 % in (H).
Also, the average value of zIMC by range of Ca/C decrease from 1.4 + 1.30 to (D) to 1.00 + 1. 44 to (A) and 0.15 + 1.67 for (H) (global ANOVA, p= 0.0070, Tuckey p<0.01 between (D) and (H).
Calcium deficiency is a risk factor for obesity, as seen in D, in addition to the Zemel findings concerning the protective effect of Calcium high intakes, as shown by E group. Supported by UBACyT B/060.

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