Calcium Propionate (GRAS food additive and in cattle feed) is associated with both autism and Diabetes – May 2019

Calcium propionate is has been widely used in low-cost foods to stop mold since the 1960s
Calcium propionate changes the mold (bacteria) in your gut
Consumption is correlated with increase in autism and diabetes
Founder of VitaminDWiki speculates that it may also be correlated with gluten intollerence

   His wife developed gluten intolerance when they traveled away from organic bakeries for years

Why Calcium Propionate Is Strongly Linked to Diabetes and Autism Mercola May 2019

  • “Calcium propionate is a widely used additive in the food industry as a preservative and antifungal agent routinely sprayed on fruit, packed meat, cheese and bread.”
  • “In one study, researchers noted propionic acid is produced by autism-associated gastrointestinal bacteria 27 (clostridia and bacteroides) and may produce reversible behavioral, electrographic and neuroinflammatory changes resembling autism when administered to rodents. 28”
  • Autism rate 20% (as of 2014) in those with low incomes (who tend to eat more highly prepared foods)
  • Mercola Reference #27
    “Clostridium Bacteria and Autism Spectrum Conditions: A Systematic Review and Hypothetical Contribution of Environmental Glyphosate Levels” June 2018

  • "Every time someone purchases a hamburger, there’s a chance that they’re exposing themselves to a chemical which might cause or exacerbate autism—and major food companies like McDonald’s are scrambling to pull it from their products. The chemical is calcium propionate, and a growing body of literature suggests that limiting exposure is critical to protecting health."
  • "Patients with ASD are prone to having excess propionic acid due to ASD-related microbiome abnormalities and highly restricted diets, make them uniquely vulnerable to further damage. However, healthy people may also be affected; while they may not become debilitated by excess exposure to propionic acid, such exposure could cause mild ASD-like symptoms that they would not experience otherwise."

Calcium propanoate Wikipedia

  • “Calcium propionate is used as a preservative in a wide variety of products, including but not limited to: bread, other baked goods, processed meat, whey, and other dairy products.[2] In agriculture, it is used, amongst other things, to prevent milk fever in cows and as a feed supplement [3]”
  • “Calcium propionate is used in bakery products as a mold inhibitor, typically at 0.1-0.4%”
  • “Children were challenged with calcium propionate or placebo through daily bread in a double‐blind placebo‐controlled crossover trial. Although there was no significant difference by two measures, a statistically significant difference was found in the proportion of children whose behaviours "worsened" with challenge (52%), compared to the proportion whose behaviour "improved" with challenge (19%)”
    • VitaminDWiki wonders if Calcium propionate might be one of the risk factors for Gluten intolerance – When did bakers start to use it?


  • “Back in the early 1960s, the national loaf was fundamentally redesigned. The flour and yeast were changed and a combination of intense energy and additives completely displaced time in the maturing of dough. Almost all our bread has been made this way for nearly half a century. It is white and light and stays soft for days.”
  • “Flour, yeast, water and salt - a traditional loaf needs only four ingredients.
    So why are calcium propionate, amylase, chlorine dioxide and L-cysteine hydrochloride now crammed into our daily bread?”
1510 visitors, last modified 22 May, 2019,
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