Alzheimer’s associated with Vitamin D and Vitamin D receptor – video and pdf – Aug 2018

The clues for new roles of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor in neurodegeneration

Presented by E Dursan at Scientific Workshop

"Vitamin D, in the prevention of health disparities during adult life, mediterranean experts meeting"
Held on 30-31/8/2018, in Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA), in Thessaloniki, Greece,.

37 minute video

A few of the presented images

VDR Alz history




Subcellular location of VDR


Plaque and Vitamin D (arrows added by VitaminDWiki)


Hypothesis 1 and 2


 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

 Download the PowerPoint from VitaminDWiki

This is one of 19 videos from the workshop

Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki has the following summary

Items in both VitaminDWiki categories Cognition and Vitamin D Receptor are listed here: 

See also VitaminDWiki


  • Molecular genetics and vitamin D action E. Kassi
  • Vitamin D and human reproduction D. Goulis
  • Effects of Vitamin D supplements and osteoporosis treatment on musculoskeletal system A. Bargiotta
  • Optimizing Vitamin D status in children with pre - school wheeze or asthma: a pilot study (OptiVit) Ch. Stefanidis
  • Molecular background of Vitamin D anticancer action: Impact on hypoxia inducible transcription factors (HIFs) A. Tsakalof
  • Preoperative serum Vitamin D levels in patients with breast cancer is associated with histological characteristics of the tumor G. Panagiotou
  • Prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in a Greek and a Cypriot population sample S.-E. Xyda
  • The relationship between Vitamin D and MTDNA encoded genes expression M. Alaylioglu
  • Association of CUBN gene variants with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Vitamin D levels in an elderly Greek Population X. Tsekmekidou
  • Vitamin D and cancer W. B. Grant
  • Management of vitamin D deficiency: Guidelines of the Hellenic Endocrine Society K. Kotsa, S.-N. Karras
  • The clues for new roles of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor in neurodegeneration E. Dursun, D. Gezen - Ak
  • Vitamin D and Pregnancy A.-M. Michailidou
  • Osteoporosis Markers Among Emirati Females Based on Vitamin D
  • Receptor Variants and Biomechanical Parameters F. Al. Anouti
  • Regulation of Parathyroid Hormone secretion in normal subjects S. Minisola
  • Quantification of 25-Hydroxyvitamind3/D2 by UHPLC-DAD with online metabolites isolation and preconcentration A. Tsakalof
  • Vitamin D and cognitive function in older adults: a review of the literature N. Syrmos
  • The role of Vitamin D in Atopic Dermatitis V.-E. Pappa
  • Anxiety and Depression is associated with decreased Vitamin D levels in an elderly population in Northern Greece D. Drivakou
  • Measurement of vitamin D metabolites - Assays Naughton
  • Vitamin D and Nutrition (Food fortification - Optimizing Vitamin D status in the Mediterranean region-a global perspective) Kotzakioulafi
  • Vitamin D and obesity S. Tigas
  • Vitamin D supplementation in clinical practice: a practical approach T. Koufakis, E. Rapti
    On VitaminDWiki Vitamin D dosing - weekly may be better than daily – video Aug 2018

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