1500 IU vitamin D minimum - 10,000 IU is safe – review April 2012

A 21st century evaluation of the safety of oral vitamin D

Michael J. Glade, Ph.D. the_nutrition_doctor@yahoo.com
The Nutrition Doctor, Skokie, Illinois, USA
Nutrition. Volume 28, Issue 4 , Pages 344-356, April 2012
Received 31 March 2011; accepted 9 November 2011. PMID: 22414585

The safety of daily consumption of vitamin D was examined. A detailed literature search was conducted using the search term vitamin D; primary and secondary sources of original data and meta-analyses and systematic reviews were evaluated and summarized.

A large body of scientific evidence demonstrates that long-term daily intakes of 600 to 800 IU of vitamin D are insufficient to achieve and sustain vitamin D adequacy (serum 25-hydroxyergocalciferol + 25-hydroxycholecalciferol concentration >75 nmol/L).

Maximization of the physiologic benefits of vitamin D to

  • the musculoskeletal system,
  • the central and peripheral nervous systems,
  • the heart and central and peripheral cardiovascular systems,
  • the respiratory system,
  • the skin,
  • the eyes,
  • dentition,
  • glucoregulation,
  • immunoregulation, and
  • disease resistance

requires daily vitamin D intakes of at least 1500 IU.

Because long-term daily intakes up to and including 10 000 IU of vitamin D do not produce signs or symptoms of vitamin D toxicity and are safe for the entire general population of otherwise healthy adults, even daily vitamin D intakes of 2000 IU allow for the often-cited and excessively conservative five-fold safety factor.

In conclusion, long-term daily intakes of up to and including 10 000 IU of vitamin D maximize physiologic benefits and are safe.

[Dr. Michael Glade is an eminent nutritional specialist, educator and researcher, noted for his expert evaluation of peer reviewed evidence for the FDA in health claim evaluation.]
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See also VitaminDWiki

Graph of dose vs week


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