A Nested Case-Control Study of Midgestation Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk of Severe Preeclampsia
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 95, No. 11 5105-5109, Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society
Arthur M. Baker abaker2 at med.unc.edu, Sina Haeri, Carlos A. Camargo, Jr., Janice A. Espinola and Alison M. Stuebe
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (A.M.B., S.H., A.M.S.), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599; and Department of Emergency Medicine (C.A.C., J.A.E.), and Center for D-Receptor Activation Research (C.A.C.), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114
Context: Vitamin D may be important in the pathogenesis of severe preeclampsia. Given the few effective preventive strategies for severe preeclampsia, studies establishing this link are needed so that effective interventions can be developed.
Objective: Our objective was to assess whether midgestation vitamin D deficiency is associated with development of severe preeclampsia.
Design and Setting: We conducted a nested case-control study of pregnant women who had previously given blood for routine genetic multiple marker screening and subsequently delivered at a tertiary hospital between January 2004 and November 2008.
Patients: Participants included women with singleton pregnancies in the absence of any chronic medical illnesses. From an overall cohort of 3992 women, 51 cases of severe preeclampsia were matched by race/ethnicity with 204 women delivering at term with uncomplicated pregnancies.
Banked maternal serum was used to measure maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D].
Main Outcome Measure: The main outcome was severe preeclampsia.
Results: Midgestation maternal 25(OH)D concentration was lower in women who subsequently developed severe preeclampsia compared with controls [median (interquartile range), 75 (47–107) nmol/liter vs. 98 (68–113) nmol/liter; P = 0.01].
Midgestation maternal 25(OH)D of less than 50 nmol/liter was associated with an almost 4-fold odds of severe preeclampsia (unadjusted odds ratio, 3.63; 95% confidence interval, 1.52–8.65) compared with midgestation levels of at least 75 nmol/liter. Adjustment for known confounders strengthened the observed association (adjusted odds ratio, 5.41; 95% confidence interval, 2.02–14.52).
Conclusion: Maternal midgestation vitamin D deficiency was associated with increased risk of severe preeclampsia.
Vitamin D deficiency may be a modifiable risk factor for severe preeclampsia.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Risk of preeclampsia might be cut in half if take an amount of Vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2017
- Almost 3X more likely to get preeclampsia if low vitamin D and high PTH– July 2013
- 2X more preeclampsia when vitamin D less than 30 ng, etc. - meta-analysis March 2013 preeclampsia
- 7X increase in early severe preeclampsia associated with low vitamin D – Aug 2012
- preeclampsia 3X more likely if low vitamin D at 25th week – April 2012
- Severe preeclampsia 4X higher when very vitamin D deficient e.g. 10 ng vs 40 ng blood levels
- Preeclampsia and small infants associated with 7 ng less vitamin D – Mar 2011
- How to reduce preeclampsia - May 2011
- Eclampsia 2X more frequency in Swedish winter – Jan 2011
- All items in Pregnancy and Vitamin D
931 items - Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D
See also web
- Darwin’s Morning After Pill: How Couples Who Want Children Can Increase Their Chances Scientific American, Dec 2013
humans are only 1 of 3 mammal species which have two distinct stages of implantation
Less preeclampsia as mother has more experience with the same sperm before and after conception.
Thus more preeclampsia if rape, one-night-stand, condoms,
Women with low vitamin D 4X more likely to have preeclampsia in pregnancy – Nov 20108008 visitors, last modified 04 Sep, 2017, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)