
Which children need Vitamin D tests (no consensus, should give Vit D to all) – March 2019

Vitamin D screening variations in children and adolescents: Who should be screened?

Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Volume 45, March–April 2019, Pages 57-61, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2019.02.002
Renée L. Davis DNP, RN, CPNP-PCaAlongkorn Aksornsri MNS, Rnb Michelle M.Papachrisanthou DNP, RN, CPNP-PCc


Most of the crteria concern detecting health problems, rather than preventing the problems
None of the groups include the followinfg problems often associated with low vitamin D

  • pre-term births
  • breathing problems
  • allergies
  • diabetes
  • live from from equator
  • poor sleep
  • IBD
  • low strength
  • rarely get outdoors due to a medical problem

Infant-Child category starts with

Having a good level of vitamin D cuts in half the amount of:

Need even more IUs of vitamin D to get a good level if;

  • Have little vitamin D: premie, twin, mother did not get much sun access
  • Get little vitamin D: dark skin, little access to sun
  • Vitamin D is consumed faster than normal due to sickness
  • Older (need at least 100 IU/kilogram, far more if obese)
  • Not get any vitamin D from formula (breast fed) or (fortified) milk
    Note – formula does not even provide 400 IU of vitamin D daily

Infants-Children need Vitamin D

 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki


  • Early vitamin D deficiency detection can improve the health of children.
  • Vitamin D screening recommendations are based on risk factors.
  • No consensus on vitamin D deficiency screening in children and adolescents exists.

Problem: No consensus on vitamin D deficiency (VDD) screening in children and adolescents exists. Early VDD detection can improve the health of children. VDD can cause bone mineralization diseases, such as rickets in children. The purpose of this review is to determine existing VDD screening recommendations or clinical practice guidelines in children and adolescents.

Eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria were VDD screening ‘guideline’, ‘clinical practice guideline’, and ‘recommendations’ for children and adolescents in English, published 2001–2018.

Results: Eight current guidelines addressed VDD screening recommendations with the common recommendation results endorsing screening only for VDD in at-risk children and adolescents.

Conclusions: There is insufficient evidence for pediatric healthcare providers to recommend which VDD risk factors should be utilized for screening in children and adolescents.

Implications: Further studies should focus on developing a validated VDD screening tool for children and adolescents based on risk factors.

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