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Weekly, Monthly Vitamin D are typically better than daily - many studies

VitaminDWiki – Better than Daily contains:

32 items in BETTER THAN DAILY category

Non-daily (Bolus) is better:

  1. Better compliance for everyone
    • Fewer opportunities to forget.
    • If happen to forget, just take the dose many days later
    • Fewer times to have to take a pill - for those who dislike doing so
  2. Non-daily gets more vitamin D to the cells for the ~20% who have a poor Vitamin D Receptor

122+ VitaminDWiki pages have MONTHLY in the title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 128
Title Modified
Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024 13 Aug, 2024
No increase in falls, fractures or all-cause mortality when Vitamin D is given monthly or less often– meta-analysis April 2024 24 Jun, 2024
1 year to respond to monthly Calcifediol – June 2024 20 Jun, 2024
50,000 IU of Vitamin D monthly is safe for 1 year, levels still rising – June 2024 13 Jun, 2024
100,000 IU of Vitamin D monthly (27 ng) is not enough to reduce fractures and falls – meta-analysis April 2024 15 Apr, 2024
Menstrual pain reduced by Vitamin D (50,000 weekly or 300,000 monthly) – meta-analyses 11 Apr, 2024
Weekly, Monthly Vitamin D are typically better than daily - many studies 17 Mar, 2024
Vitamin D response in post-menopausal women: weekly better than monthly, notice benefit in 3 months – Jan 2021 23 Dec, 2023
Monthly vitamin D dosing during lactation was great for infant and mother - April 2020 30 Nov, 2023
Monthly vitamin D dosing better for children than daily (again) - Oct 2023 15 Nov, 2023
Simple vitamin D supplementation - daily, weekly, or monthly - Sept 2023 04 Oct, 2023
Vitamin D given daily, weekly, or monthly has similar response (116 RCTs) – meta-analysis Aug 2023 02 Oct, 2023
Smoking does not decrease response to monthly Vitamin D – RCT July 2020 03 Aug, 2023
Psoriasis not treated by monthly Vitamin D -meta-analysis July 2023 02 Aug, 2023
Pain not reduced by 60,000 IU monthly vitamin D (need 50,000 IU weekly) – RCT Aug 2023 22 Jul, 2023
Raynaud's pain decreased with 600,000 IU monthly vitamin D – RCT May 2012 17 Jul, 2023
Cardiovascular events – need more than monthly 60,000 IU vitamin D to prevent other than infarction – June 2023 13 Jul, 2023
Response to infant 2,000 IU Vitamin D daily was in 194 ng, monthly dosing was 20% less – RCT May 2023 17 May, 2023
Lupus: 60,000 IU Vitamin D monthly got to only 34 ng, not enough to help – RCT Jan 2023 04 Jan, 2023
Increase infant Vitamin D: forification, daily, weekly, monthly, breast milk - Review June 2022 07 Nov, 2022
Diabetes prevented by 50,000 IU vitamin D monthly (Iran) – Jan 2022 03 Nov, 2022
Bone biomarkers increased equally by daily, weekly, or monthly Vitamin D (CKD in children in this case) – Nov 2022 02 Nov, 2022
Immune systems of overweight black women improved by monthly 60,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2022 14 Oct, 2022
60,000 IU of vitamin D monthly is healthy and safe – RCT Aug 2022 19 Aug, 2022
Vitamin D treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease: monthly better than daily – RCT May 2022 10 Jun, 2022
Monthly vitamin D helped hearts with low vitamin D a bit (need it more frequently) – RCT March 2022 11 Mar, 2022
100,000 IU of Vitamin D3 monthly for 4 months to diabetics (D2 bombed) – RCT Dec 2019 13 Feb, 2022
Monthly 120,000 IU of Vitamin D while breastfeeding was good – RCT Jan 2022 11 Jan, 2022
Resistance training can be aided by Vitamin D, 50,000 IU monthly is not often enough – RCT Dec 2021 11 Jan, 2022
Mortality reduction needs more than monthly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D - RCT Jan 2022 11 Jan, 2022
Vitamin D levels in teens restored with 150,000 IU monthly for 3 months (mean 33 ng) – Oct 2021 29 Oct, 2021
Vitamin D restoration then monthly was the most popular dosing by trials – Nov 2018 30 Aug, 2021
Falls not decreased by 60,000 IU Vitamin D monthly (not a news item) – RCT Aug 2021 02 Aug, 2021
Pain reduced by Vitamin D (60K weekly, then monthly) plus daily Calcium in 3 months – May 2021 16 Jul, 2021
Asthma and COPD in a few seniors greatly decreased by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT Feb 2021 28 Jun, 2021
Recurrence of malignant melanoma may be reduced by 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly – trial underway 2017 13 Mar, 2021
Ischaemic stroke – Vitamin D doubled survival (Injection followed by monthly 60,000 IU) – RCT Aug 2016 05 Mar, 2021
Asthma treated by monthly 100,000 IU of Vitamin D if person had very low levels – RCT Feb 2021 06 Feb, 2021
Smokers helped by Vitamin D (100,000 IU monthly) - RCT Dec 2017 21 Jan, 2021
Bone density improved by monthly 50,000 IU of vitamin D for 6 months – RCT Jan 2021 19 Jan, 2021
Vitamin D for infants – 100,000 IU monthly is better than 400 IU daily – RCT Oct 2020 10 Jan, 2021
Residents of a Nursing Home who choose monthly Vitamin D had 4X fewer COVID-19 deaths – Nov 2, 2020 23 Nov, 2020
60,000 IU dose of VItamin D (weekly, monthly) is popular in India 17 Nov, 2020
Diverticular disease:12X reduction if low Vitamin D and given 100,000 IU monthly – RCT Aug 2020 01 Sep, 2020
Monthly 100,000 IU of Vitamin D adds about 25 ng - RCT April 2020 10 Jul, 2020
Vitamin D less costly if give 100,000 IU monthly (but 50,000 IU biweekly should save more money) – July 2019 16 Jul, 2019
Less bone loss if take 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly – RCT Nov 2017 07 Jul, 2019
Fractures reduced by monthly 30,000 IU of Vitamin D, perhaps 100,000 IU would be better – July 2019 07 Jul, 2019
4X reduction in bone fractures following Kidney Transplant with monthly Vitamin D (100,000 IU) - RCT June 2019 17 Jun, 2019
Tuberculosis not treated by monthly 140,000 IU (Vitamin D binding protein problem) – RCT Sept 2017 14 Jun, 2019
Prediabetes both prevented and treated by monthly Vitamin D, etc. 08 Jun, 2019
Growing pains reduced 60 percent by monthly Vitamin D – March 2014 19 May, 2019
Grip strength following wrist fracture increased by 50,000 IU Vitamin D monthly – May 2019 09 May, 2019
Monthly Vitamin D had a 20 percent better response than quarterly – small RCT April 2019 06 Mar, 2019
Daily, monthly Vitamin D had similar great benefits, more than 6 months needed – RCT Dec 2018 09 Feb, 2019
100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly decreases use of NASIDs by 13 percent if low vitamin D – RCT May 2018 25 Dec, 2018
Rheumatoid Arthritis pain reduced by monthly 100,000 IU of Vitamin D – Oct 2018 05 Oct, 2018
Vitamin D during lactation – range from 4,000 IU daily to 150,000 IU monthly – Sept 2018 25 Sep, 2018
Vitamin D RCT using 100,000 IU monthly for a variety of health problems – results of ViDA due in 2016 15 Aug, 2018
Monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D is safe (and may be better than daily) – RCT Aug 2018 14 Aug, 2018
Pregnancies helped a lot by Vitamin D (injection then 50,000 IU monthly) – RCT May 2018 28 May, 2018
Knee pain and depression reduced by monthly 50,000 IU vitamin D – RCT April 2018 21 Apr, 2018
50,000 IU vitamin D routinely given monthly in New Zealand senior homes since 2011– Dec 2016 07 Apr, 2018
Autism treated by Vitamin D - 150,000 monthly for 3 months – Jan 2016 04 Apr, 2018
Autism treated by Vitamin D (monthly injection of 150,000 IU) – June 2017 06 Mar, 2018
Pain not relieved by monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D (need 50,000 IU weekly) – RCT Feb 2018 02 Mar, 2018
HbA1c levels (Diabetes) reduced by monthly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – Dec 2017 01 Mar, 2018
Monthly vitamin D dosing had higher response than 3 per month – RCT Jan 2018 28 Jan, 2018
600,000 IU of vitamin D – 42 ng at 3 months for 1 inj, 3 inj, oral monthly, oral weekly - Oct 2017 15 Jan, 2018
Breathing by ever-smokers improved by monthly Vitamin D – RCT 2017 29 Dec, 2017
Breathing by ever-smokers improved by monthly Vitamin D (mailed) – RCT 2017 29 Dec, 2017
Bone loss stopped by monthly 12,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT June 2016 07 Nov, 2017
Blood pressure reduced by monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D in those who were deficient – RCT Oct 2017 29 Oct, 2017
HIV patients helped by monthly 120,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2017 17 Oct, 2017
Monthly 120,000 IU Vitamin D plus daily Calcium was great during pregnancies – RCT Sept 2017 23 Sep, 2017
Monthly 80,000 IU of vitamin D safely got half above 40 ng in 6 months – March 2017 16 Sep, 2017
Mother got 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly, breastfeeding infant got a little – RCT Aug 2016 13 Sep, 2017
Monthly vitamin D dosing is better than daily dosing for children and elderly (more likely to be taken) – June 2017 25 Aug, 2017
Breastfeeding mothers and Vitamin D: supplement only themselves usually, 4 out of 10 used monthly rather than daily – Jan 2017 05 Aug, 2017
T-cells increased with monthly doses of 140,000 IU vitamin D – April 2014 20 Jul, 2017
Chinese women in tropics needed 50,000 IU of Vitamin D monthly to keep above 30 ng – RCT May 2017 14 Jul, 2017
Vitamin D required for breastfed infants – daily or monthly, infant or mother – Jan 2017 20 May, 2017
Vitamin D – 50,000 IU monthly is enough if near the equator and have normal weight – May 2017 25 Apr, 2017
Why 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly did not reduce Cardiovascular Disease – RCT April 2017 06 Apr, 2017
Prediabetes reduced by monthly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT May 2015 15 Mar, 2017
80,000 IU monthly winter vitamin D got all healthy people above 20 ng (need more) – Feb 2017 02 Mar, 2017
Optimal vitamin D supplementation strategies (D3 - weekly or monthly) – Feb 2017 02 Mar, 2017
Knee osteoarthritis pain reduced by 60,000 IU monthly vitamin D following loading dose – RCT Nov 2013 24 Dec, 2016
Monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D decreased respiratory infection but increased falls – Nov 2016 10 Dec, 2016
Antibiotic use cut in half by elderly (over 70) after monthly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Dec 2013 06 Oct, 2016
Vitamin D – monthly dosing was better than daily with Calcium – RCT Dec 2015 17 Sep, 2016
Graph of weekly response to monthly vitamin D supplementation – Aug 2015 17 Sep, 2016
COPD reduced by 40 percent with monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Jan 2015 17 Sep, 2016
Falls cut in half by 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly - RCT 2016 17 Sep, 2016
Vitamin D trial – 60,000 IU monthly to reduce death and colon cancer – results due 2025 12 Aug, 2016
Free Vitamin D in New Zealand to prevent falls in nursing homes (50,000 IU monthly) – June 2016 30 Jul, 2016
Bone loss not stopped by monthly 48,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT June 2016 14 Jun, 2016
Monthly 120,000 IU of Vitamin D during lactation worked well - May 2016 03 Jun, 2016
Monthly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D did not reduce mortality (too infrequent)- Feb 2022monthly) will reduce mortality – results due 2024 19 Apr, 2016
Knee osteoarthritis reduced somewhat by 50,000 IU vitamin D monthly (need more) – RCT Aug 2015 08 Mar, 2016
Monthly 100,000 IU vitamin D supplementation got virtually all vitamin D deficient subjects above 20 ng – RCT April 2014 15 Sep, 2015
Children getting 60,000 IU monthly got to vitamin D level of 33 ng – Sept 2015 10 Sep, 2015
2X fewer Senior falls in group getting 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly via Meals-on-Wheels – RCT Aug 2015 18 Aug, 2015
Diabetes not treated by MONTHLY 50,000 IU vitamin D (which is not quite enough) – May 2015 12 Jul, 2015
Diabetes RCT we expect to fail just 50,000 IU monthly - July 2014 12 Jul, 2015
Monthly vitamin D (120,000 IU) got most overweight African Americans about 35 ng – RCT July 2015 05 Jul, 2015
Lupus not treated by monthly 50,000 IU vitamin D (no surprise) – RCT April 2015 23 Mar, 2015
Iran giving seniors 5,000 IU of vitamin D - monthly unfortunately - March 2015 02 Mar, 2015
100000 IU vitamin D monthly helps COPD patients – 3 RCT 20 Jan, 2015
100000 IU vitamin D monthly helped COPD patients – 2011 and 2012 20 Jan, 2015
50,000 IU monthly safe to take without any vitamin D testing – RCT Dec 2013 22 Dec, 2014
100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly was not enough for 30 percent of the women – Dec 2014 10 Dec, 2014
Will vitamin D loading dose and 50,000 IU monthly will help after melanoma surgery – Oct 2014 24 Oct, 2014
Bronchial Asthma reduced with 60,000 IU monthly vitamin D – RCT Nov 2013 14 Sep, 2014
140,000 IU vitamin D monthly reduced probability of diabetes – Nov 2011 05 May, 2014
300000 IU vitamin D monthly may treat MS – May 2011 04 May, 2014
1700 IU daily average restored HIV vitamin D levels (50000 monthly) – Aug 2012 15 Mar, 2014
Breastfeeding with daily or monthly doses of vitamin D virtually the same – RCT Dec 2013 01 Feb, 2014
50,000 IU of vitamin D monthly in winter gets most above 20 ng – RCT Nov 2013 21 Dec, 2013
1700 IU vitamin D (50000 monthly) helped antarctic explorers – RCT Jan 2012 17 Dec, 2013
Breastfeeding with daily or monthly doses of vitamin D fairly similar – Dec 2013 14 Dec, 2013
60,000 IU vitamin D monthly with Calcium was safe but not enough in the winter – 2012 02 Nov, 2013
60,000 IU vitamin D monthly with daily Calcium was safe but not enough in the winter – 2012 02 Nov, 2013
HIV – recommend 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly to get levels 30 ng – May 2013 18 Oct, 2013
Half of the seniors needed more than 1700 IU vitamin D3 (50000 monthly) – April 2011 31 Aug, 2012
830 IU vitamin D (50000 bi-monthly) helped infants – May 2010 31 Aug, 2012
Snack fortification – Calcium and 30000 IU vitamin D monthly helped – Jan 2011 24 Jun, 2012
50,000 IU vitamin D suggested to prevent osteoporosis (weekly then monthly)– April 2019 No value for 'modification_date_major'

221+ VitaminDWiki pages have WEEKLY in the title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 232
Title Modified
Clinically isolated syndrome (a precursor to MS) reduced 40% by bi-weekly 100,000 IU of vitamin D – Sept 2024 23 Sep, 2024
Clinically isolated syndrome (a precursor to MS) reduced 34% by bi-weekly 100,000 IU of vitamin D – Sept 2024 23 Sep, 2024
T2 Diabetes and associated CVD problems fought by Vitamin D (weekly 50,000 IU) – Sept 2024 18 Sep, 2024
Health can be greatly improved by weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D - video and charts Lahore- March 2023 30 Aug, 2024
Health can be greatly improved by weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D - video Lahore - March 2023 30 Aug, 2024
High-Doses (50,000 IU weekly, etc.) if at high risk of Vitamin D deficiency - Aug 2024 12 Aug, 2024
Long-COVID fatigue, anxiety, and cognition treated by 60,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT July 2024 29 Jul, 2024
Depression in seniors greatly reduced by Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis June 2023 10 Jun, 2024
Only 3.4% of Portuguese children get vitamin D supplements (good dose taken weekly costs only 50 cents) – May 2024 31 May, 2024
Children with ADHD again helped by 50,000 IU weekly Vitamin D – RCT June 2024 18 May, 2024
Menstrual pain reduced by Vitamin D (50,000 weekly or 300,000 monthly) – meta-analyses 11 Apr, 2024
TB treatment helped by the addition of Vitamin D (100,000 IU bi-weekly) – RCT April 2024 09 Apr, 2024
Bone resorption during pregnancy reduced by weekly 28,000 IU of Vitamin D – March 2024 02 Apr, 2024
50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly greatly decreased bone loss from prostate cancer therapy - RCT March 2024 24 Mar, 2024
Insulin resistance in overweight youths treated Vitamin D (such as 50K IU weekly) – meta-analysis April 2024 20 Mar, 2024
Weekly, Monthly Vitamin D are typically better than daily - many studies 17 Mar, 2024
Atopic Dermatitis not helped by small weekly doses of Vitamin D (8K 2y-6y.16K 12y-18y) – RCT March 2024 14 Mar, 2024
Vitamin d levels were restored from hemodialysis by 70,000 IU weekly total in 4 weeks - Feb 2024 25 Feb, 2024
Vertigo incidence reduced 40% by just 7,000 IU Vitamin D given weekly - RCT Feb 2024 22 Feb, 2024
Following Bariatric surgery, weekly 50,000 IU of standard Vitamin D is not enough – Jan 2024 12 Jan, 2024
Vitamin D response in post-menopausal women: weekly better than monthly, notice benefit in 3 months – Jan 2021 23 Dec, 2023
Take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly for 2-4 months, then get a test - Dec 2021 19 Dec, 2023
Consensus: 60,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly for 2-6 months can fight COVID, etc, – India April 2022 13 Oct, 2023
Simple vitamin D supplementation - daily, weekly, or monthly - Sept 2023 04 Oct, 2023
Vitamin D given daily, weekly, or monthly has similar response (116 RCTs) – meta-analysis Aug 2023 02 Oct, 2023
Muscles improved in women with 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly (8 weeks) plus daily Magnesium – RCT Sept 2020 16 Sep, 2023
Venous ulcers healed 4X faster with weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D – RCT Oct 2012 08 Sep, 2023
Senior cognition improved in 4 ways by Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly for 8 weeks) – Sept 2023 06 Sep, 2023
Chronic Periodontitis reduced by Vitamin D (60,000 IU weekly for 8 weeks) – RCT July 2023 01 Sep, 2023
Pain relieved by Vitamin D if trial lasted more than 5 months (endometriosis, 50K weekly for 12 months) – Aug 2023 30 Aug, 2023
Type 2 Diabetes treated by Vitamin D (often 50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis July 2023 21 Aug, 2023
IBS reduced by 50,000 IU of Vitamin D (weekly or bi-weekly) – Meta-analysis July 2023 16 Aug, 2023
Pain not reduced by 60,000 IU monthly vitamin D (need 50,000 IU weekly) – RCT Aug 2023 22 Jul, 2023
Take vitamin D3 daily, weekly, or bi-weekly 16 Jul, 2023
Multiple Sclerosis fatigue reduced by weekly Vitamin D (50,000 IU) – June 2023 15 Jul, 2023
60,000 IU vitamin D weekly with daily Calcium was safe but not enough in the winter – 2012 13 Jul, 2023
Cognition improved in 5 ways after Vitamin D increased to 32 ng (50,000 weekly) – June 2023 03 Jul, 2023
Multiple Sclerosis treated equally by UVB and weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT July 2023 18 Jun, 2023
Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea decreased by 50,000 IU weekly vitamin D – June 2021 20 May, 2023
Chronic tonsillitis virtually eliminated in children by Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly) – RCT May 2023 20 May, 2023
Breast Cancer trial using 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly cancelled (no funding) 18 Apr, 2023
thru weekly - looks good 04 Mar, 2023
Urinary Incontinence reduced by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly (details behind paywall) – RCT Feb 2023 24 Feb, 2023
Gut microbiome massively changed by weekly vitamin D – July 2015 19 Jan, 2023
Anxiety and Depression decreased in senior prediabetics with weekly 25,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Sept 2022 22 Dec, 2022
50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly is often recommended 30 Nov, 2022
ADHD significantly treated by daily Magnesium plus weekly Vitamin D – RCT April 2021 30 Nov, 2022
Increase infant Vitamin D: forification, daily, weekly, monthly, breast milk - Review June 2022 07 Nov, 2022
50,000 weekly increased vitamin D levels in breast cancer patients – Mar 2011 06 Nov, 2022
Bone biomarkers increased equally by daily, weekly, or monthly Vitamin D (CKD in children in this case) – Nov 2022 02 Nov, 2022
COVID in hospital fought by Vitamin D (25,000 IU daily for 4 days, then 25K weekly) - RCT – July 2022 02 Oct, 2022
50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly for 6 months after cardiac failure helps – RCT May 2022 11 Jun, 2022
HIV treatment augmented by high-dose vitamin D, daily or weekly – Dec 2021 30 Jan, 2022
Poor odor detection if low Vitamin D, better after 50,000 IU weekly - July 2021 23 Jan, 2022
Several smoking problems treated by Vitamin D (bi-weekly, 50,000 IU) - RCT Dec 2021 29 Dec, 2021
Vitamin D proposed to fight COVID - up to 50K weekly – Jan 2021 16 Dec, 2021
Most Diabetics getting 40,000 IU of vitamin D weekly did not get to 30 ng (needed gut-friendly form) - RCT June 2020 30 Nov, 2021
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) treated by Vitamin D (20,000 IU weekly after loading dose) – RCT June 2016 05 Oct, 2021
50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly was the most popular for Breast Cancer - May 2020 30 Aug, 2021
Diabetes helped somewhat by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D (5 ways to improve) – RCT Aug 2021 19 Aug, 2021
Weekly Vitamin D plus daily Magnesium is great (reduced depression in obese women in this case) – July 2021 13 Aug, 2021
Vitamin D for infections and COVID (50,000 IU weekly for 3 months) – July 2021 02 Aug, 2021
Colorectal Cancer treatment aided by omega-3 plus weekly Vitamin D – RCT Sept 2019 25 Jul, 2021
Children's Cancer hospital now testing vitamin D frequently and supplementing weekly – July 2021 22 Jul, 2021
Pain reduced by Vitamin D (60K weekly, then monthly) plus daily Calcium in 3 months – May 2021 16 Jul, 2021
Yet another study confirms Depression is treated by weekly Vitamin D (50,000 IU)– RCT Dec 2019 09 Jul, 2021
Cognitive function of adult women improved in 3 months of 50,000 IU weekly Vitamin D – Jan 2019 09 Jul, 2021
Infant Respiratory Infections not reduced by mothers taking small amount of vitamin D (28,000 weekly)– RCT July 2021 03 Jul, 2021
Immune systems helped by 50,000 IU of vitamin D (weekly for 3 months) – May 2021 03 Jun, 2021
Peripheral diabetic neuropathy helped by weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D – Jan 2019 25 May, 2021
54 genes significantly affected by Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly for 12 weeks) – May 2021 12 May, 2021
Depression treated by 50K IU Vitamin D weekly (but not 1,000 IU daily) – meta-analysis Jan 2021 25 Apr, 2021
Elite sports teams adding 5,000 IU of vitamin D weekly did not see much benefit (no surprise) – April 2021 15 Apr, 2021
Stroke patients getting weekly 50,000 IU Vitamin D did better – trial March 2021 12 Mar, 2021
Prediabetes reduced by weekly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2021 23 Feb, 2021
Weekly 50,000 IU was the most succesful way to restore vitamin D levels (football) - Aug 2020 08 Feb, 2021
Response to weekly Calcifediol in 4 months - RCT Aug 2022 03 Feb, 2021
Endometriosis treated by Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly) – RCT Jan 2021 30 Jan, 2021
Weekly response to semi-activated vitamin D slightly better than standard – RCT Nov 2019 21 Jan, 2021
Migraine headaches reduced with 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly – RCT July 2015 14 Jan, 2021
Take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly before and after COVID-19 vaccination 27 Dec, 2020
Trial: Can 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly help with Breast Cancer Chemotherapy - Early 2021 21 Dec, 2020
Rational approach to COVID-19: 50k-100k of Vitamin D weekly – Dec 2020 20 Dec, 2020
A call to action: Vitamin D for hip fracture (50,000 weekly for 8 weeks, then bi-weekly – Holick July 2020 11 Dec, 2020
50,000 IU vitamin D weekly to avoid Osteroporosis after Breast Cancer - May 2020 26 Nov, 2020
BPH (PSA) decreased by Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly) – RCT Nov 2020 21 Nov, 2020
60,000 IU dose of VItamin D (weekly, monthly) is popular in India 17 Nov, 2020
Taking 25-Hydroxy vitamin D3 weekly was patented in 2010 17 Oct, 2020
Semi-activated Vitamin D given weekly (used by Spanish COVID-19 trial) – US patent application Sept 2020 23 Sep, 2020
In Vitro Fertilization clinical trial using 50,000 IU of Vitamin D bi-weekly – Dec 2024 14 Sep, 2020
Sperm not improved enough by Vitamin D - 50,000 IU weekly for 8 weeks - RCT Aug 2020 27 Aug, 2020
Childhood colds reduced 25 percent by weekly Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2019 19 Jul, 2020
Weekly oral Vitamin D recommended before surgery (Bariatric in this case) – RCT June 2019 19 Jul, 2020
Diabetic inflammation reduced by Vitamin D (30,000 IU weekly) – RCT July 2020 09 Jul, 2020
Weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D is again found to be good – RCT May 2020 27 May, 2020
COVID-19 might be prevented in 2 months by 50,000 IU weekly – May 12, 2020 12 May, 2020
IBS diarrhea treated by weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT March 2020 25 Mar, 2020
50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly provided enough benefit for combat sport athletes – March 2020 21 Mar, 2020
COPD trial to use 80,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT 2021 19 Mar, 2020
Response by obese to weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – May 2018 12 Feb, 2020
Irritable Bowel Syndrome treated by weekly 50,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT Feb 2019 18 Jan, 2020
20,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly gave many benefits – RCT Aug 2019 17 Jan, 2020
Hip surgery with multiple doses of 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly both before and after – RCT 2023 16 Jan, 2020
Obese lost more weight on diet if added 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – many RCTs 25 Dec, 2019
Obese taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly lost more weight (again) – RCT Dec 2019 25 Dec, 2019
Muscles not improved by just Vitamin D weekly (also need exercise) – Dec 2019 17 Dec, 2019
General Anxiety Disorder treated by weekly Vitamin D (50,000 IU -Omega-3, Mg also help) – Sept 2019 09 Dec, 2019
Fibromyalgia treated with Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly for 3 months) – 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 19 Oct, 2019
Depression decreased after vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly to elderly in the case) – RCT Oct 2019 17 Oct, 2019
Hashimoto's thyroiditis helped by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT May 2019 10 Sep, 2019
Obese responded to weekly vitamin D better than non-obese – RCT March 2018 22 Aug, 2019
Severely Obese not helped much by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly for 8 weeks – RCT June 2019 21 Aug, 2019
Athletes helped by weekly 50,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT Aug 2019 10 Aug, 2019
Hay Fever treated by Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly) – RCT July 2019 02 Aug, 2019
Statin pain eliminated by 7100 IU vitamin D (50000 IU weekly) – July 2011 21 Jul, 2019
Urgency Urinary Incontinence in senior black women decreased 40 percent by weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D – RCT Dec 2018 07 Jul, 2019
Type 2 Diabetes inflammation reduced by 50,000 IU of Vitamin D bi-weekly and resistance training – RCT – June 2019 01 Jul, 2019
100,000 IU Vitamin D weekly for 4 weeks is safe and effective for children – May 2019 14 Jun, 2019
PMS in teens reduced 3X by 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly – Jan 2018 23 Mar, 2019
Weekly Vitamin D to mother after birth much better than daily - RCT Aug 2018 11 Mar, 2019
Poor Vitamin D binding had 30 percent less response to Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly) – Feb 2019 04 Feb, 2019
Doctor prescribed 200,000 IU Vitamin D2 weekly during pregnancy (wrong type, far too much) – Jan 2019 04 Jan, 2019
Ulcerative Colitis inflammation treated by weekly vitamin D (40,000 IU) – July 2018 21 Dec, 2018
Prediabetics not helped by weekly vitamin D (perhaps D2) – RCT Oct 2013 09 Dec, 2018
Depression probably treated by bi-weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D - RCT 2020 05 Dec, 2018
50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly following cardiac failure helps – RCT 2014 24 Nov, 2018
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treated by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Nov 2018 21 Nov, 2018
Diabetic nephropathy (Kidney) treated by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT Jan 2019 17 Nov, 2018
Diabetes treated if given enough vitamin D (example: 50,000 IU weekly) – review of RCT - Jan 2017 02 Nov, 2018
Respiratory Virus risk reduced 35 percent by Vitamin D (14,000 IU weekly) – RCT Oct 2018 18 Oct, 2018
Depression in seniors treated by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Sept 2018 15 Oct, 2018
Cardiovascular risk markers not helped by 20,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT Sept 2018 10 Sep, 2018
Vitamin D dosing - weekly may be better than daily – video Aug 2018 02 Sep, 2018
50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly for 9 weeks did not improve CVD – Aug 2018 28 Aug, 2018
Vitamin D given weekly better than daily (Nursing home, 5,600 IU weekly) – Aug 2018 07 Aug, 2018
Multiple Sclerosis treated by 50,000 IU Vitamin D bi-weekly plus Omega-3 – RCT July 2018 06 Jul, 2018
Fibromyalgia pain substantially reduced by weekly Vitamin D (50,000 IU) – June 2018 23 Jun, 2018
Cardiovascular risk markers not helped by 20,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT May 2018 17 May, 2018
Vitamin D weekly supplementation (Spinal Cord Injury athletes) increased handgrip strength – May 2018 15 May, 2018
Weekly dosing of vitamin D is far better than single large dose (chronic liver, children) – March 2018 05 Mar, 2018
Pain not relieved by monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D (need 50,000 IU weekly) – RCT Feb 2018 02 Mar, 2018
35,000 IU vitamin D weekly during 3rd quarter pregnancy – RCT March 2013 16 Feb, 2018
Elite Athletes do well with weekly 35,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Feb 2017 16 Feb, 2018
Cystic Fibrosis got some benefit from 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly (need gut-friendly form) – Feb 2018 03 Feb, 2018
600,000 IU of vitamin D – 42 ng at 3 months for 1 inj, 3 inj, oral monthly, oral weekly - Oct 2017 15 Jan, 2018
Hypertension not controlled by 26 ng of Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly A-A) – RCT Nov 2017 18 Nov, 2017
Vitamin D toxicity problems from 600,000 IU weekly for 6 weeks – July 2017 30 Oct, 2017
Probably Fractures of the Tibia can be healed with 100,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT 2023 23 Oct, 2017
Vitamin D taken daily (4,000 IU) vs weekly (50,000 IU) – RCT 2019 23 Oct, 2017
Perhaps fewer bone non-unions with 100,000 IU weekly of vitamin D – RCT 2018 23 Oct, 2017
More than 5X increase in activation of scores of genes for women with Vitamin D (20,000 IU weekly) RCT Oct 2017 01 Oct, 2017
Vitamin D – 91 percent safely got above 30 ng in 2 months with weekly 30,000 IU – Aug 2017 16 Sep, 2017
Speculation – Weekly vitamin D dose will be better than daily if poor Receptor 12 Sep, 2017
Dry eye decreased with weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D injection for 8 weeks – Sept 2017 07 Sep, 2017
Depression in adolescent girls reduced somewhat by 50,000 IU weekly for 9 weeks – July 2017 01 Sep, 2017
Knee osteoarthritis helped by vitamin D2 (40,000 IU weekly raised 57 % above 30 ng) June 2017 29 Jul, 2017
Hemodialysis patients (CKD) helped by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – Jan 2017 27 Jul, 2017
Cervical lesions (precancerous, identified by pap smear) treated by bi-weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2017 22 Jul, 2017
Statin-induced Myalgias corrected with 100000 weekly Vitamin D2 20 Jul, 2017
7100 IU (50000 weekly) got most women to 30 ng of vitamin D - Aug 2012 20 Jul, 2017
Vitamin D daily or weekly dosing resulted in similar response -RCT Jan 2016 20 Jul, 2017
Knee osteoarthritis treated with vitamin D, weekly 50,000 IU – May 2015 20 Jul, 2017
Weekly pizza fortified with 28,000 IU raised Vitamin D by 30 nanograms – RCT Aug 2015 20 Jul, 2017
50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly Improves Mood, Lowers Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetics – Oct 2013 20 Jul, 2017
Fibromyalgia treated with Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly for 3 months) – Nov 2016 27 Jun, 2017
50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly (D3 or D2) got two thirds of cystic fibrosis patients to 30 nanograms – RCT July 2015 22 Apr, 2017
Optimal vitamin D supplementation strategies (D3 - weekly or monthly) – Feb 2017 02 Mar, 2017
50,000 IU vitamin D weekly is safe and effective for Primary Hyperparathyroidism – Jan 2013 23 Jan, 2017
Pulmonary hypertension reduced in some people with weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D for 3 months – 2016 16 Jan, 2017
2900 IU of vitamin D (20000 weekly) kept levels above 20 ng during the winter – Aug 2012 10 Jan, 2017
Chronic Back Pain relieved by weekly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – Jan 2017 10 Jan, 2017
Vitamin D injection lasts longer and has bigger response than weekly oral – Jan 2017 24 Dec, 2016
Juvenile Lupus fatigue reduced by vitamin D ( 50,000 IU weekly for 6 months) – RCT May 2015 24 Nov, 2016
Chikungunya virus arthritis pain reduced by weekly 60,000 IU vitamin D – Sept 2016 29 Sep, 2016
Diabetes not treated by 28,000 IU of weekly vitamin D (proven again) – RCT Sept 2016 26 Sep, 2016
7100 IU (50000 weekly) restored vitamin D levels for those with Chronic Kidney Disease – July 2012 21 Sep, 2016
Graph of weekly response to monthly vitamin D supplementation – Aug 2015 17 Sep, 2016
5,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly repleted many dark skinned adolescents – RCT Dec 2015 06 Aug, 2016
Pregnancy – adding 35,000 IU Vitamin D weekly was nice, but not enough – RCT April 2016 23 Jul, 2016
Nursing home residents need Vitamin D 4,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU weekly – Jan 2016 25 May, 2016
IBS quality of life improved by vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly) – RCT May 2016 17 May, 2016
Prenatal Vitamin D (35,000 weekly) resulted in 1 cm taller infants at age 1 year – RCT Aug 2013 30 Apr, 2016
Prenatal Vitamin D (35,000 weekly, 3rd trimester) resulted in 1 cm taller infants at age 1 year – RCT Aug 2013 30 Apr, 2016
Prediabetics not helped by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly and Calcium– Jan 2013 03 Apr, 2016
Omega-3 weekly is more bio-available than daily (rat study) – July 2015 24 Feb, 2016
Pain of Diabetic Neuropathy reduced with weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D– CT Feb 2015 22 Oct, 2015
Vitamin D loading dose then weekly 50,000 IU not help (COPD) if very deficient – Oct 2015 16 Oct, 2015
Preeclampsia reduced by Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly) and Calcium – Oct 2015 15 Oct, 2015
Vitamin D is very important during pregnancy – 4,000 daily or 50,000 weekly - review Jan 2015 02 Oct, 2015
Hives treatment augmented by 60,000 IU Vitamin D weekly – RCT June 2015 22 Aug, 2015
No multiple sclerosis relapses during pregnancy if 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly – RCT April 2015 21 Jun, 2015
Near the end of pregnancy 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly was great – RCT April 2013 08 Jun, 2015
Respiratory infections (RTI) cut in half by 20,000 IU weekly vitamin D if initially deficient – RCT March 2015 18 Apr, 2015
Hemodialysis not helped by weekly vitamin D2 – RCT April 2015 08 Apr, 2015
Pregnant mothers in Quatar needed more than weekly 50,000 IU Vitamin D – Nov 2013 28 Mar, 2015
Peripheral Neuropathy in type II Diabetes reduced a bit by 50,000 IU weekly of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2015 28 Mar, 2015
Infants getting 1400 IU vitamin D weekly grew better – RCT May 2011 16 Mar, 2015
Response and adverse effects of 20,000 and 30,000 IU Vitamin D weekly - Feb 2015 09 Mar, 2015
25,0000 IU vitamin D weekly only raised 60 percent on hemodialysis above 30 ng – Nov 2014 13 Jan, 2015
Fraser Health in Canada will be giving 20000 IU vitamin D weekly to reduce falls – Nov 2011 07 Jan, 2015
Nursing home – 5600 IU vitamin D capsules weekly resulted in most being above 20 ng – Sept 2014 29 Dec, 2014
Fibromyalgia pain with trazodone reduced by 50 percent with weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Nov 2014 22 Nov, 2014
Diabetes treated by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly with 1 g Calcium daily – RCT July 2014 14 Sep, 2014
Vitamin D levels of seniors restored with 50,000 IU weekly for 8 weeks – April 2014 01 Sep, 2014
Vitamin D toxicity after 4 months of weekly 600,000 IU – 2012 29 Aug, 2014
7 improvements in lives of veterans with chronic pain with 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly – June 2012 20 Aug, 2014
70 percent of some skin problems resolved with 7100 IU vitamin D (50000 weekly) – Jan 2011 13 Aug, 2014
Asthma reduced by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Aug 2014 03 Aug, 2014
20,000 IU weekly did not get 43 percent of Scottish Cancer patients to a level of 30 ng of vitamin D – April 2014 29 Jul, 2014
Obese children probably need more than 25,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – July 2014 18 Jul, 2014
Asthma is not treated by weekly 14,000 IU of vitamin D (proven yet again) July 2014 02 Jul, 2014
Optic neuritis progession into Multiple Sclerosis reduced 68 percent by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly 08 May, 2014
Statin-induced Myalgias corrected with 100000 weekly Vitamin D 04 May, 2014
COPD helped by weekly 50,000 IU Vitamin D – Aug 2013 03 May, 2014
Blood pressure in diabetics reduced by 12 weekly doses of 50,000 IU vitamin D – RCT Jan 2014 10 Apr, 2014
Rickets prevented by single injection of vitamin D or weekly supplementation – RCT Jan 2014 24 Jan, 2014
7100 IU vitamin D (50,000 weekly) significantly reduced fibromyalgia – 2009 20 Jan, 2014
Need to adjust cofactors if take 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – Nov 2013 12 Jan, 2014
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome reduced with 25,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – June 2013 22 Nov, 2013
50,000 IU vitamin D weekly increased levels by 52 ng normally, but only 28 ng if obese – Oct 2013 13 Nov, 2013
40,000 IU vitamin D weekly reduced depression in many obese subjects – RCT 2008 09 Nov, 2013
Weekly cottage cheese associated with 1ng more vitamin D in blood (surprise) – Nov 2013 06 Nov, 2013
60,000 IU vitamin D weekly for 3 months lasts for another 3 months - April 2013 14 Jul, 2013
Vitamin D2 did not help Lupus (no surprise, D2 was given weekly) – June 2013 01 Jun, 2013
Insulin resistance helped with 50000 IU of vitamin D weekly – Feb 2013 11 Mar, 2013
Vitamin D deficiency somewhat treated with weekly 50000 IU Vitamin D2 – Sept 2012 10 Mar, 2013
Esophageal cancer clinical trial to see if 50000 IU vitamin D weekly well help – Oct 2010 10 Nov, 2012
50000 IU vitamin D2 weekly helped blacks with heart problems – Feb 2011 10 Nov, 2012
Weekly UV almost doubled elderly Vitamin D levels – Dec 2010 22 Aug, 2012
Dark skinned obese not helped much by weekly 50000 IU dose of vitamin D – May 2011 23 Dec, 2011
Fibromalgia reduced with 50,000 IU weekly vitamin D2 – Sept 2011 14 Dec, 2011
50,000 IU vitamin D suggested to prevent osteoporosis (weekly then monthly)– April 2019 No value for 'modification_date_major'

Weekly, Monthly Vitamin D are typically better than daily - many studies        
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