
Vitamin D reduces Respiratory Tract Infections and reduces use of antibiotics – March 2021

Respiratory Tract Infections and Antibiotic Resistance: A Protective Role for Vitamin D?

Front. Nutr., 25 March 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2021.652469
Emma J. Derbyshire1* and Philip C. Calder2,3

  • 1 Nutritional Insight, London, United Kingdom
  • 2 Faculty of Medicine, School of Human Development and Health, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
  • 3 National Institute for Health Research Southampton Biomedical Research Center, University Hospital Southampton National Health Service Foundation Trust and University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom

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Upper and lower respiratory tract infections are among the most common infections globally, and in the United Kingdom, they account for about half of all oral antibiotics prescribed. Antibiotic overuse and the emergence of “superbugs” that are resistant to their effects is a global problem that is becoming a serious concern. Considering this, the potential role of immunonutrition as a “prehabilitation” in helping to tackle bacterial infections and reduce over-reliance on antibiotic usage is gaining interest. This narrative mini-review summarizes current knowledge on the roles of certain nutrients in helping to modulate immune function, with particular focus on vitamin D. Vitamin D supplementation appears to reduce the risk of acute respiratory tract infections and thus could have a valuable role to play in reducing over-reliance on antibiotics. Investment in high-quality trials is needed to further explore this field.

Vitamin D supplements prevents RTI if deficient - April 2021

__Effects of select dietary supplements on the prevention and treatment of viral respiratory tract infections: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Expert Rev Respir Med . 2021 Apr 15. doi: 10.1080/17476348.2021.1918546
Nafiseh Shokri-Mashhadi 1, Maryam Kazemi 2, Saeed Saadat 3, Sajjad Moradi 4 5

Introduction: Viral respiratory tract infections (RTIs) have been recognized as a global public health burden. Despite current theories about their effectiveness, the true benefits of dietary supplements on the prevention and treatment of viral RTIs remain elusive, due to contradictory reports. Hence, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of dietary supplements on the prevention and treatment of viral RTIs.Areas covered: We systematically searched databases of PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar through March 04, 2020, to identify randomized controlled trials that evaluated the effects of consuming select dietary supplements on the prevention or treatment of viral RTIs.Expert opinion: Thirty-nine randomized controlled trials (n=16797 participants) were eligible and included.
Namely, vitamin D supplementation appeared to improve viral RTIs across cohorts particulate in those with vitamin D deficiency. Among the evaluated dietary supplements, specific lactobacillus strains were used most commonly with select prebiotics that showed potentially positive effects on the prevention and treatment of viral RTIs. Further, ginseng extract supplementation may effectively prevent viral RTIs as adjuvant therapy. However, longitudinal research is required to confirm these observations and address the optimal dose, duration, and safety of dietary supplements being publicly recommended.

Lancet published a meta-analysis concluding that Vitamin D does NOT help RTI - April 2021

Note: "The average 'in hand' payment in 2014 alone was US$27,564, plus research funds. " to the editors of Medical Journals from drug and medical device companies
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15442 Lancet RTI Meta.pdf admin 15 Apr, 2021 473.26 Kb 322
15440 RTI and vit D not need antibiotics.pdf admin 14 Apr, 2021 183.33 Kb 276