
Vitamin D reduces childhood allergic airway diseases (confirmed by metabolomics this time) – May 2022

Metabolomics analysis reveals molecular linkages for the impact of vitamin D on childhood allergic airway diseases

Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2022 May;33(5):e13785. doi: 10.1111/pai.13785.PDF is behind paywall
Yu-Ho Chang 1, Kuo-Wei Yeh 2, Jing-Long Huang 2 3, Kuan-Wen Su 4, Ming-Han Tsai 4, Man-Chin Hua 4, Sui-Ling Liao 4, Shen-Hao Lai 5, Li-Chen Chen 2 3, Chih-Yung Chiu 5

Background: Several studies have reported the relevance between serum vitamin D and allergic immunoglobulin E (IgE) responses and atopic diseases. However, a metabolomics-based approach to the impacts of vitamin D on allergic reactions remains unclear.

Methods: A total of 111 children completed a 3-year follow-up were enrolled and classified based on longitudinal vitamin D status (≥ 30 ng/ml, n = 54; 20-29.9 ng/ml, n = 41; <20 ng/ml, n = 16). Urinary metabolomic profiling was performed using 1 H-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at age 3. Integrative analyses of their associations related to vitamin D levels, atopic indices, and allergies were performed, and their roles in functional metabolic pathways were also assessed.

Results: Six and five metabolites were identified to be significantly associated with vitamin D status and atopic diseases, respectively (FDR-adjusted p-value <.05). A further correlation analysis revealed that vitamin D-associated 3-hydroxyisobutyric acid and glutamine were positively correlated with atopic disease-associated succinic acid and alanine, respectively. Furthermore, hippuric acid was negatively correlated with atopic disease-associated formic acid, which was positively correlated with vitamin D level (p < .01). Absolute eosinophil count (AEC) was positively correlated with serum D. pteronyssinus- and D. farinae-specific IgE level (p < .01) but negatively correlated with vitamin D level (p < .05). Amino acid metabolisms were significantly associated with vitamin D related to childhood allergies.

Conclusion: Integrative metabolomic analysis provides the link of vitamin D-associated metabolites with the gut microbiome and immunoallergic reactions related to childhood allergies.

18,000 studies for metabolome and "vitamin D" in Google Scholar May 2022

Google Scholar includes:

  • The vitamin D metabolome: An update on analysis and function - 2019
  • The serum vitamin D metabolome: What we know and what is still to discover - 2018 PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki
  • Metabolomic basis for response to high dose vitamin D in critical illness - 2021 PDFi
  • Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, metabolome, and bronchiolitis severity among infants: A multicenter cohort study - 2018 PDFi
  • Metabolomics in the prevention and management of asthma - 2019 PDFi

VitaminDWiki - 80 studies in both categories Breathing and Infant-Child

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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
17663 Metabolomics asthma.pdf admin 26 May, 2022 1,001.94 Kb 108
17662 metabolome - 2018.pdf admin 26 May, 2022 505.42 Kb 96
17661 metabolic high-dose_CompressPdf.pdf admin 26 May, 2022 310.66 Kb 110
17660 tuckey2018.pdf admin 26 May, 2022 1.32 Mb 155