
Vitamin D reduces asthma - Jan 2012

Vitamin D and Asthma

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 January 15; 185(2): 124–132.
Published online 2012 January 15. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201108-1502CI
PMCID: PMC3297088
Grace Paul,1 John M. Brehm,1 John F. Alcorn,1 Fernando Holguín,1 Shean J. Aujla,1 and Juan C. Celedóncorresponding author1

Vitamin D deficiency and asthma are common conditions that share risk factors such as African American ethnicity, inner-city residence, and obesity. This review provides a critical examination of current experimental and epidemiologic evidence of a causal association between vitamin D status and asthma or asthma morbidity, including potential protective mechanisms such as antiviral effects and enhanced steroid responsiveness. Because most published epidemiologic studies of vitamin D and asthma or asthma morbidity are observational, a recommendation for or against vitamin D supplementation as preventive or secondary treatment for asthma is not advisable and must await results of ongoing clinical trials. Should these trials confirm a beneficial effect of vitamin D, others will be needed to assess the role of vitamin D supplementation to prevent or treat asthma in different groups such as infants, children of school age, and ethnic minorities.
Vitamin D reduces asthma  @ is.gd/asthmavitd

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