
Vitamin D patents and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

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Vitamin D

In 1923, Harry Steenbock and James Cockwell discovered exposure to ultraviolet light increased the Vitamin D concentration in food. After discovering that irradiated rat food cured the rats of rickets, Steenbock sought a patent. Steenbock then assigned the patent to the newly established Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. WARF then licensed the technology to Quaker Oats for use in their breakfast cereals. In addition, WARF licensed the technology for use as a pharmaceutical, Viosterol. WARF's commercialization of Vitamin D culminated in its enrichment of milk.
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Through innovations from Hector DeLuca, Vitamin D continues to be a large percentage of WARF's income, around 70%.
From WARF web page
Vitamin D Research at UW–Madison
WARF founder Harry Steenbock WARF and UW-Madison have a long history of outstanding work with vitamin D. The licensing and commercial development of a vitamin D discovery made by UW-Madison biochemist Harry Steenbock is WARF's first success story. Steenbock founded WARF as a result of his 1923 breakthrough discovery that irradiating foods with ultraviolet light increased their vitamin D content. His discovery virtually eliminated rickets, a crippling bone disease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency.

List of Vitamin D compound uses at WARF, some with patents

P02091US: (20S)-1Alpha-Hydroxy-2-Methylene-19-Nor-Vitamin D3 and its Uses
P02112US: (20S)-1Alpha-Hydroxy-2Alpha-Methyl and 2Beta-Methyl-19-Nor-Vitamin D3 and Their Uses
P96198US: 18-substituted-19-nor- Vitamin D Compounds
P01381US: 1Alpha-Hydroxy-2-Methylene-19-Nor-Homopregnacalciferol and Its Potential Therapeutic Uses
P02178US: 1Alpha-Hydroxy-2-Methylene-19-Nor-Pregnacalciferol
P97010US: 2-Alkyl-19-Nor-Vitamin D Compounds
P99011US: 2-Alkyl-19-Nor-Vitamin D Compounds
P97011US: 2-Alkylidene-19-Nor-Vitamin D Compounds
P00352US: 2-Ethyl and 2-Ethylidene-19-Nor-Vitamin D Compounds
P05147US: 2-Methylene-18,19-Dinor-1Alpha-Hydroxy-Homopregnacalciferol
P05159US: 2-Methylene-19,21-Dinor-1Alpha-Hydroxy-Bishomopregnacalciferol
P04067US: 2-Methylene-19-Nor--20(S)-25-Methyl-1Alpha-Hydroxycalciferol and its Uses
P05148US: 2-Methylene-19-Nor-1Alpha-Hydroxy-17-Ene-Homopregnacalciferol
P97032US: 20-Epi-19-Nor-Vitamin D Compounds
P93077US: 26,28-Methylene-1alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D2 Compounds
P95012US: Calcitriol Derivatives and Their Uses with patent
P98199US: Calcitriol Derivatives for the Treatment of Osteoporosis
P01050US: Crystalline 1 Alpha-Hydroxyvitamin D2 and Method of Purification
P99126US: Crystalline 1 Alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 and Method of Purification Thereof
P91071US: Intermediates for the Synthesis of 19-Nor Vitamin D Compounds
P98010US: Method of Locking 1 Alpha-OH of Vitamin D Compounds in Axial Orientation
P91087US: Method of Producing 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Receptor Protein
P95199US: Method of Synthesizing 9-Cis-Retinoic Acid
P95123US: Method of Treating Proliferative Skin Disorders with 19-Nor-Vitamin D Compounds
P06394US: Methods for Reducing Body Fat Using Vitamin D Compounds with patent
P94137US: Novel Synthesis of 19-Nor Vitamin D Compounds
P95126US: Preparation of 19-Nor Vitamin D Compounds
P95116US: Synthesis of 19-nor Vitamin D Compounds
P95057US: The Preparation of 1alpha-Hydroxyvitamin D3
P03426US: Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with 2-methylene-19-nor Vitamin D Compounds
P00062US: Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
P00385US: Treatment Of T-cell Immunodeficiencies With Vitamin D Compounds
P01018US: Use of 2Alpha-Methyl-19-Nor-20(S)-1 Alpha, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 to Increase Bone Strength
P98272US: Use of Vitamin D Compounds to Prevent Transplant Rejection
P04081US: Vitamin D Receptor Antagonists for the Treatment of Asthma

See also VitaminDWiki

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