“According to a recent survey, vitamin D deficiency increased 6-fold in the country during the last decade,” IRNA quoted him as saying. Last year (ended March 19) in cities including Mashhad, the rate of vitamin D deficiency was more than 75%. The rate fell to less than 6%, after vitamin D supplements were distributed among students for a period of nine months, he added.
TEHRAN — Iron and vitamin D supplements are being distributed among high school girls over the current Iranian school year (September 23, 2015-June 20, 2016), the deputy health minister said.
“Over the current school year we have distributed iron and vitamin D supplements among 3.2 million school girls,” Ali-Akbar Sayyari told Fars news agency.
“Considering the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among school girls, distribution of supplements is a priority for us,” Sayyari added.
“We have also educated 500,000 students as health ambassadors nationwide,” he noted, adding, “Additionally we have initiated campaigns which call for healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and avoiding smoking.”
Sayyari stated that the cooperation between health and education ministries on health issues and raising awareness among students has well-improved for the past two years.
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154 items total - Overview Middle East and vitamin D
Vitamin D given to ALL high schools girls in Iran – 75 percent deficiency dropped to 6 percent – April 201612125 visitors, last modified 11 Jun, 2016, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)