- Studies indicate that Vitamin A can both harm and help Vitamin D
Excessive Vitamin A should be avoided. - See also: Vitamin A Misc
- The 20 most-visited Vitamin A pages
- Vitamin A is stored in the liver and can accumulate to toxic levels (children and >age 50)
70 items in vitamin A category - See also web
Studies indicate that Vitamin A can both harm and help Vitamin D
Excessive Vitamin A should be avoided.
See also: Vitamin A Misc
("vitamin A" OR retinol) AND "vitamin d"
PubMed Search in title or abstract 1909 items as of July 2024Bar graph: 28 papers annually in 2006 has risen to 148 papers by 2023
Vitamin A Deficiency - Wikipedia
The 20 most-visited Vitamin A pages
Vitamin A is stored in the liver and can accumulate to toxic levels (children and >age 50)
70 items in vitamin A category - wiki page:
- Reduced fat-soluble vitamins if poor gut
- Some supplements: Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Omega-3, etc. must be taken with fatty meals (there are other forms)
- Measles and low Vitamin D, Vitamin A
- Water-dispersible forms of vitamins A, D, E and K are better
- Autism severity is associated with each of low Vitamins D, A, B-12 and E – Sept 2024
- Vitamins A, D, E, and K are important for health (Note: each is more bioavailable in water-soluble form) – July 2024
- Which supplements are often taken for healing hairline bone fractures
- COVID appears to be treated by many antioxidants (Vitamins D, C, E, K, and Quercetin, Curcumin, etc) – Jan 2023
- HIV patients with low Vitamin A were 3.6 X more likely to get Tuberculosis – Dec 2022
- Table salt was fortified with Vitamin A, Iodine, etc in Indian Trial –Nov 2022
- Excellent reviews of supplements at ConsumerLab
- How vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F (Omega), K fight COVID - Feb 2022
- COVID-19 decreased risk if add Vitamin D, A, C, NAC, Se, Zn, or Omega-3 – Dec 2021
- COVID-19 patients had low levels of Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C – Sept 2021
- Vitamin D, C, A, and E, as well as Iron, Se, and Zinc each augment vaccine response – July 2021
- Deficiencies in nutrients needed for a healthy immune system (Vitamin D, etc.) – June 2020
- Vitamin A is needed in some 3rd world pregnancies (but not too much) – March 2019
- Pollutants increase Respiratory problems, Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc. decrease them – May 2018
- Light and Vitamins - D, A, C, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, E – April 2018
- Autism may be worse if low in both Vitamin D and Vitamin A – Jan 2018
- Lung cancer 24 percent less likely if high vitamin D (never-smoking senior women) – Sept 2017
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease treated by both Vitamin D and Vitamin A – Dec 2016
- Vitamin D blocks Vitamins K1, Vitamin A – 2015
- Metabolic Syndrome treatment by vitamin D probably helped by Vitamin A, Zinc, and Magnesium – July 2016
- Common deficiencies D3, Omega-3, K2, Mg, B12, E, A, Iodine, etc – Mercola Oct 2015
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- Immune response was poor in mice and humans with low vitamin D and low vitamin A – May 2015
- Role of vitamins in gastrointestinal diseases – review May 2015
- Off topic: Large dose of Vitamin A increased allergic reaction in girls by 1.8X – RCT May 2015
- Vitamin D is good, but must balance Vitamins A and K2 to prevent Calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2014
- Vitamin A interferes with vitamin D and may be the cause of U shaped relationships – April 2014
- Vitamin A increases risk of fracture if too much or too little – meta-analysis April 2014
- Lung Cancer reduced by combination of Vitamins D and A – March 2014
- One test to estimate Vitamin D, A, Cu, Se, etc : measure proteins in blood – Oct 2013
- Synergism between Vitamin D, Vitamin K-2, and Vitamin A: Masterjohn – Sept 2013
- Interactions of Vitamins D, A, and K, should measure calcitriol, calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2013
- Major interactions between Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Influenza – Sept 2013
- Review of Micronutrients such as vitamin D for women and childhood – Aug 2013
- 45 ng vitamin D may be enough (what about vitamin A)- Aug 2013
- Less Lung Cancer if take more than 800 IU of vitamin D and never smoke or low vitamin A – Oct 2013
- Vitamin A may hinder vitamin D benefits associated with Lung Cancer – July 2013
- Response to high dose vitamin D is limited by vitamin A - July 2013
- Vitamins D and A, before and after birth – March 2013
- 7 X more likely to get hip fracture if have highest level of vitamin A – Jan 2003
- Vitamin A Misc
- Vitamin D, Vitamin A, or Vitamin E association with allergies and asthma – Feb 2012
- Vitamin A serum levels of more than 2.2 micromols may interfere with vitamin D – April 2013
- 8X higher Osteoporosis risk if high level of vitamin A, vitamin D important too – Feb 2013
- Vitamin D and Vitamin A
- Small increase in Vitamin A metabolites cut new multiple sclerosis lesions in half – Feb 2013
- If low level of Vitamin A then 60 percent less likely to get MS (maybe Vitamin D not blocked)– Jan 2013
- Vitamin A (Cod Liver Oil) blocks vitamin D – 2008
- 2X more complications after heart surgery associated with high level of vitamin D – Jan 2013
- Excess vitamin A caused calcification of heart valves in mice – Dec 2012
- Vitamin A and dioxin-like compounds in fish liver, etc may block vitamin D – July 2012
- Vitamin D protects against lung cancer unless there is excess vitamin A – July 2012
- Experiment with feedlot cattle vitamin A and D – May 2012
- When taking vitamin D, be sure to also take some vitamin A – Nov 2011
- Vitamin D needs some vitamin A, but not too much
- Synergism between vitamin A and vitamin D – Masterjohn June 2010
- Vitamin A and risk of prostate cancer – March 2011
- Low cost cofactors for vitamin D
- Masterjohn on relationships between Vitamin A D and K – Dec 2010
- 860000 IU vitamin D along with 123000 vitamin A is toxic - but not deadly– Dec 2010
- Price and Masterjohn on Vitamin A Vitamin D and Vitamin K – 2010
- Acne - Accutane - vitamin A - vitamin D and suicide - Nov 2010
- Vitamin A may thwart the ability of vitamin D to reduce risk of osteoporosis – June 2010
- Response by Masterjohn on vitamin A thwarting vitamin D – Mar 2010
- Low vitamin D with high vitamin A associated with increased risk of osteoporosis – June 2010
See also web
- Eat This Thing Everyday Dr, Berg video July 2023
- Evidence to Underpin Vitamin A Requirements and UpperLimits in Children Aged 0 to 48 Months: A Scoping Review - Jan 2022 PDF
- fails to make any recommendation
- Dally Lipid - Masterjohn
- Masterohn articles at Weston Price
- Vitamin A Plays an Essential Role in Setting the Circadian Rhythm and Allowing Good Sleep Jan 2016
- Separating fact from fiction on cod liver oil Kresser 2008
- Vitamin A blocks Vitamin D Mercola 2010
- Vitamin A and D intake in pregnancy, infant supplementation, and asthma development: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort <au 2018
"CONCLUSIONS:Excess vitamin A (≥2.5 times the recommended intake) during pregnancy was associated with increased risk,..." PDF online - Overconsumption of vitamin A may increase bone fracture risk Oct 2018
Mice fed Vitamin A supplements at a similar level (per body weight) to what some humans take
"...results in decreased bone thickness and an increased fracture risk after just 1-2 weeks" - The Importance of Real Vitamin A (Retinol) Self-Hacked May 2019
Vitamin D and Vitamin A49233 visitors, last modified 19 Nov, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 21455 Vit A +D papers.webp admin 23 Jul, 2024 814 b 204 16893 Vitamin A evidence for children.pdf admin 18 Jan, 2022 703.64 Kb 812 11628 Vitamin A deficiency map.jpg admin 22 Mar, 2019 60.80 Kb 13730 8494 Vit A anti, pro.jpg admin 29 Sep, 2017 19.81 Kb 9516