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Save 2 billion dollars annually in fractures if take Vitamin D and Calcium – Frost and Sullivan Sept 2013

Smart Prevention – Health Care Cost Savings Resulting from the Targeted Use of Dietary Supplements


Study calculated cost savings of many supplements
The cost- savings of 800 IU Vitamin D + 1 gram of Calcium was $2 Billion/year average

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.

US Women over age 55 who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis = 8.2 million
Number of fractures per year = 1.3 million

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Frost and Sullivan also estimated fracture costs savings from Magnesium to be $0.8 billion per year
Assumed 100 mg/day of Magnesium

Frost and Sullivan did not consider synergist benefits of Magnesium used in conjunction with Vitamin D and Calcium

Far more saved if:

  1. Use more than 800 IU – data shows 2,000 IU results in far fewer fractures
  2. Use added Magnesium to build bones
  3. Use added protein needed to build bones
  4. Include women at high-risk for osteoporosis, but have not yet been diagnosed (so bones can be maintained)
    Darker skin, (getting little vitamin D from the sun)
    Have diseases which are associated with low vitamin D
    Have diseases associated with Osteoporosis
    COPD, IBD, Breast Cancer, diabetes, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, PD
    Are taking drugs which are known to consume Vitamin D levels
    Shut-ins or avoiding the sun (getting little vitamin D from the sun)
    Obese – need 2-3X more vitamin D to get same benefit
    Osteoporosis runs in the family

Who will benefit from fewer fractures? lets follow the money

Known: If senior women take more vitamin D they will be fewer fractures
Known: Fewer fractures will result in loss of income by osteoporosis doctors and Big Pharma
Known: Organizations, companies, groups will oppose anything which decreases their size/income
Prediction: Government officials will be lobbied to not change vitamin D recommendations
Known: Health Maintenance Organizations actually benefit from reduced cost of health care
Prediction: Fracture reduction by increased vitamin D will be encouraged byHMOs long before it is encouraged by governments

See also VitaminDWiki

The TOP articles in Fractures and Vitamin D are listed here:

See also web

  • Treating Osteoporosis UC San Diego
    Describes WHO’s Fracture Risk Assessment (FRAX) Tool., which considers
    Bone Mineral density, Age, Sex, Weight, Height, Fracture history, Parental history of hip fracture,
    Smoking status, Alcohol consumption, Prescription drug use, Other disease diagnoses
    But NOT Vitamin D level
Save 2 billion dollars annually in fractures if take Vitamin D and Calcium – Frost and Sullivan Sept 2013        
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4706 FS Preventive.jpg admin 10 Dec, 2014 26.72 Kb 1379
4705 FS Fractures Avoided.jpg admin 10 Dec, 2014 89.22 Kb 1177
4704 FS Cost summary.jpg admin 10 Dec, 2014 149.30 Kb 1179
4703 FS Cost analysis.jpg admin 10 Dec, 2014 174.13 Kb 1495
4702 FrostSullivan dietary report.pdf admin 10 Dec, 2014 2.69 Mb 1302