
Off topic: Oncologists paid 350 dollars per patient-month to use less effective and more toxic cancer drugs – Oct 2014

Life Extension Magazine Oct 2014

  • Wall Street Journal May 2014 has the $350/ month information
  • Oncologists are paid to use the insurance company’s “recommended regimen”
  • An oncologist having 100 patients on the “recommended regimen” is paid $420,000 per year
  • Oncologists are NOT paid for such things which have been proven to treat cancer such as aspirin and vitamin D
  • Not on the list is cimetidine – with a proven 2.7X better 10 year survival outcome for colon cancer.
  • If an oncologist is caught prescribing metaformin he could lose his $350/month for the patient (14 references for metaformin)
  • US paid $37 billion for cancer drugs in 2013
  • 5,800,000 Americans died due to Cancer in the last decade vs < 100 due to terrorism
  • Adriamycin is one of the “recommended regimen” drugs which is often no longer used due to excessive toxicity (3 references)

See also VitaminDWiki

derived from Grassroots 2013
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Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains the following summary and sections

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Cancer patients 64% less likely to die if have high level of vitamin D – Dec 2011 has the following chart

See also web