- Fortification Overview
- VitaminDWiki Fortification pages with BREAD in title
- Vitamin D microencapsulation and fortification: Trends and technologies. - Oct 2019
- All
136 pages in Fortification category - Determination of vitamin D in foods - New Zealand 2014
- A Review of Vitamin D Fortification: Implications for Nutrition Programming in Southeast Asia - 2013
- Fortification in the Middle East:
- UK fortification review (assumes 400 IU is enough, and only need in winter) - May 2024
Fortification Overview
136 items in Fortification category Fortification works, even if food is cooked, but govts rarely fortifiy with enough
Govts, food producers, and families can fortify:
milk, yogurt, beer, bread, cereals, cooking oil, soups, jams, jellys, honey, snack bars, etc.
Some interesting fortification articles- Biofortification with Vitamin D - several studies
- Vitamin D fortification in Europe preventing 27,000 Cancer deaths, could prevent 129,000 – May 2022
- Vitamin D fortification could eliminate 1 in 10 Cancer deaths in the EU – May 2022
- After years of adding vitamin D, Finland now has 38 ng levels - March 2022
- Fortification with Vitamin D works – 16 studies of Danish experience – July 2021
- Vitamin D fortification of beverages – Review March 2022
- Bread fortified with Vitamin D - many studies 13+ studies
- International Conference of Vitamin D Fortification of Food (India) – Sept 2018
- 2400 IU of vitamin D needed to get most Northern adults above 20 ng – June 2020
- Vitamin D home fortification- don't wait 100 years for your govt
VitaminDWiki Fortification pages with BREAD in title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 13
Vitamin D microencapsulation and fortification: Trends and technologies. - Oct 2019
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2019 Oct 2:105489. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2019.105489.
Maurya VK1, Bashir K2, Aggarwal M3.Today, as per the latest medical reports available, majority of the population throughout globe is facing vitamin D (Vit D) deficiency. Even in sub-tropical countries like India and many others Vit D deficiency is highly prevalent despite the exuberant available sunshine (a major source of Vit D) throughtout the year. The reason could be attributed to an array of factors including socioeconomic, cultural and religious Further, other than the sunlight, there are very limited sources of Vit D to fulfil the recommended dietary allowance of Vit D (RDA: 400-800 IU per day). A large proportion of Vit D is lost during food processing and storage due to environmental stress conditions such as temperature, pH, salt, oxygen and light. Vita D, an important micronutrient, is essentially required for the prevention of disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc. in addition to its traditional role in bone metabolism. Therefore, in order to meet the daily requirements of Vit D for human body, WHO has recognized fortification as the most efficient and safest method to address malnutrition. But there are innumerable chellenges involved during food fortification using Vit D as fortificants such as
- homogeneity into the food matrix,
- physico-chemical/photochemical degradation,
- loss during processing and storage,
- interactions with other components of food matrix
- resulting into change in taste, texture and appearance
- thus affecting acceptability, palatability and marketability.
Fortification of Vit D into food products especially the ones which have an aqueous portion, is not simple for food technologist.
Recent advances in nanotechnology offer various microencapsulation techniques such as- liposome,
- solid-lipid particles,
- nanostructured lipid carriers,
- emulsion,
- spray drying etc.
which have been used to design efficient nanomaterials with desired functionality and have great potential for fortification of fortificants like Vit D. The present review is an undate on Vit D, in light of its fortification level, RDA, factors affecting its bioavailability and various microencapsulation techniques adopted to develop Vit D-nanomaterials and their fate in food fortification.
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Has details on which foods (mainly dairy) are fortified with Vitamin: US, Canada, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Argentina, Panama, Ecuador, Peru. Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador; Australia and New Zealand, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Finland, Turkey, Philippines, SaudiArabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Sri Lanka, India
Does not distinguish Vitamin D3 instead of D2
Does not distinguish between high fat and low fat dairy
Has details on foritification types
136 pages in Fortification category - wiki page:
- Stillbirths dropped in 2 countries after increasing Vitamin D fortification (Finland, Sweden) – Jan 2025
- 65% of UK govt. nutrition advisors are paid by food companies – BMJ Sept 2024
- Overview of 8 Types of Supplementation Studies
- Water-soluble Vitamin D powder developed (again) – May 2024
- Stillbirth rates dropped from 4.1% to 2.8% as Finland increased Vitamin D fortification – May 2022
- Canada will have doubled Vitamin D content of milk and margarine by 2026
- Biofortification with Vitamin D - several studies
- Vitamin D has successfully fortified milk products, bread, orange juice, etc. – meta-analysis Dec 2023
- FDA declared Vitamin D as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) - Jan 2023
- Response to Vitamin D fortification varies from 1 to 10 nmol per 100 IU daily – review Aug 2023
- Vitamin D fortification in Europe preventing 27,000 Cancer deaths, could prevent 129,000 – May 2022
- Bread fortified with Vitamin D - many studies
- Fortification of foods: 1200 IU Vitamin D daily is safe – Dec 2022
- US children not getting enough vitamin D, recommends free milks and perhaps 3X increased fortification – Sept 2022
- Vitamin D fortification of food provides no bone benefit (typically a tiny amount of D) - meta-analysis July 2022
- Vitamin D fortification could eliminate 1 in 10 Cancer deaths in the EU – May 2022
- Variety of views on optional vitamin fortification of food (Olive oil in Italy in this case) – April 2022
- Vitamin D-fortified bread: Systematic review – March 2022
- Vitamin D fortification of beverages – Review March 2022
- After years of adding vitamin D, Finland now has 38 ng levels - March 2022
- Vitamin D: not one size, type, form, route for all - Jan 2022
- Increased Vitamin D has many benefits (Cancer deaths reduced by fortification in this case) – Nov 2021
- Global map of vitamin D intake (contains about 9 types of errors) – Aug 2021
- Vitamin D fortification of Cows milk (ignores lactose intolerance and poor bioavailability in low fat milk) – Aug 2021
- Fortification with Vitamin D works – 16 studies of Danish experience – July 2021
- Calcidiol (Calcifediol, ampli-D) approved as food supplement by EFSA – (10 micrograms per day) – July 2021
- Vitamin D encapsulated in gum arabic 4X more bioavailable (in rat test)- July 2020
- 3 proven ways to increase Vitamin D in eggs – Aug 2020
- 2400 IU of vitamin D needed to get most Northern adults above 20 ng – June 2020
- If diagnosed infertile, more likely to have live birth if Vitamin D fortification – Feb 2020
- Low Vitamin D in Nordic countries – supplementation, fortification, only 20 ng – Jan 2020
- Vitamin D – food fortification around the world, types of microencapsulation – Feb 2020
- Marks and Spencer is first UK retailer to add Vitamin D to all of its breads – Dec 2019
- Vitamin D added to margarine reduced inflammatory bowel disease by 13 percent 30 years later – Nov 2019
- Vitamin D added to cooking oil increased D by 9 ng improved health (Iran) – Oct 2019
- Kellogg got the FDA to allow a tiny amount more Vitamin D in cereals and bars – Dec 2022
- Very cost-effective to fortify plus supplement with Vitamin D (flour and 400 IU for all children) – Aug 2019
- Vitamin D fortification of yogurt – meta-analysis Aug 2019
- Vitamin D nanoemulsion etc. for fortification, pills, injections, topical and cancer – July 2019
- Best thing since sliced bread (vitamin D bread was patented and baked in 1929)
- Vitamin D food fortification, Belgium considers 270 IU per kcal of milk or bread– June 2019
- Vitamin D food fortification during pregnancy reduced gestational diabetes in daughters by 13 percent – Nov 2018
- Vitamin D Deficiency in Europe- need at least 1000 IU to get to even 20 ng – Cashman April 2019
- Vitamin D levels dropped when consuming 2 brands of fortified milk in the winter– trial June 2018
- Calcifediol (25(OH)D3) may be 4 X better than Vitamin D for fortification – Aug 2018
- India wants to cure Vitamin D Deficiency, unfortunately by fortifying with D2 not D3 – Jan 2019
- Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy -The Debate Continues (less vitamin D) - Dec 2018
- Some cereals have 12X more Glyphosate than Vitamin D - Oct 2018
- Vitamin D is low in Europe – 40 percent have less than 20 ng – ODEN Oct 2018
- Army Training trying performance readiness bars with 1400 IU of Vitamin D (Dr. Matthews) – Sept 2018
- Full-fat dairy reduced heart disease by 22 percent and stroke by 34 percent (136,000 people, 9 years) – Sept 2018
- Vitamin D food fortification – many trials listed – Aug 2018
- USDA Milk for food banks – only a small portion of the 50 million dollars of milk will increase vitamin D in bodies – Aug 2018
- Vitamin D loading dose of 300,000 IU for children – 3 weeks with capsules, biscuits, injection – RCT Aug 2018
- Review of vitamin D from milk products is unaware that skim milk provides little VitD – Aug 2018
- International Conference of Vitamin D Fortification of Food (India) – Sept 2018
- Adding Iodine to salt added 11 percent to goiter states income (how much might vitamin D add) – July 2018
- Children no longer get much vitamin D from milk - fortify at home
- Rationale and Plan for Vitamin D Food Fortification - July 2018
- France wants to reduce hip fractures by drinking 10 glasses of milk daily – April 2018
- Kelloggs finally doubling the vitamin D in UK cereals (to 100 IU) – March 2018
- Prediabetes corrected in 3 months by 1,000 IU of vitamin D as pill or in yogurt – RCT Jan 2018
- Preeclampsia of offspring cut in half if mother who smoked had vitamin D fortified margarine – Dec 2017
- Milk – Vitamin D deficiency 2X more likely if lactose intolerant, milk allergy, or low fat milk – 2017
- France is planning to reduce hip fractures by dairy vitamin D fortification (plan will not work) – 2017
- Vitamin D levels in Finland increased 2000-2011 (supplementation and fortification) – May 2017
- Vitamin D fortification of edible oils in India starting in 2017
- Directly Observed Vitamin D therapy is one of many ways to increase compliance – RCT Feb 2017
- Cereal in Australia can now be fortified with Vitamin D - Oct 2016
- Vitamin D in baby food and supplements varied somewhat from labels – Nov 2016
- Vitamin D fortification is returning to Finland – now 400 IU per 100 gram of butter – Oct 2016
- Marks and Spencer (UK) is adding 80 IUs of vitamin D to sandwiches – Sept 2016
- Weekly pizza fortified with 28,000 IU raised Vitamin D by 30 nanograms – RCT Aug 2015
- FDA doubles the amount of vitamin D permitted in milk – July 2016
- Vitamin D2 from bread yeast is 4 times less bioaccessible than D2 in milk – April 2016
- Skim fat milk provides 3% less vitamin D – May 2016
- Vitamin D3 fortified bread better than 1,000 IU supplement – RCT April 2016
- Sweden will increase vitamin D food fortification a bit in Oct 2016
- Fortifying breakfast cereal with 200 IU might help -June 2016
- Children 7 times more likely to be vitamin D deficient if drink cows milk without vitamin D – April 2016
- Omega-3 from biofortified eggs is practical (and great for health) – Nov 2015
- Danes opposed to Vitamin D fortification, will get more COPD, diabetes, depression, lupus, leg pain, etc – Oct 2015
- Yogurt fortified with K-2, Vitamin D, Mg, Omega-3, etc helped – Oct 2015
- Nanoparticles could be used to increase vitamin D getting to the gut – Oct 2015
- Pill taking is not a problem with vitamin D
- 2X fewer Senior falls in group getting 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly via Meals-on-Wheels – RCT Aug 2015
- Sweden proposes to increase Vitamin D fortification to US levels - May 2015
- Cost of getting 400 IU of vitamin D from food has risen much faster than CPI – April 2015
- 1700 IU vitamin D for a year provided no cardiovascular benefit (no surprise) – RCT Oct 2014
- Vitamin D fortification of foods, cosmetics, by mfg and at home (India) - Sept 2014
- Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
- Schizophrenia increased 40 percent for Spring births after Danes stopped vitamin D fortification – April 2014
- Vitamin D fortification of milk helps (proven in Gemany this time) – RCT Dec 2013
- 5,000 IU of vitamin D (in bread) was great – should have continued forever – Oct 2013
- ODIN: Europeans study vitamin D fortification and testing
- 5000 IU of vitamin D in daily bread resulted in 50 ng and improved quality of life– May 2014
- Sweden has fortified low-fat milk with a small amount of vitamin D since 1983
- Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)
- Thoughts on improving vitamin D policies - Vieth Nov 2013
- Germany does not fortify ANY food with vitamin D, is considering 1000 IU from bread – Nov 2013
- Feed chicken lots of vitamin D, get 6000 IU per egg with no change in production – Nov 2013
- Type 1 diabetes starting to decrease in Finland, they started Vitamin D fortification in 2003 – July 2013
- Danish study of childhood diseases vs vitamin D fortification – May 2013
- 400 IU of Vitamin D fortification of food almost stopped winter decline – Aug 2013
- Milk, at 100 IU per glass, no longer provides enough vitamin D – Aug 2013
- Most milk did not have the 400 IU of vitamin D - 1992
- Saudi have very little vitamin D fortification of food - April 2013
- UK Milk producer sets vitamin D day, yet UK milk rarely has vitamin D – March 31 2013
- Can fortify food with 1000 IU of vitamin D - Italy, March 2013
- Milk fortification of 1000 IU got most children above 20ng of vitamin D – March 2013
- Fortification with Vitamin D
- Consumerlabs Supplement Survey – Highlights Feb 2013
- How to get Vitamin D and cofactors without taking pills
- Vitamin D home fortification- don't wait 100 years for your govt
- Add vitamin D to animal feed to fortify the resulting human food – Oct 2012
- A balanced diet is no longer enough – supplements needed - VitaminDWiki Oct 2012
- FDA raises the amount of vitamin D2 fortification in bread – Aug 2012
- More Calcium absorbed from formula than breast milk, lacking vitamin D – Aug 2012
- Most people have major problems of milk as a source of vitamin D
- Improved health due to vitamin D fortification in Finland
- Should NZ and Australia increase vitamin D fortification - June 2012
- Food fortified by 440 IU increased vitamin D levels by 8 ng – meta-analysis June 2012
- Vitamin D and Folate fortification of foods - April 2012
- Vitamin D review from Ireland - April 2012
- Diabetics helped with food fortified with 1000 IU vitamin D and Calcium – March 2012
- Vitamin D can fortify a variety of food and drinks – even beer – March 2012
- 5000 IU vitamin D3 added daily to bread raised blood levels to 50 ng – 2009
- Vitamin D fortification of food - review Dec 2011
- 200 IU per 100 gram of egg yoke when add vitamin D to poultry feed in Europe – Aug 2011
- Vitamin D history back to Egyptians and fortification - Aug 2011
- FOODLets or Sprinkles might increase vitamin D in children
- Cheese fortified with vitamin D
- Snack fortification – Calcium and 30000 IU vitamin D monthly helped – Jan 2011
- Suppliers surmounting vitamin D fortification challenges – March 2010
- A plea for vitamin D food fortification in India - May 2010
Determination of vitamin D in foods - New Zealand 2014
Includes technical concerns such as light and heat stability
Found that Liposomal-form was better than water- soluable form for Cheese fortification
Only permit 100 IU of vitamin D per 10 grams of edible oil
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A Review of Vitamin D Fortification: Implications for Nutrition Programming in Southeast Asia - 2013
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TABLE 3. Summary of findings of different surveys (including all category groups)Places where the
studies were implementedAll of these studies except one in Romania and another in Mongolia were conducted in developed countries. Most of these countries were located in high latitude regions (30°N or higher). Seasonal variation was obvious for vitamin D deficiency, and most studies were conducted during winter. Food vehicles used The common food carriers for vitamin D fortification included milk, cheese, and other dairy products (both regular-fat and low-fat); margarine; oil spread; orange juice; and bread. Fortification levels The fortification level of these studies varied from 2.5 to 125 µg /day; the most common doses were between 5 and 25 µg/day (1 to 5 times AI). The fortification level for each food depended on the intake and characteristics of that food (e.g., 0.5 µg/100 mL for milk and 10 µg/100 g for margarine in Finland). Impacts of the studies
on 25OHD concentration20 studies showed beneficial effects of vitamin D fortification on 25OHD concentration or vitamin D deficiency. The magnitude of mean 25OHD concentration improvement varied from 2 to 97.1 nmol/L; the most common improvements were between 9.9 and 34.5 nmol/L. The magnitude was significantly related to the fortification level used (n = 8, r = 0.98, p < .01), which is also supported by the meta-analysis of Black et al. [19]. For example, fortification with the lowest (2.5 µg/day) and the highest (125 µg/day) amounts of vitamin D resulted in the smallest (2 nmol/L) and the largest (97.1 nmol/L) improvements in 25OHD, respectively. Impact of the studies
on other markersVitamin D fortification suppressed PTH in 8 of 14 studies. When products fortified with both vitamin D and calcium were consumed, BMD increased in various locations, including hip, femoral neck, ultradistal radius, spine, and pelvis. However, it is difficult to attribute the benefits to vitamin D or calcium alone, due to the design of these studies. Toxicity No adverse effects were reported when food fortified with 100 µg/day vitamin D was consumed for 2 months. Serum calcium concentration, a biomarker for vitamin D toxicity, did not increase during 1 year of intervention with 125 µg/day vitamin D, although urinary calcium concentration increased at 3, 6, and 9 months, but not at 12 months. When 25 µg/day vitamin D or less was consumed, some subjects reported gastrointestinal discomfort. AI, Adequate Intake; BMD, bone mineral density; 25OHD, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; PTH, parathyroid hormone
Fortification in the Middle East:
UK fortification review (assumes 400 IU is enough, and only need in winter) - May 2024
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Fortification with Vitamin D17502 visitors, last modified 04 Jun, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 21263 Fortifying foods and drinks with vitamin D UK_CompressPdf.pdf admin 04 Jun, 2024 129.30 Kb 65 12785 Fortification types Sci-Hub 2019_compressed.pdf admin 13 Oct, 2019 520.40 Kb 1646 10258 Fortification vs year.jpg admin 31 Jul, 2018 50.94 Kb 945 7881 Vit D fortification SE Asia 2013.pdf admin 26 Mar, 2017 375.14 Kb 1246 7880 NZ fortification 2014.pdf admin 26 Mar, 2017 701.69 Kb 1946