Toggle Health Problems and D

DNA analysis of genes (Polygenic risk) shows increased risk of 9 health problems (all 9 fought by Vitamin D) – Feb 2024

Selection, optimization and validation of ten chronic disease polygenic risk scores for clinical implementation in diverse US populations

Nature Medicine volume 30, pages 480–487 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-024-02796-z
Niall J. Lennon, Leah C. Kottyan, Christopher Kachulis, Noura S. Abul-Husn, Josh Arias, Gillian Belbin, Jennifer E. Below, Sonja I. Berndt, Wendy K. Chung, James J. Cimino, Ellen Wright Clayton, John J. Connolly, David R. Crosslin, Ozan Dikilitas, Digna R. Velez Edwards, QiPing Feng, Marissa Fisher, Robert R. Freimuth, Tian Ge, The GIANT Consortium, The All of Us Research Program, Joseph T. Glessner, Adam S. Gordon, Candace Patterson, …Eimear E. Kenny (80 authors)


100 to 1,000,000 gene SNPs

Varies of lot with race
Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) have improved in predictive performance, but several challenges remain to be addressed before PRSs can be implemented in the clinic, including reduced predictive performance of PRSs in diverse populations, and the interpretation and communication of genetic results to both providers and patients. To address these challenges, the National Human Genome Research Institute-funded Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network has developed a framework and pipeline for return of a PRS-based genome-informed risk assessment to 25,000 diverse adults and children as part of a clinical study. From an initial list of 23 conditions, ten were selected for implementation based on PRS performance, medical actionability and potential clinical utility, including cardiometabolic diseases and cancer. Standardized metrics were considered in the selection process, with additional consideration given to strength of evidence in African and Hispanic populations. We then developed a pipeline for clinical PRS implementation (score transfer to a clinical laboratory, validation and verification of score performance), and used genetic ancestry to calibrate PRS mean and variance, utilizing genetically diverse data from 13,475 participants of the All of Us Research Program cohort to train and test model parameters. Finally, we created a framework for regulatory compliance and developed a PRS clinical report for return to providers and for inclusion in an additional genome-informed risk assessment. The initial experience from eMERGE can inform the approach needed to implement PRS-based testing in diverse clinical settings.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
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Various forms of PRSs are available to consumers through commercial platforms such as 23andMe, Myriad Genetics (riskScore), Allelica, Ambry Genetics, and others, and several noncommercial studies have explored the clinical use of PRSs in direct-to-participant models

Note: The word VITAMIN does not occur once in the study

Polygenic Risk Scores: Ready for Prime Time? (yes) Eric Topol Feb 2024

Polygenic Risk Scores: at 23andMe as of late 2023
Anxiety, Asthma, Atrial Fibrillation, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cat Allergy, Coronary Artery Disease, Diverticulitis, Dog Allergy, Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis), Fibromyalgia, Gallstones, Gestational Diabetes, Glaucoma, Gout, Hashimoto’s Disease, HDL Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Stones, LDL Cholesterol, Lupus, Melanoma, Migraine, Nearsightedness, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Panic Attacks, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Preeclampsia, Psoriasis, Restless Legs Syndrome, Rosacea, Seasonal Allergies, Severe Acne, Triglycerides, Uterine Fibroids

 Download the 23andMe PDF from VitaminDWiki

Overview Asthma and Vitamin D contains

The worse the bronchial asthma, the lower the vitamin D – Jan 2017
click on the chart to see the study

VitaminDWiki – Atrial Fibrillation decreased by Vitamin D or Magnesium - many studies

VitaminDWiki – Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains:

VitaminDWiki – Chronic Kidney contains

Chronic Kidney Disease decreases Vitamin D level in 4 ways
4X more Chronic Kidney disease patients are now using vitamin D – March 2014
Vitamin D testers have different test results if there is chronic kidney disease – Sept 2019
Kidney dialysis often filters out vitamin D
Low vitamin D causes many health problems, such as weak bones
Want to have good Vitamin D levels to prevent CKD from causing other health problems
Higher vitamin D levels can treat CKD 50 ng   80 ng
Monthly dosing appears better than daily for CKD and many other health problems
CKD also decreases Vitamin K2-7
Form of vitamin D to be used; normal, Calcitriol, or synthetic
Non-oral form is often better for CKD ( topical, emulsion swished in mouth, patch cream, etc)

VitaminDWiki – Cardiovascular category:

529 items In Cardiovascular category

Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022

Cholesterol, Statins

Hypercholesterolemia and Vitamin D - Perplexity AI July 2024

See also VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki - Overview Prostate Cancer and Vitamin D contains:

All items in category Prostate Cancer and Vitamin D 103 items


The Meta-analysis of Prostate Cancer

Vitamin D prevents/treats Prostate Cancer much better when there is not excess Calcium
Prostate cancer risk increase with Vitamin D (other studies disagree) – meta-analysis Jan 2018 prevention
Prostate cancer reduced when 4000 IU vitamin D was added– Hollis RCT April 2015 treatment
7X increase in stage IV Prostate Cancer survival when vitamin D greater than 32 ng – May 2013
Never too late to have vitamin D - loading dose is great before Prostate Surgery

VitaminDWiki - T1 Diabetes 50+ studies

VitaminDWiki – Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains 490 T2D studies

  • Diabetes is 5X more frequent far from the equator
  • Children getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D are 8X less likely to get Type 1 diabetes
  • Obese people get less sun / Vitamin D - and also vitamin D gets lost in fat
  • Sedentary people get less sun / Vitamin D
  • Worldwide Diabetes increase has been concurrent with vitamin D decrease and air conditioning
  • Elderly get 4X less vitamin D from the same amount of sun
        Elderly also spend less time outdoors and have more clothes on
  • All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D 551 items: both Type 1 and Type 2

Vitamin D appears to both prevent and treat diabetes

Number of articles in both categories of Diabetes and:

  • Dark Skin 24;   Intervention 56;   Meta-analysis 40;   Obesity 36;  Pregnancy 44;   T1 (child) 39;  Omega-3 11;  Vitamin D Receptor 24;  Genetics 13;  Magnesium 29    Click here to see details

Some Diabetes studies

50 ng of Vitamin D fights Diabetes

T1 Diabetes


Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Magnesium - many studies
Diabetic Epidemic

  • Step back to 1994. Suppose an epidemic struck the United States, causing blindness, kidney failure, and leg amputations in steadily increasing numbers.
    Suppose that in less than a decade's time, the epidemic had victimized one out of every eight people
    That epidemic is real, and its name is diabetes, now the nation's sixth leading cause of death.
    Chart from the web (2018?)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
21410 Polygenic Scores 23andMe_CompressPdf.pdf admin 08 Jul, 2024 435.29 Kb 39
21409 PRS odds ratio vs race.webp admin 07 Jul, 2024 17.98 Kb 36
21408 PRS SNPs.webp admin 07 Jul, 2024 7.52 Kb 91
21407 PRS table.webp admin 07 Jul, 2024 31.36 Kb 87
21406 polygenic risk_CompressPdf.pdf admin 07 Jul, 2024 798.30 Kb 745