Vitamin D supplementation does not improve CVD risk factors in vitamin D insufficient subjects.
Endocr Connect. 2018 May 15. pii: EC-18-0144. doi: 10.1530/EC-18-0144. [Epub ahead of print]
Kubiak JM1, Thorsby PM2, Kamycheva E3, Jorde R4.
Study supplemented those with low vitamin D with 20,000 IU weekly for just 4 months
20,000 IU weekly = 2,900 IU daily
Many studies are recommending that everyone needs at least 4,000 IU daily for health
See also VitaminDWiki
- Hypertension not controlled by 26 ng of Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly A-A) – RCT Nov 2017
- Chronic Heart Failure reduced by 4,000 IU daily for a year – RCT April 2016
- Heart failure markers reduced by 400 IU of vitamin D and Calcium (surprise) – RCT Jan 2015
- 1700 IU vitamin D for a year provided no cardiovascular benefit (no surprise) – RCT Oct 2014
- Major heart problems if have less than 15 ng of Vitamin D – Nov 2015
- Blood pressure reduced by monthly 100,000 IU of vitamin D in those who were deficient – RCT Oct 2017 Trial lasted for 12 months, not 4 months
- Prediabetes reduced by monthly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT May 2015
- Trial lasted for 12 months, not 4 months
- 3000 IU reduced hypertension for the vitamin D insufficient – RCT Aug 2012
- Trial lasted for 5 months
- Diabetes treated if given enough vitamin D (example: 50,000 IU weekly) – review of RCT - Jan 2017
Cardiovascular category starts with the following
Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022
- Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
- Cardiovascular Disease is treated by Vitamin D - many studies 39+ meta-analyses
- Coronary Artery Disease and Vitamin D - many studies 18+
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by Omega-3 - many studies 34+
- Arteries and Atherosclerosis and Vitamin D - many studies 71+
- Atrial Fibrillation decreased by Vitamin D or Magnesium - many studies 26+
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies 25+
- Arterial Stiffness and Vitamins – only Vitamin D was found to help – meta-analysis Feb 2022
- Those raising Vitamin D above 30 ng were 1.4 X less likely to die of Heart Attack (VA 19 years) – Oct 2021
- Giving free vitamin D to every Iranian would pay for itself by just reducing CVD – Oct 2021
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest – 2.8 X higher risk if low vitamin D – 2019
- Peripheral arterial disease risk is 1.5X higher if low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
- Heart attack ICU costs cut in half by Vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Cardiovascular disease 2.3 X more-likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2022
Cholesterol, Statins
- Cholesterol is needed to produce both Vitamin D and Cortisol
- Overview Cholesterol and vitamin D
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies statins often reduce levels of vitamin D
- Statin side-effects are reduced by Vitamin D – US patent Application – April 2019
Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains the following summary
- Diabetes is 5X more frequent far from the equator
- Children getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D are 8X less likely to get Type 1 diabetes
- Obese people get less sun / Vitamin D - and also vitamin D gets lost in fat
- Sedentary people get less sun / Vitamin D
- Worldwide Diabetes increase has been concurrent with vitamin D decrease and air conditioning
- Elderly get 4X less vitamin D from the same amount of sun
Elderly also spend less time outdoors and have more clothes on - All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D
552 items: both Type 1 and Type 2 Vitamin D appears to both prevent and treat diabetes
- Appears that >2,000 IU will Prevent
- Appears that >4,000 IU will Treat , but not cure
- 90% less T2 Diabetes in the group having lots of Vitamin D
- Appears that Magnesium helps both Prevention and Treatment
- Many diabetics would be better treated if Gut-Friendly Vitamin D were used
Number of articles in both categories of Diabetes and:
- Dark Skin
24 ; Intervention 56 ; Meta-analysis 40 ; Obesity 36 ; Pregnancy 44 ; T1 (child) 39 ; Omega-3 11 ; Vitamin D Receptor 24 ; Genetics 13 ; Magnesium 30 Click here to see details Some Diabetes studies
- Take Vitamin D to prevent prediabetes from progressing into diabetes – American Diabetic Association – 2024
- Diabetes and Vitamin D meta-analyses - many studies 39+ as of Nov 2024
- 99.7% of people who got Diabetes had been regularly consuming food emulsifiers - May 2024
- Type 2 Diabetes treated by Vitamin D (often 50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis July 2023
- Diabetic inflammation synergistically decreased by Vitamin D and exercise – RCT June 2022
- Incidence of Type-2 Diabetes increased 3X in 30 years (by the way, Vitamin D helps) – July 2022
- Vitamin d treats Type II Diabetes in many ways (14 article review) - Sept 2021
- T2 Diabetes 30 percent more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis of 47 studies – July 2021
50 ng of Vitamin D fights Diabetes
- Saudi study defines normal Vitamin D level to be 50 to 70 ng (diabetes, etc.) - June 2020
- Diabetes 5X less likely if more than 50 ng of Vitamin D – April 2018
T1 Diabetes
- T1 Diabetes 3X lower risk if high vitamin D (over 40 ng) – Meta-analysis Nov 2020
- Type 1 Diabetes is prevented and treated by Vitamin D – review of 16 studies – Sept 2019
- Type 1 Diabetes prevention with Vitamin D and Omega-3 – Symposium April 2019
- 4X reduction in prediabetes progressing to T2D if more than 50 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2023
- Prediabetes reduced by weekly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2021
- Prediabetes 1.5 X more likely to go away if take Vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2020
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Magnesium - many studies
Diabetes category starts with the following
552 items In Diabetes category 34+ Prediabetes studies 64+ Type 1 Diabetes studies see also Overview Diabetes and vitamin D Overview Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D
Autoimmune category listing has204 items along with related searches
Hypertension category listing contains the following
166 items in the category HYPERTENSION see also
Overview Overview Hypertension and Vitamin D
Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
Overview Stroke and vitamin D
Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade
Some interesting Hypertension studies- Hypertension risk decreased 10X by increasing vitamin D levels to more than 40 ng – Nov 2017
- Hypertension risk reduced 4X if adequate level of Vitamin D – July 2024
- COVID-19 deaths 4 to 7 X more likely if Diabetic, Hypertensive, or CVD - meta-analysis March 2020
- Magnesium reduces hypertension - FDA allows claim - Jan 2022
- Drug-resistant hypertension 3.5 X more likely if low vitamin D – March 2020
- High Blood Pressure reduced by Vitamin D supplementation in seniors and obese – meta-analysis May 2019
- Blood pressure in diabetics reduced by 12 weekly doses of 50,000 IU vitamin D – RCT Jan 2014
- Hypertension is associated with low vitamin D in some groups – meta-analysis April 2015
- Off Topic – Hypertension in 42 percent of adults (new definition: 130 mm Hg) – Feb 2018
- Men aged 40-59 59%, age >60 75%: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2017–2018
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Low serum 25(OH)D levels are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and some of its risk factors. However, in interventional studies the effects of vitamin D supplementation have been uncertain, possibly due to inclusion of vitamin D sufficient subjects. Our aim was therefore to examine effects of vitamin D supplementation on CVD risk factors in vitamin D insufficient subjects.DESIGN: Double-blinded randomized controlled trial.
METHODS: A four months interventional study with high dose vitamin D (100 000 IU loading dose, followed by 20 000 IU/week) or placebo with measurements of:
- blood pressure,
- lipids (total-, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoproteins A1 and B ), and
- glucose metabolism parameters
(blood glucose,HbA1c, sRAGE (minor improvement), insulin, C-peptide, and HOMA-IR).
422 subjects with mean serum 25(OH)D level 34 nmol/L were included, with 411 subjects completing the study. Serum 25(OH)D levels increased with 56 nmol/L and decreased with 4 nmol/L in the vitamin D and placebo group, respectively. We found no statistically significant differences between the two groups in any of the measured CVD risk factors, except for a minor increase in sRAGE in the vitamin D group.
Stratified analyses of subjects with low baseline serum 25(OH)D levels alone, or combined with blood pressure, lipid and HOMA-IR values above the median for the cohort, did not skew the results in favour of vitamin D supplementation.CONCLUSION: Supplementation with vitamin D in subjects with baseline vitamin D insufficiency does not improve CVD risk factors profile.
PMID: 29764903 DOI: 10.1530/EC-18-0144
Cardiovascular risk markers not helped by 20,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT May 201812431 visitors, last modified 10 Sep, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)